A caller measure successful Brazil offers to modulate voluntary wage payments successful cryptocurrencies similar Bitcoin, requiring employers to wage astatine slightest 50% of the wage successful the Brazilian real.
Brazilian lawmakers are considering caller authorities that would officially authorize employers to wage salaries to employees utilizing cryptocurrencies similar Bitcoin.
Federal lawman Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança has introduced a measure proposing regularisation of crypto payments for wages, remunerations and labour benefits.
Filed on March 12, the measure PL 957/2025 legalizes voluntary and partial wage payments successful cryptocurrencies similar Bitcoin (BTC) portion besides requiring employers to proceed with a portion of the wage successful the nationalist currency, the Brazilian real.
Preview of the draught measure PL 957/2025 by Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança. Source: Camara.leg.br
Orleans-Braganza, a descendant of the erstwhile royal household of Brazil, is currently exercising his 2nd word arsenic a national lawman for Sao Paolo and is known for backing Truth Social, the societal media task owned by United States President Donald Trump.
Bitcoin whitethorn lone relationship for 50% of a wage payout
In the projected legislation, Orleans-Braganza asked lawmakers to prohibit employees from paying afloat salaries successful crypto, capping specified payments astatine 50%.
“The outgo of salaries exclusively successful virtual assets is prohibited,” but for cases involving expatriate employees oregon overseas workers, nether the presumption of regulations by the Central Bank of Brazil.
An excerpt from the projected measure PL 957/2025. Source: Camara.leg.br
The measure besides allows afloat crypto payments by “independent work providers,” taxable to definite contractual provisions.
Otherwise, the stock of the outgo successful the Brazilian existent whitethorn not beryllium little than 50% of the employee’s full wage payout.
The conversion of the magnitude paid into crypto indispensable travel the speech complaint officially established by an instauration authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil.
This is simply a processing story, and further accusation volition beryllium added arsenic it becomes available.