Damus social platform hits 45K members on first day

1 year ago

Nostr-based societal media exertion Damus‘ idiosyncratic number surpassed 45,000 connected its archetypal time and continues to grow.

All caller accounts are created arsenic followers of the Damus app’s authoritative leafage wrong the app. At the clip of writing, the Damus leafage has a full of 45,454 followers.

Damus app authoritative  pageDamus app authoritative page

The app has been acceptable for merchandise for the past fewer months, erstwhile it yet got approved for motorboat by the Apple Store connected Feb. 1.

The Damus app squad didn’t merchandise authoritative accusation astir the fig of accounts. However, the app’s authoritative Twitter relationship shared that the app entered the apical 10 Social Networking charts connected the Apple Store astir 10 hours aft its release.

The app is simply a mentation of decentralized Twitter that gives users implicit power implicit their contented and data. Its codification has been accessible connected GitHub since December 2022.

The station Damus societal level hits 45K members connected archetypal day appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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