15% of US citizens made crypto transactions as of mid-2022

1 year ago

JP Morgan’s caller report revealed that astir 15% of individuals successful the U.S. person issued transfers into crypto accounts, according to numbers from mid-2022. The elaborate demographic information besides indicates that Men, Asians, and higher-income younker person the highest crypto adoption successful the country.

JP Morgan looked into its 5 cardinal progressive checking relationship customers and estimated the results accordingly. The study comments connected the main uncovering and states:

“The inclination has imaginable implications for the wellness of household equilibrium sheets, fixed marketplace volatility and uncertainty of however usage of crypto-assets whitethorn evolve.”


According to the numbers, the Millennials person the highest crypto adoption, with 20%. Generation X and Baby Boomers travel the Millenials arsenic the 2nd and third, with 11% and 4%, respectively.

Crypto adoption by generations and genderCrypto adoption by generations and gender

Men are represented with the bluish blocks, portion women are shown with the yellowish ones. The information shows that men person astir doubly arsenic overmuch adoption arsenic women crossed each generations. In addition, the median full gross transfers for men is astir $1,000 and lone $400 for women.

The radical statistic are focused lone connected the millennials since they represent the bulk of crypto users successful the sample. However, the information shows that users of Asian root person the highest engagement rate, with 27%.

Crypto adoption by contention    and incomeCrypto adoption by contention and income

Hispanic and Black users shared the 2nd spot with 21% adoption, portion users identified arsenic White appeared to person the lowest adoption complaint with astir 10%.


Racial statistic besides proved that the magnitude transferred into a crypto-related relationship accrued arsenic the users’ income increased, careless of race.

The correlation betwixt the income and the magnitude transferred to a crypto relationship is valid for each individuals successful the sample. While acknowledging that the level of crypto engagement is higher for higher-income individuals, the study besides stated that the median gross magnitude transferred to crypto crossed the illustration is astir $620.

Crypto users surge during highest market.

According to the report, the fig of users who transferred funds into a crypto relationship tripled during the COVID-19 crisis.

Fist clip  crypto users 2017-2022First-time crypto users 2017-2022

Most users issued their archetypal transactions during the aforesaid 5 months, corresponding with the highest BTC price.

The information besides revealed that individuals successful the highest income radical purchased crypto portion the prices were comparatively low. On the different hand, users successful the lowest income radical purchased from the higher terms levels, which suggests little concern returns.

BTC prices and first-time crypto purchases based connected  income quartiles for millennialsBTC prices and first-time crypto purchases based connected income quartiles for millennials

The illustration supra lone considers the millennials and groups them based connected their gross income levels. The lowest income quartile appears to person purchased crypto for the archetypal clip portion the BTC terms was lingering astir $45,500.

On the different hand, members of the highest income quartile had purchased crypto erstwhile BTC was arsenic debased arsenic $42,400.

The station 15% of US citizens made crypto transactions arsenic of mid-2022 appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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