Billions in BTC, ETH, XRP Flowed to Exchanges After Trump’s Reserve Plans

6 days ago

Billions successful XRP tokens and thousands of bitcoin were sent to exchanges soon aft U.S. President Donald Trump revealed plans to see the assets arsenic portion of a U.S. crypto strategical reserve, 1 that whitethorn person contributed to their accelerated terms reversals aft a surge.

Hourly inflows reached up to 193 cardinal XRP aft Trump’s connection with astir of the flows coming from whales (or influential holders of immoderate asset) executing transactions of 1 cardinal oregon much XRP, on-chain investigation steadfast CryptoQuant said successful a Tuesday report.

On the different hand, the hourly magnitude of bitcoin (BTC) flowing into exchanges accrued from 500-1,000 to a precocious of 6,739 BTC a time aft the announcement. Meanwhile, ETH inflows into exchanges spiked to astir 300,000 successful an hour.

Inflows to exchanges from funds and traders usually connote an volition to sell, arsenic ample token holdings are usually stored successful acold (or offline) wallets

Meanwhile, CryptoQuant analysts noted that the emergence and abrupt autumn of cryptocurrencies connected Monday and Tuesday indicated that existent spot request continued successful contraction territory.

“Bitcoin evident request maturation has continued to diminution aft a play of acceleration successful November–December 2024 spurred by the U.S. predetermination results and is present successful contraction territory for the archetypal clip since September 2024,” analysts said. “Unless Bitcoin request starts to summation again, sustaining a rally successful crypto prices volition stay challenging.”

Apparent request is an on-chain metric utilized to gauge the equilibrium betwixt Bitcoin's accumulation (newly minted coins done mining) and changes successful its inventory (coins that person been inactive for implicit a year). Retail accumulation has been down since aboriginal November, arsenic CoinDesk previously reported.

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