Bitcoin OP_CAT Proposal Gets Boost From Taproot Wizards' $30M Fundraise

1 month ago

Taproot Wizards has raised $30 cardinal with which it plans to physique an ecosystem of applications utilizing the OP_CAT Bitcoin betterment connection (BIP).

OP_CAT is simply a diagnostic that Bitcoin's pseudonymous laminitis Satoshi Nakamoto included successful the software's archetypal code but which he/she/they removed retired of concerns that it exposed it to risks specified arsenic denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Many developers person expressed a interest successful bringing it back.

The connection could bring Ethereum-like astute declaration functionality to Bitcoin done introducing "covenants," oregon rules that find however a circumstantial transaction volition function.

Taproot Wizards, whose imaginativeness is to "make Bitcoin magical again," sold a postulation of 3,000 non-fungible token (NFT)-like pieces of integer creation called "Quantum Cats" to drum up enactment for OP_CAT 1 twelvemonth ago.

The Wizards person been attempting to "meme OP_CAT backmost into existence," according to an emailed announcement connected Tuesday.

Co-founder Udi Werthimer describes OP_CAT arsenic "the missing piece" to attaining "permissionless programmability for bitcoin, allowing lending, trading and astute contracts without giving up aforesaid custody," successful Tuesday's announcement.

The $30 cardinal backing circular was led by Standard Crypto.

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