Allocation Update: Q2 2023

1 year ago
Community & educationDeFi Security SummitSummit successful Paris, France covering each angles of DeFi information including auditing, tooling, and bug mitigation, by exploring immoderate of the biggest DeFi exploits and diving into applicable ways to summation information sum for code.Community & educationDWeb Camp & Global Fellows ProgramInternet ArchiveFive-day lawsuit with the intent of tackling real-world challenges facing web3 and co-creating decentralized technologies of the future.Community & educationETHBarcelonaConference and hackathon successful Barcelona, Spain covering topics specified arsenic nationalist goods, privacy, and scalability.Community & educationETH BelgradeConference and hackathon successful Belgrade, Serbia covering topics specified arsenic zero cognition (ZK), infrastructure, and scaling.Community & educationEthereum Argentina ConferenceConference successful Buenos Aires, Argentina with beginner and precocious contented connected topics specified arsenic sharding, ZK, and staking.Community & educationEthereum SingaporeHackathon focused connected societal interaction and league covering topics specified arsenic ZK and layer 2s (L2s), held successful Singapore.Community & educationEthereum Slovenia MeetupMeetup successful Ljubljana, Slovenia to relaunch Ethereum Slovenia community's grassroots activities.Community & educationEthereum Uruguay Third Edition EventEvent successful Montevideo, Uruguay with talks and developer workshops covering topics specified arsenic nationalist goods, web3 onboarding, and account abstraction.Community & educationETHKLSupport to signifier Ethereum acquisition and grassroots assemblage activities successful Malaysia, including a league and hackathon, section meetups, and a hacker house.Community & educationETH Latam HondurasETH KipuConference to stock knowledge, experiences, and acquisition astir Ethereum successful Latin America, organized for 2024 and acceptable successful Honduras.Community & educationETHPragueConference and hackathon successful Prague, Czech Republic focused connected the aboriginal of Ethereum and imaginable concepts oregon applications that don't yet exist.Community & educationETHRomeHackathon successful Rome, Italy focusing connected governance and privacy-preserving technologies.Community & educationETH WarsawConference and hackathon successful Warsaw, Poland focusing connected topics specified arsenic security, L2s, and decentralized identity.Community & educationSMT 2023Workshop that aims to bring unneurotic researchers moving connected Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) and users of SMT techniques and tools.Community & educationWeb3 Lagos ConferenceWeb3BridgeConference successful Lagos, Nigeria covering topics specified arsenic Ethereum upgrades, nationalist goods, and account abstraction.Community & educationWeb3Privacy NowResearch task to enactment with the assemblage towards a model to explore, analyze, and measure privateness successful web3 protocols, dapps, and services.Consensus layerData Availability Sampling R&DEchoData Availability Sampling (DAS) R&D enactment that includes processing a hardened S-Kademlia prototype, penning a lit reappraisal and summaries, and supporting different ongoing DAS grants.Consensus layerDistributed Systems and/or Formal Verification ResearchConsenSys Dependable Distributed Systems TeamResearch connected cardinal areas successful the Ethereum protocol roadmap wrong the domains of ceremonial verification and distributed systems plan and analysis.Consensus layereth-dutiesTobias WohlandSelf-hosted infrastructure instrumentality that helps stakers and validators with Ethereum node/client attraction by providing an overview of the upcoming duties of their progressive validators.GitHub, TwitterConsensus layerImplementation of PEPC with an In-Protocol PBSDiego EstevezImplementing a proof-of-concept of Protocol-Enforced Proposer Commitments (PEPC) which allows validators to participate into commitments with 3rd parties, on with a protocolized mentation of vanilla proposer-builder separation (PBS) for it.TwitterConsensus layerMinRoot VDF ResearchCompensating cryptographers for the MinRoot information probe completed during the verifiable hold relation (VDF) lawsuit successful Lyon, France.Consensus layerNimbus Consensus Layer ClientStatusContinued improvement of the Nimbus statement furniture client, which involves sustaining show and stableness connected accumulation beacon chain, performing R&D connected airy clients, and creating nationalist documentation.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsAnon Aadhaar SDK SupportYanis MezianeCreate a acceptable of tools that improves developer acquisition and enables immoderate developer to integrate the Anon Aadhaar circuit with the proof carrying data (PCD) bundle improvement kit (SDK).Cryptography & zero cognition proofsChiquitoSteve WangChiquito is simply a step-based high-level Rust DSL (Pychiquito is simply a Python DSL for Chiquito) that provides amended syntax and abstraction for constraint gathering and file placement erstwhile penning plonkish circuits and has a halo2 backend, and different backends are successful the works.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsLambdadelta - Decentralized Event Feed ProtocolreilgunDecentralized, peer-to-peer, and permissionless multiwriter lawsuit provender that is some anonymous and private. A room that implements the protocol and a proof-of-concept application that uses the room volition besides beryllium developed.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsEfficientZKMLArtem Grigor & Georg WieseResearch to validate that utilizing Weightless Neural Networks successful zero-knowledge instrumentality learning (ZKML) usage cases is simply a promising absorption to pursue.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsEPFL Cryptographic Research GroupSupporting an EPFL Cryptographic Research Group for 1 year, led by Associate Professor Alessandro Chiesa and comprising 2 PhD students and 1 postdoctoral researcher.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsHyperNovaOskarProof-of-concept implementation and a method writeup of HyperNova, a caller folding/accumulation strategy akin to halo2 but for sum check-based protocols.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsIsokratiaAmir BolousTrust-minimized governance level that uses off-chain, escaped voting and recursive SNARKs to summation decentralization and trim spot assumptions.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsP-256 Smart Contract Wallet with zk-SNARKsRichard LiuExpand Ethereum transaction signatures to biometric attestation methods by processing a astute declaration wallet with P-256 signature verification and a zk-SNARK on-chain verifier.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsRust Implementation of Interactive Zero-Knowledge ProtocolsPADO LabsBuild open-source Rust implementations of foundational multi-party computation components, and instrumentality a authorities of the creation "Silent OT" protocol, i.e. Ferret.TelegramCryptography & zero cognition proofsSemaphore ProtocolVivian PlasenciaContinued improvement of Semaphore's command-line interface, website and documentation, boilerplate, and assemblage support.GitHubCryptography & zero cognition proofsUniRep ProtocolContinued improvement of UniRep, specifically moving connected its astute contract, circuit, wide testing, and different unfastened issues.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsZeta Function TechnologiesResearch connected caller pairing-based protocols specified arsenic cached quotients, and applying them to physique faster SNARKs for a fewer important widely-used primitives.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsZK Circuits for ZK EigenTrustContinued improvement of ZK EigenTrust, a estimation absorption algorithm for peer-to-peer networks utilizing the halo2 proving system.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsZKEmailSora SuegamiEmail verification strategy utilizing zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), which developers tin usage to physique assorted applications by designing the contented of the emails to beryllium verified.Cryptography & zero cognition proofszkGitHungry Cats StudioEnd-user exertion that allows developers to prove, successful ZK, that they person contributed to a GitHub repository.Cryptography & zero cognition proofszkMemoryOrochi NetworkResearch, spec, and instrumentality representation handling circuit constraining techniques to beryllium utilized wrong the ZKVMs context.Cryptography & zero cognition proofsZKP2PAlex Soong, Brian Weickmann, Richard Liang, & Sachin KumarTrustless peer-to-peer fiat onramp that tin beryllium built connected apical of immoderate web2 outgo rails without support from the outgo web itself.Developer acquisition & toolingRecovery PulseAndreas Tsamados, Constantin, & Vijay KrishnavanshiA UX-friendly notation implementation model for astute declaration betterment that incorporates the caller Recovery Pulse architecture.Developer acquisition & toolingrpcvmLeonard MittmanGolang bundle for accelerated and lightweight transaction simulation and debugging with Mainnet forking capability.Execution layerFluffy Portal ClientStatusContinued improvement of the Fluffy ultralight lawsuit for the Portal Network, aiming to alteration resource-restricted devices to entree and lend to the Ethereum web without needing to sync the afloat state.Execution layerNethermind 2023 Internship ProgramSupport for Nethermind's internship program, with a absorption connected halfway protocol contributors.Execution layerNimbus Execution Layer ClientStatusContinued improvement of the Nimbus execution furniture client, continuing to productionize by improving show and stableness arsenic good performing R&D connected airy clients and creating nationalist documentation.General maturation & supportKipu StakersETH KipuProgram that provides staking resources, education, and guidance successful Spanish to enactment Latin American communities and individuals who privation to tally their ain nodes and validators.Discord, EmailGeneral researchAcademic Grants RoundGrants circular backing ceremonial probe that aims to make much cognition astir Ethereum, blockchain technology, and related domains.Indirect fundingETHDam Quadratic Funding RoundQuadratic backing circular for the projects built during ETHDam's hackathon.Indirect fundingEthereum Honduras Quadratic Funding RoundQuadratic backing circular organized by Ethereum Honduras for nationalist goods projects.Layer 2Beaconcha.inBitflyAn open-source Ethereum explorer simplifying and making information much accessible to non-technical users, portion evolving the existent UX modular for explorers.Othermevboost.picsToni WahrstätterDashboard with charts and visualizations of Relay, Builder, and Proposer landscape.OtherTrusted Credential Issuer ManagementSpherityGeneral-purpose, Ethereum-based, open-source implementation modular for trusted issuer registries.Protocol maturation & supportAccount Abstraction Grants RoundGrants circular to promote development, research, and acquisition astir account abstraction and the indispensable infrastructure to enactment it.Protocol maturation & supportEphemery Testnetpk910 & Rémy RoyAutomatically reset testnet which enables a azygous investigating infrastructure consisting of ephemeral networks with deterministic parameters.Protocol maturation & supportKZG Ceremony Grants RoundGrants circular to enactment the Ethereum KZG Ceremony.Protocol maturation & supportmev-rs Implementation SupportOnlyDustSupport for OnlyDust assemblage for contributions to mev-rs.Protocol maturation & supportSummer of Protocols18-week programme aiming to catalyze broad-based and wide-ranging exploration of the rapidly evolving satellite of protocols.Protocol maturation & supportVerkle Tries Implementation SupportOnlyDustSupport for OnlyDust assemblage contributors for their enactment connected a Verkle Tries implementation for Hyperledger Besu.
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