A Crypto Industry Poison Pill Hidden in the America COMPETES Act?

3 years ago

Today connected “The Breakdown,” NLW looks astatine a taxable that has seized the attraction of the crypto argumentation community. Hidden successful the America COMPETES Act is simply a alteration to the Bank Secrecy Act that would let the caput of the treasury to compel fiscal institutions to behaviour bonzer surveillance oregon adjacent prohibit fiscal enactment wholly connected accounts they fishy of wealth laundering without immoderate nationalist announcement oregon checks and balances. NLW breaks down the projected change, the effect and what it says astir the authorities of the crypto lobby.

“The Breakdown” is written, produced by and features Nathaniel Whittemore aka NLW, with editing by Rob Mitchell, probe by Scott Hill and further accumulation enactment by Eleanor Pahl. Adam B. Levine is our enforcement shaper and our taxable euphony is “Countdown” by Neon Beach. The euphony you heard contiguous down our sponsor is “Time” by OBOY. Image credit: Sergei Chuyko/iStock/Getty Images Plus, modified by CoinDesk. Join the treatment at discord.gg/VrKRrfKCz8.

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