Much has been written astir however intermittent renewables similar upwind and star negatively impact grid stableness and often request authorities subsidies to nutrient affirmative fiscal returns connected concern (ROI). Less good understood, but adjacent much important, is the information these intermittent renewables trim our planetary nett vigor surplus erstwhile compared to the coal, oil, earthy state and atomic vigor sources they replace. In different words, our existent technologies make a higher vigor output connected their vigor inputs versus upwind and solar.
The world’s existent modular of surviving is simply a nonstop effect of power-generation technologies producing a precocious vigor surplus. Research suggests energy from upwind and star is incapable to execute break-even levels comparative to the existing vigor surplus economical threshold, suggesting they volition diminish our aboriginal modular of living.
Understanding wherefore vigor surplus matters is cardinal to knowing quality progress. It is besides the cardinal to knowing however the Bitcoin network’s energy-reliant proof-of-work statement mechanics tin beryllium a instrumentality that expands society’s vigor surplus good into the 21st century.
What Is Energy Surplus?
Having an vigor surplus is cardinal to survival.
Take a cheetah, for example. A cheetah consumes a tremendous magnitude of vigor pursuing its prey. Many of these chases are unsuccessful. For the fewer that effect successful a kill, the vigor provided by eating its prey indispensable beryllium greater than each the vigor consumed successful anterior chases (and beryllium capable for the adjacent chase).
However, beyond the attraction vigor required conscionable to unrecorded and hunt, the vigor surplus indispensable besides beryllium ample capable to let a parent cheetah to springiness birth, caregiver her cubs and give clip and vigor to raising them. For a cheetah to unrecorded normally, its vigor surplus indispensable beryllium good supra a break-even level.
The aforesaid tin beryllium said of a fish, an insect, a histrion oregon immoderate organism oregon strategy that requires energy, including humans and quality economies. The larger the vigor surplus wrong a system, the much diverse, robust and resilient the strategy is due to the fact that it tin easy conscionable its basal needs with surplus vigor for reproduction, experimentation, innovation and growth.
Energy surplus, oregon nett energy, is measured by vigor returned connected vigor invested (EROEI). EROEI is the ratio of the vigor gathered by a strategy — numerator oregon the caloric vigor of the prey — to the vigor expended successful the process of gathering that vigor — denominator oregon the vigor expended connected the hunt. To beryllium accurate, the calculation should usage vigor units, preferably joules, the planetary modular for measuring the vigor contented of vigor and work.
Like a fiscal ROI, an EROEI > 1 shows that a strategy gathers much vigor than it expends to stitchery that energy, e.g., the cheetah eats much calories than it needs for basal functions. The effect is surplus vigor that allows a parent cheetah to springiness commencement and rise her cubs. When EROEI = 1 the vigor received equals the vigor spent (breakeven) and the cheetah hardly survives and cannot reproduce. An EROEI < 1 indicates that the strategy requires much vigor than it is capable to gather, e.g., the cheetah cannot survive.
In the quality world, an EROEI < 1 is besides a look for decease and extinction. An EROEI = 1 is simply a tenuous equilibrium betwixt beingness and decease with nary surplus vigor for societal maturation and advancement. However, a ample and expanding vigor surplus produced from precocious EROEI technologies has allowed quality civilization to grow and flourish creatively, technically and culturally.
Energy Is Real Wealth
Simply put, vigor is our existent wealthiness and our maturation depends connected however efficiently we person superior vigor into utile vigor that enables america to bash utile work. As humans evolved implicit millennia we developed amended and amended exertion to find and person progressively dense sources of superior vigor into utile energy.
For example, crude lipid contains astir 44 MJ/kg (megajoule per kilogram) of vigor energy, achromatic ember astir 25MJ/kg, adust wood astir 16MJ/kg and peats and grasses 6-7MJ/kg. When combusted, their stored chemic vigor produces heat. Additional exertion converts immoderate of that vigor to a much utile secondary vigor similar electricity. Human exertion continued to beforehand to beryllium capable to harness oil’s higher vigor density versus the peats and grasses that our distant ancestors utilized for fuel. From this denser vigor came exponential maturation successful society’s vigor surplus that besides unleashed monolithic gains successful technological innovation and standards of living.
While we often absorption connected a technology’s vigor ratio of converting substance into enactment (e.g., an interior combustion motor has an operating thermal ratio of +/- 25%), EROEI investigation takes a much holistic approach. It accounts for the further vigor costs of the materials and processes needed to physique the motor on with operating it. This is wherever EROEI investigation tin shed airy connected the vigor surplus of antithetic powerfulness works technologies.
For a powerfulness plant, the EROEI equals the vigor produced implicit the beingness of the works divided by the vigor that was required to build, run and decommission the plant. After including the vigor costs of its components similar alloy and factual and the vigor costs of its fuel, a fossil substance powerfulness works needs to nutrient astatine slightest the aforesaid magnitude of vigor implicit its lifespan to interruption adjacent connected an vigor basis. Same goes for renewables and nuclear.
However, moving an vigor break-even powerfulness works would beryllium pointless, since each the vigor produced successful the plant’s beingness cognition would beryllium offset by an adjacent magnitude of vigor consumed to physique and run the plant. There would beryllium nary vigor surplus for each the different things we request (food production, schools and hospitals, etc) and privation (museums, travel, sports, technological research, etc).
Recall that a cheetah requires an vigor surplus conscionable to unrecorded a mean life. So bash humans successful the 21st century, but to a overmuch greater degree.
What’s EROEI Got To Do With It?
One of the astir broad and rigorous analyses of antithetic powerfulness plants’ EROEIs is simply a brace of papers by Weißbach et al1. The authors applied a azygous bottom-up methodology to cipher the vigor costs (in terajoules) adjusted to exergy (the utilized/useful energy) embedded successful the materials, labour and substance supplies required to build, run and decommission assorted electricity-generating technologies. This utilized vigor concern was divided into the utilized vigor returned — the energy generated implicit the lifespan of each benignant of powerfulness works — to cipher idiosyncratic EROEIs.
The authors besides compared the typical works EROEIs to an economical EROEI, termed the “economical threshold.” This is approximated by the ratio of an economy’s GDP to its unweighted last vigor consumption. In signifier it is GDP divided by full extremity vigor depletion for the aforesaid clip play divided by the mean outgo of that extremity vigor consumption. The resulting quotient captures the economical worth of the “energy dividend” that the energy-producing portion of an system pays to the non-energy-producing parts of the economy.
A precocious and increasing economical threshold describes a satellite with highly businesslike energy-gathering processes that nutrient a ample vigor dividend allowing an system to diversify, turn and flourish. A declining economical threshold indicates a strategy successful contraction with little businesslike energy-gathering processes that assemblage retired different non-energy sectors starring to a diminution successful levels of economical prosperity.
The results of the paper’s investigation are shown successful the illustration below.

Notes: Exergy costs successful terajoules. Energy retention (buffering/load-following) costs applied uniformly arsenic a pump-storage system; artillery vigor costs are overmuch higher. Solar PV is photovoltaic star cells communal to rooftop installation, 1,000 highest hours annually. Solar CSP is concentrated star (thermal). Biomass is maize (maize), 55 ton/ha harvested (wet). Wind assumes 2,000 afloat load-hours annually. Gas CCGT is combined rhythm state turbine. Coal is simply a blend of hard (underground) and brownish (open pit), proscription excluded. Nuclear is accepted pressurized h2o reactors, enrichment: 83% centrifuge, 17% diffusion. Economic threshold typical of OECD-type countries. See enactment 3 for immoderate precautions erstwhile calculating EROEI.
It is wide that upwind and star person EROEIs that are orders of magnitude beneath established electricity-production technologies. They consistently underperform those of hydro, atomic and fossil substance powerfulness plants, and erstwhile vigor retention is included, their EROEIs further deteriorate.
Except for hydro, astir renewables can’t execute the break-even economical threshold. In different words, they can’t basal connected their own, energetically speaking. They would neglect if they had to present the vigor for their construction, cognition and decommissioning and are babelike connected the existing vigor surplus from fossil fuels and nuclear. Moreover, inserting them into our contiguous vigor premix arsenic replacements for existing fossil substance and atomic technologies volition dilute our existent economical wealth.
There are 4 main reasons intermittent renewables don’t measurement up:
- Wind and star technologies necessitate ample quantities of costly high-energy materials (steel, concrete, copper and PV panels) comparative to their lifecycle vigor output.
- Wind and star person shorter beingness cycles (20-30 years) than plants that tally connected fossil fuels, hydro oregon nuclear(50-70), which retrieve their archetypal vigor costs rapidly and person longer operating periods to make surpluses.
- Wind and star intermittency results successful little capableness factors (actual vigor output implicit clip vs imaginable vigor output) than hydro, atomic and thermal. This typically results successful overbuilding by 2-4x, which requires much materials and higher vigor concern costs.
- Intermittent upwind and star necessitate the summation of buffering via batteries to marque their energy utile to the grid. Energy retention is not caller energy, conscionable a clip displacement of energy use. Batteries are precise vigor intensive to manufacture and ever person an EROEI < 1. As a result, immoderate electricity-producing exertion requiring batteries volition person a little combined EROEI than the procreation constituent itself, arsenic Weißbach’s results show.
When we region high-EROEI technologies and regenerate them with low-EROEI technologies we alteration the full vigor surplus that supports regular beingness arsenic we cognize it. More of an system ends up being dedicated to energy-gathering activities astatine the disbursal of different economical sectors. It’s not the absorption humanity wants to spell aft decades of benefiting from precocious vigor surpluses straight attributable to fossil fuels.
Time To Go Nuclear
So what tin conscionable our increasing request for energy with the highest EROEIs? Nuclear.
Nuclear produces tremendous surplus vigor arsenic seen by its EROEI of 75. It produces much than doubly arsenic overmuch surplus vigor arsenic earthy state and coal.
Nuclear benefits from 3 important factors: it uses an energy-dense substance (3.5% enriched uranium has 3,900GJ/kg) comparative to the fuel’s vigor costs of production; it operates astatine the highest capableness factors of each disposable electricity-producing technologies; and it has the longest utile beingness cycles. Nuclear plants built astir sixty years agone are inactive operating contiguous astatine capableness factors that upwind and star advocates tin lone imagination about.
The bulk of atomic plants inactive usage the aforesaid reactor plan (pressurized water) from the 1950s, but this suggests that existent R&D into caller atomic technologies could pb to adjacent higher EROEI plants. As the highest vigor surplus exertion to person superior vigor (atomic) to utile vigor (electricity), atomic powerfulness should beryllium the go-to exertion for astir of our caller energy production.
Politics aside, by linking Bitcoin mining, the world’s astir portable and flexible root of large-scale energy request to nuclear, humanity tin propulsion its vigor surplus to adjacent higher levels. Instead of overbuilding low-EROEI, intermittent renewables similar upwind and solar, our extremity should beryllium to promote improvement of precocious EROEI atomic procreation utilizing Bitcoin mining’s unsocial attributes arsenic an incentive.
Nuclear powerfulness plants necessitate ample and unchangeable request loads fixed their indispensable precocious capableness factors. Bitcoin mining offers precisely this benignant of load profile. Using their standard and stability, Bitcoin miners tin co-locate with caller atomic projects successful bid to sorb their energy accumulation earlier the plant’s dispatch is afloat needed connected the grid. Then, fixed their inherent flexibility and portability, the supportive miners tin unplug from 1 works and relocate to the adjacent caller project. As society’s vigor needs proceed to grow, we tin guarantee that this pre-built high-EROEI energy proviso is acceptable and waiting.
Energy Is The Real Currency
“Energy is the lone cosmopolitan currency: 1 of its galore forms indispensable beryllium transformed to get thing done.”2 - Vaclav Smil, writer of “Energy And Civilization: A History.”
Money is conscionable a assertion connected energy. The occupation with fiat wealth is that it is disconnected from vigor owed to zero backing by a scarce and energy-based asset, and by changeless authorities manipulation.
Bitcoin, connected the different hand, is the purest monetary embodiment of vigor to date. It is simply a clear, nonstop and unmanipulated assertion connected energy’s economical value. Bitcoin’s proof-of-work statement mechanics makes this possible. Being the astir decentralized web successful the satellite volition guarantee it remains this mode good into the future. We are lone present opening to recognize conscionable however almighty proof-of-work volition beryllium successful reorienting quality effort towards highly affirmative nett energy-producing technologies.
Intermittent energy, arsenic presently pursued by its advocates, volition lone alteration the world’s existent vigor surplus, resulting successful achy declines successful standards of living. It is wide that immoderate electricity-production technologies are superior to others connected a nett vigor ground and without knowing this, our choices volition nutrient terrible unintended consequences. The 2022 vigor situation successful Europe revealed a much fragile strategy than we had antecedently understood and could awesome what aboriginal conditions volition look similar — rising costs and intermittent supply.
Thankfully, Bitcoin tin hole this. Bitcoin mining paired with improvement of caller atomic projects tin assistance reverse this people and grow the world’s vigor surplus to powerfulness the 21st century.
1 Weißbach et al., Energy 52 (2013)
Weißbach et al., EPJ Web of Conferences 189 (2018)
Raw information for chart:
2 “Energy and Civilization: A History,” Vaclav Smil (2017).
3 Some attraction is advisable erstwhile considering EROEI calculations:
First, methodology matters. Is the attack top-down (energy costs derived from fiat costs) oregon bottommost up (energy costs derived from worldly quantities and manufacturing processes)? The erstwhile tin easy confuse fiat with vigor units giving useless results. The latter, portion requiring much effort, is much accurate.
Second, portion EROEI is simply a elemental ratio to calculate, determination is not yet a modular explanation of strategy boundaries to usage erstwhile determining the numerator and denominator. Some analysts see lone the substance costs. Others see the costs of the plant. While inactive others see the costs of the works and further upstream costs incurred to beryllium capable to physique the plant. Weißbach et al. applied a azygous bound explanation implicit a afloat beingness rhythm appraisal for each benignant of powerfulness plant. The full vigor was besides adjusted to utilized vigor (exergy) invested and returned for each benignant of plant. This results successful 1 of the cleanest analyses available.
Third, EROEI is determination dependent. Windier locations person greater vigor returned connected the aforesaid vigor invested. The aforesaid goes for sunnier locations for solar. Fossil substance plants volition besides person varying EROEIs depending connected their proximity to substance supplies and the prime of substance available.
Even the EROEIs of fossil fuels similar ember and lipid mostly diminution implicit time. While the embedded vigor successful the chemic creation of akin grades of ember and lipid are the aforesaid betwixt antithetic stocks, the vigor required to stitchery those stocks has historically increased. Newer discoveries are mostly farther distant from extremity depletion and necessitate much vigor to extract. Today’s deep-water drilling is acold much costly successful vigor presumption than drilling was successful the East Texas Oil Field during the 1940s erstwhile the tract was young.
Lastly, similar a batch of information analysis, EROEI tin beryllium taxable to manipulation successful bid to warrant idiosyncratic biases and governmental objectives. However, EROEI has worth for comparative vigor surplus analysis. With accordant strategy boundaries and a defined calculation methodology it offers a standardized mode to comparison the nett vigor produced by assorted powerfulness works technologies without respect to their often distorted fiat ROIs.
This is simply a impermanent station by John Thompson. Opinions expressed are wholly their ain and bash not needfully bespeak those of BTC Inc oregon Bitcoin Magazine.