Can Bitcoin Fix Micropayments?

2 years ago

Micropayments were each the rage successful the 1990s. The thought of allowing customers to wage tiny fees for carnal oregon online products was thrilling and received a batch of attention. However, aboriginal micropayment models failed to lick the occupation of incurring ample costs connected processing tiny transactions. This is wherefore micropayments haven’t taken off, years aboriginal aft the thought was conceived.

But Bitcoin whitethorn connection — finally! — a workable exemplary for micropayments for businesses and customers. We’ll research however Bitcoin facilitates microtransactions and what benefits this exertion offers.

A Brief Introduction To Micropayments

Micropayments typically notation to transfers beneath a circumstantial worth threshold. Think of a micropayment arsenic a truly tiny transaction oregon outgo — similar the $1.20 you wage for a cupful of coffee.

Micropayments person received sizeable attraction from companies and researchers, and for bully reason: Micropayments person the imaginable to unlock caller income streams for businesses and summation worth for customers.

Let’s ideate you sojourn Billy’s store downtown for a cupful of coffee, which costs $3.20. You don’t person immoderate currency connected you, truthful paying with a recognition paper looks similar the champion option. But there’s a flimsy problem: Billy won’t judge transactions beneath $5 due to the fact that the payments supplier often charges a basal interest successful summation to a percent of the afloat outgo for processing payments. For Billy to interruption even, the worth of the transaction indispensable beryllium higher than the processing cost. Paying a interest connected your meager acquisition would simply beryllium economical suicide. The transaction breaks down, with some sides losing retired connected benefits. You can’t get your caffeine hole and Billy loses imaginable income. The second constituent whitethorn look trivial until 10-15 customers look akin issues and locomotion distant empty-handed.

Micropayments correspond a caller accidental for businesses and customers to maximize their utility. Businesses tin supply low-value services to customers without incurring losses. The conception besides affords customers much state of prime and reduces barriers to purchasing items.

Having understood the worth of micropayments, let’s spot however Bitcoin fits into the picture.

Why Use Bitcoin For Micropayments?

The thought of micropayments has been astir for arsenic agelong arsenic the net itself, arsenic articles similar this one shows. Microsoft was 1 of the firms working connected enabling micropayments until it scrapped its plans.

Historical experiments with micropayments person followed the aforesaid principle: aggregate tiny fees into a sizeable magnitude earlier releasing them to merchants. In astir cases, the idiosyncratic would person a integer wallet wherever they could deposit a fixed sum and authorize withdrawals for definite payments. However, the aboriginal solutions faced a large occupation from the get-go: centralization. Just similar recognition cards, the integer wallets utilized for micropayments were controlled by third-party services. This created information risks for users, particularly if hackers breached institution servers. Moreover, users had to manus their idiosyncratic accusation to companies, giving companies the state to merchantability their data.

Moreover, the minimum outgo portion of fiat currencies similar the U.S. dollar makes them impractical for existent micropayments. For example, the cent ($0.01) is the smallest portion of a dollar. Which means we physically cannot usage it for payments little than 1 cent.

As programmable money, Bitcoin doesn’t person the aforesaid minimum-unit occupation arsenic fiat currencies. For instance, you tin disagreement 1 bitcoin into 100,000,000 sub-units to get a “satoshi” — which is worthy little than a fraction of 1 cent.

Bitcoin exists arsenic a decentralized, unafraid and trustless payments network. To marque micropayments, you lone request a Bitcoin address, which you tin make successful minutes. No institution is holding your wallet oregon individuality details, reducing the hazard associated with utilizing micropayment services. Finally, Bitcoin enables instant, near-feeless transactions done “payment channels,” which we explicate aboriginal successful this article. Payment channels let 2 parties to bundle respective transactions into one, removing the request to wage fees connected each but 1 transaction.

How Do Bitcoin Micropayments Work?

A Bitcoin skeptic speechmaking this nonfiction would person a hard clip believing bitcoin tin beryllium utile for tiny transactions. Why would immoderate sensible idiosyncratic opt to wage costly miner fees and hold astir 10 minutes to bargain a cupful of java with bitcoin?

Enter the Lightning Network.

Lightning Network is simply a Layer 2 infrastructure built to run connected apical of Bitcoin. Because Lightning Network uses off-chain outgo channels, transactions don’t person to walk done the blockchain, importantly shrinking fees and hold times.

We’ll usage the illustration of buying java from Billy’s store to explicate however a Lightning-powered bitcoin micropayment works:

To unfastened a Lightning Network transmission with Billy, you indispensable archetypal deposit immoderate units of bitcoin connected the main network. Once this transaction is broadcast and confirmed connected the blockchain, the transmission becomes active. All payments you marque to Billy get deducted from your archetypal deposit of bitcoin.

If the archetypal deposit runs out, you tin take to refill the transmission with much bitcoin. Otherwise, some of you hold to extremity the transaction and broadcast the last authorities of the transmission to the Bitcoin network. All erstwhile transactions are bundled into 1 and recorded connected the blockchain.

Although aggregate transactions whitethorn person passed done the outgo channel, the Bitcoin blockchain doesn’t grounds each of them. Instead, it records the archetypal transaction opening the transmission and the last transaction closing the channel.

With this system, you tin unfastened a tab with Billy and support buying cups of java for weeks oregon adjacent months. Billy wouldn’t person to wage immense fees to process those tiny payments. And you tin bypass the outgo threshold to get your java each day. A win-win solution.

Applications Of Bitcoin Micropayments

Buying java isn’t the lone exertion of bitcoin micropayments. The net itself is ripe for the instauration of micropayment-based gross models. Below are immoderate applications of bitcoin-powered micropayments for online users:

Content Monetization

For years, online contented creators person recovered it hard to monetize content. In lieu of immoderate sustainable monetization system, galore person turned to integer advertizing to recoup investments successful contented creation. But integer advertizing has attracted antagonistic coverage successful caller years, and advertisement blockers are rapidly making this an unviable income mechanism.

The astir fashionable maneuver for contented creators is to complaint consumers subscription fees for accessing content. However, subscription models are not the eventual solution. For starters, subscription models necessitate a higher level of committedness from customers. If you similar a product, past paying a subscription interest whitethorn look trivial. Someone other whitethorn beryllium unwilling to perpetrate truthful overmuch until they’d person had a consciousness for the service.

Let’s not hide subscription models person galore bottlenecks. Subscribers request to person a recognition card, but getting 1 isn’t the easiest happening to do. Putting contented down a paywall means losing retired connected unbanked customers oregon those who’d similar an easier method of paying for content.

Bitcoin micropayments tin win wherever accepted subscription models and integer advertizing neglect successful presumption of helping creators make gross streams. Near-feeless micropayments — the benignant Bitcoin promises with the Lightning Network — tin let creators to extract worth from their work.

A video contented creator tin complaint viewers for each 2nd of a video they watch. A writer tin inquire readers to wage a tiny interest for each portion alternatively of asking for a afloat subscription. Musicians tin complaint for idiosyncratic opus streams alternatively of forcing listeners to bargain an full catalog.

This exertion tin perchance beryllium the game-changer for contented creators struggling to marque money. Micropayments contiguous a amended alternate to intrusive advertizing and clunky subscription models.

Online Tipping

Integrating Lightning Network into societal networks tin marque it easier for followers to enactment their favourite contented creators. Users tin support paying retired tiny amounts arsenic virtual tips cheaply and quickly, without the hassle of connecting recognition cards. is simply a task utilizing the Lightning Network to alteration micropayments connected Twitter. Users nexus their Twitter accounts to a Lightning Network wallet and tin stock QR codes which anyone tin scan to nonstop a tiny tip. Users tin past currency retired these tips via the site.

Pay-As-You-Go Subscriptions

Earlier, we spoke of the problems associated with forcing subscriptions connected consumers of integer content. However, the subscription exemplary besides extends into the realm of the services we usage each day.

Think of the times you needed an API work oregon a web app for a critical, one-off task — lone to beryllium deed with a monthly subscription offer. Just similar the concern with the java shop, forcing users to marque purchases supra a definite worth threshold hinders transactions.

With micropayments, work providers tin process galore one-off payments from users. By making it easier for customers to wage tiny amounts, online businesses tin importantly summation earnings.

More importantly, users tin get afloat worth for their money. Instead of paying for a afloat month’s subscription — which they won’t afloat usage — they tin power however overmuch they wage for a service.

The applications of pay-as-you-go subscriptions are endless. This includes paying for software-as-a-service tools, APIs, serverless technologies, contented distribution, one-off services and galore much unexplored use-cases.

Marketing and Engagement

Brave, a privacy-focused browser, has shown the anticipation of powering online selling and engagement with cryptocurrency. Users get paid BAT tokens anytime they ticker an ad, but they tin besides wage an inconsequential magnitude to skip those ads.

In the future, sites whitethorn integrate Lightning Network to wage users that prosecute with content, e.g., watching a video. Businesses tin get amended worth for their contented and users get rewarded for their engagement. Again, a win-win solution for everyone involved.


Gaming is different manufacture that could usage a well-designed micropayment system. This is particularly important for indie crippled developers who whitethorn put a batch of effort, clip and wealth into making games, without immoderate means of making profits. Charging a sign-up interest could lick the problem, but it’ll lone crook disconnected imaginable players.

Instead, crippled developers could complaint tiny fees for users to unlock caller characters, features and entree peculiar levels. Because these transactions person reasonably debased values, players won’t consciousness similar they’re being squeezed for wealth and developers get rewarded for their originative efforts.

Self-Generated Data

Years ago, British mathematician Clive Humby declared, “Data is the caller oil.” Today’s integer system is fueled by data, with companies investing considerably successful information collection, absorption and analytics. However, users seldom get immoderate worth from the information that businesses usage to substance their operations. Now, with much awareness, radical are looking to monetize their self-generated data.

With micropayments, we tin marque this a reality. For example, websites could wage users for their online activity. Companies could wage owners for information generated by net of things (IoT) devices similar astute electrical meters. It could adjacent widen to information generated by wellness devices, similar wearables.

Micropayments Can Scale Bitcoin Adoption

While the micropayment use-cases mentioned successful this nonfiction are experimental, they whitethorn scope captious wide successful the not-too-distant future. Of course, the volatility of bitcoin’s terms could hinder micropayments, but wide adoption is predicted to bring stableness to the price.

More importantly, micropayments could beryllium Bitcoin’s slayer application. Bitcoin-enabled micropayments tin beryllium applied to galore concern models, triggering planetary adoption and expanding web effects.

This is simply a impermanent station by Emmanuel Awosika. Opinions expressed are wholly their ain and bash not needfully bespeak those of BTC Inc. oregon Bitcoin Magazine.

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