Bitcoin Is A Humanistic Alternative To Technological Salvation

1 year ago

This is an sentiment editorial by Nozomi Hayase Ph.D., who has a inheritance successful science and quality development.

The 2008 fiscal meltdown, with consequent slope bailouts and a rhythm of austerity, led to the weakening of the public’s spot successful governments and institutions. Bitcoin emerged arsenic a effect to this planetary situation of legitimacy.

Now, much than a decennary later, the economical harm created by the pandemic has triggered a further breakdown of the system. As the Federal Reserve’s infinite wealth printing creates precocious inflation, Bitcoin steadily increases its popularity arsenic a harmless haven.

At the aforesaid time, arsenic the aged system is being destroyed, the starring planetary institutions person stepped guardant to reboot the full system. The cardinal organization, the World Economic Forum (WEF), with the taxable of “The Great Reset,” prepares for the rollout of the cardinal slope integer currencies (CBDCs).

CBDC Versus Bitcoin

Agustin Carstens, caput of the Bank for International Settlements, explains CBDCs arsenic programmable wealth that gives issuers the powerfulness to power each transaction. Using these powers, issuers tin restrict what mean radical are allowed to walk wealth on.

In effect to cardinal banks creating their ain integer currencies, the archetypal cypherpunk and cryptographer, Adam Back tweeted:

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Now, Bitcoin and CBDCs, 2 antithetic types of integer currency with contrasting features, contention toward a planetary adoption. The crux of this contention involves antithetic visions of the world. The result of this contention volition find the aboriginal of humanity.

Shift Of Authority

The situation of legitimacy triggered by the fiscal panic of 2008 signaled the demise of the Western wide democracy. This has begun to make a displacement successful the locus of authorization successful our society.

The thought of ideology that inspired the commencement of the United States was based connected a humanistic worldview. In the past, authorization was placed successful the gods, and the ineffable text. People sought answers from the external. They turned to religion, the Bible and Popes for their decisions.

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A determination towards ideology brought a displacement successful values. It placed authorization successful quality hands, putting accent connected the individual. People who were seeking behavioral norms extracurricular of themselves began to trust connected their idiosyncratic experience.

Threat To Democracy

Yuval Noah Harari, Israeli nationalist intelligence and historian, talks about how, successful this situation of democracy, a menace to the humanistic worldview is present emerging from laboratories and probe departments successful places similar Silicon Valley.

Harrai, who is a pb advisor to Klaus Schwab, caput of the World Economic Forum (WEF), points out ways successful which subject is challenging the communicative of humanism.

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He explains that scientists are saying determination is nary specified happening arsenic escaped volition and that state is conscionable different myth, an bare word that humans person invented. He defines feelings arsenic biochemical processes of calculation and contends that determination is nary crushed to see them the highest authorization successful the world.


Harari, who has been praised by the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, and celebrated by tech workers successful Silicon Valley, explains however successful this twilight of democracy, authorization is present erstwhile again moving distant from humans. This time, helium states it is not immoderate gods supra the clouds that power quality destiny, but algorithms, and information successful the clouds of the Amazon and large tech giants.

He describes a caller gyration happening astir this displacement of authority. It is led by a “techno-religion”, the ideology that exertion provides salvation. He explains that this techno-religion is simply a information religion wrong which “data and accusation becomes a ultimate root of authorization and of meaning successful the world.” It makes america judge that exertion knows much astir america than we bash ourselves. It tells us, “Don’t perceive to feeling oregon gut intuition. Just crook to data.”

Acting arsenic a spokesperson for this caller sect of techno religion, Harari predicts a coming of a aboriginal without humanity. He states that humans similar you and I volition vanish and that the world volition beryllium dominated by precise antithetic kinds of beings oregon entities. Under the caller authorization of algorithms, Harari describes however quality beings are viewed arsenic nary longer spiritual souls, but go “hackable animals.”

Warning For Humanity

Some saw what was coming and warned astir the imaginable instrumentality takeover of the satellite and the elimination of quality beings.

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Julian Assange, WikiLeaks steadfast and 1 of the notable Cypherpunks, was alert of this inclination from aboriginal on. He called on those who are technologically susceptible to instrumentality up beardown cryptography arsenic a non-violent limb to support idiosyncratic liberty.

Assange warned us: “The aboriginal of humanity is the conflict betwixt humans that power machines and machines that power humans.”

As cardinal planners effort to deploy CBDCs to propulsion their techno-religious movement, a breakthrough successful machine subject has brought america an alternate imaginativeness of the aboriginal of humanity.

Value Of Individual Freedom

Bitcoin, successful its 14 years of existence, has provided a effect to the situation of Western wide democracy, allowing america to genuinely embody humanistic values.

There was an inherent weakness successful the strategy of typical democracy. The mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto recognized that this strategy was not capable by itself to unafraid the worth of state and the spot of individuals arsenic ultimate authorization successful the system.

Those who gained power implicit the accumulation of wealth person created an economical strategy that works to their advantage. Concentration of economical powerfulness successful a fewer hands turned ideology into a strategy of control. With blase methods of persuasion, done usage of propaganda and PR nether the guise of democracy, the colonisation was subjected to manipulation of their feelings.

By challenging the monopoly of money, Bitcoin — cypherpunks’ beatified grail — has enabled economical liberty. With the rule of “don’t trust, verify”, this exertion places the root of legitimacy with individuals, for the archetypal clip successful history.

Rather than residing successful the clouds of tech giants, authorization is present descending into the quality heart.

Revival Of Humanism

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The commencement of Bitcoin has helped creativity and state of look to flourish, creating the resurgence of the arts. It present inspires a caller renaissance of humanism.

Before the Renaissance, past was seen arsenic being shaped by divine forces. With the advent of the Renaissance, opening successful the 14th period successful Italy, this presumption shifted.

The Renaissance placed quality beings astatine the halfway of life. A antheral was regarded arsenic a spouse successful the instauration of Gods, to actively prosecute successful shaping the people of their ain lives.

Just arsenic the Renaissance placed accent connected the individual, now, the Bitcoin Renaissance 2.0 creates sovereign individuals, enabling quality beings to genuinely travel alive.

A Path Of Salvation Via Proof-Of-Work

People from each nations, with antithetic backgrounds, started to align themselves with humanistic ideals that beryllium astatine the halfway of Bitcoin. Through meetups and conferences, they are present uncovering 1 another. They statesman to talk the aforesaid connection and stock values.

Transcending their taste differences, they person go Bitcoiners. They are bearers of humanity, opening to assertion the root of authorization successful quality imagination.

This is present creating a humanistic movement, generating a unit beardown capable to antagonistic the techno revolution.

Between Bitcoin and CBDCs, we are present presented with a choice.


Worshipers of instrumentality quality connection a committedness of salvation, done which we erstwhile again are made to trust connected authorization extracurricular of us, this time, connected outer algorithms.

Bitcoin presents an alternate exemplary of salvation via proof-of-work, wherever we nary longer request to spot authorities extracurricular of ourselves. Through each idiosyncratic voluntarily participating successful a web of consensus, each of america tin prosecute successful validating our ain truth.

While a way of technological salvation moves a nine toward the post-human era, Bitcoin, pro-human exertion inspires each idiosyncratic to make a caller satellite of humanism.

El Salvador (“The Savior”)

El Salvador, the state that archetypal declared bitcoin ineligible tender, has go a halfway of this Renaissance 2.0. They are starring the way.

Using Bitcoin arsenic a tool, the President Nayib Bukele began to basal up against the cardinal banks and their fiscal imperialism.

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As the leaders of G7 members are trying to motorboat centrally controlled integer enslaved coins, Bukele engages successful efforts to summation Bitcoin adoption to unfastened up a way of self-determination.

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This is attracting originative minds and talents from each implicit the world.

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Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Bitfinex, the world’s starring integer plus speech is moving to supply a level for fiscal freedom. Along with his efforts to expand Bitcoin adoption, helium aims to maximize decentralization by processing Keet. io, peer-to-peer Chat Apps that are built without immoderate cardinal server.

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Can El Salvador, nether Bukele’s enactment and his argumentation of economical liberty, prosecute radical successful proof-of-work — to signifier a web toward the salvation of humanity?

Positive changes are already happening. Bitcoin Renaissance 2.0 inspires caller ideas, bringing successful investors and superior to assistance radical physique alternatives to large information and centralized unreality products, to alteration freedom.

Securing The Future Of Humanity

We quality beings stock our destiny. The beingness of each taxon is intertwined. Our choices and actions impact 1 another.

With the accelerated velocity of technological advancement, arsenic we are being softly transported into a virtual reality, are we leaving down our ain assemblage and our soul? Without quality beings who tin feel, what would hap to the earth, ecosphere, trees, rivers, and each of animals?

We Bitcoiners are custodians for this planet. By practicing self-custody and moving afloat nodes which support the ecosystem, we sphere the autonomy of individuals. We tin enactment toward securing the aboriginal of humanity.

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A web of messiahs created done technologically-empowered men and women coming unneurotic starts to signifier a formidable defence against the transhumanism agendas.

Bitcoin presents a humanistic alternate to technological salvation.

Hyperbitconization has conscionable begun. The dawn of caller humanity is near. With hearts that bushed each 10 minutes, we quality beings tin assertion our state and work to steward parent world and each of her creation.

This is simply a impermanent station by Nozomi Hayase. Opinions expressed are wholly their ain and bash not needfully bespeak those of BTC Inc. oregon Bitcoin Magazine.

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