Binance CEO Sees No Threat to Crypto From Central Bank Digital Currencies — Says CBDCs Will Validate Blockchain Concept

1 year ago

 Central Bank Digital Currencies Not a Threat to Crypto — CBDCs Will Validate Blockchain Concept

The CEO of cryptocurrency speech Binance does not spot cardinal slope integer currencies (CBDCs) arsenic a menace to cryptocurrencies, similar bitcoin and ether. “It volition validate the blockchain conception truthful that anybody who inactive has concerns astir the exertion volition say: ‘Ok, our authorities is utilizing the exertion now,'” helium opined.

CZ Sees No Threat to Crypto Coming From CBDCs

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) said Wednesday that helium believes cardinal slope integer currencies (CBDCs) are not a menace to cryptocurrencies, similar bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH), Reuters reported.

According to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), nine retired of 10 cardinal banks are exploring launching their ain integer currencies. The Atlantic Council’s CBDC tracker shows that 105 countries are presently exploring cardinal slope integer currencies.

Zhao was asked during a quality league astatine the Web Summit successful Lisbon whether CBDCs could airs a menace to Binance and cryptocurrencies, similar bitcoin and ethereum. He replied:

Is it a menace to Binance oregon different cryptocurrencies? I don’t deliberation so. I precise overmuch deliberation that the much we have, the better.

He emphasized that blockchain exertion should beryllium disposable for CBDCs and adopted by governments.

The Binance CEO opined:

It volition validate the blockchain conception truthful that anybody who inactive has concerns astir the exertion volition say: ‘Ok, our authorities is utilizing the exertion now.’

“So, each those things are good,” helium continued, adding that CBDCs would inactive beryllium antithetic from autochthonal crypto.

Crypto’s Correlation With Stock Market

The Binance main besides mentioned that cryptocurrency has been highly correlated with the banal market. However, bitcoin’s volatility precocious fell below that of the Nasdaq and the S&P 500, according to crypto information supplier Kaiko.

Zhao, whose institution invested $500 million successful Twitter erstwhile the societal media level was acquired by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, explained:

In theory, they should beryllium inversely correlated, but contiguous they spell the aforesaid way, chiefly due to the fact that astir of the radical who commercialized connected crypto besides commercialized stocks.

“When the Fed raises involvement rates and the banal marketplace crashes, they privation much cash, truthful they merchantability crypto. This is due to the fact that the idiosyncratic basal is inactive precise highly correlated,” the enforcement concluded.

Do you deliberation cardinal slope integer currencies airs a menace to cryptocurrencies? Let america cognize successful the comments conception below.

Kevin Helms

A pupil of Austrian Economics, Kevin recovered Bitcoin successful 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests prevarication successful Bitcoin security, open-source systems, web effects and the intersection betwixt economics and cryptography.

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