Discussing Growth Marketing And Retention For Bitcoin Businesses

2 years ago

There is simply a spectrum of selling methods required to turn a Bitcoin business, unsocial to this space.

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In this occurrence of "The Biz," April covered a batch crushed related to media buying and the spectrum of selling methods required to turn a Bitcoin business, portion Thomas details the value of monitoring and improving the lawsuit merchandise acquisition to amended loyalty.

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John Carvalho: Welcome to The Biz with John Carvalho. The Biz is simply a crowdfunded podcast that covers the nonrecreational concern broadside of Bitcoin. You tin larn much and assistance unlock caller episodes astatine thebiz.pro. Today I person with me, April Pollock and Thomas Mills from Bitrefill, who enactment connected maturation and selling and advertizing [00:00:30] related needs astatine the company. I conjecture I'll springiness each of you a accidental to possibly accidental what your circumstantial occupation rubric is and what you bash day-to-day astatine Bitrefill. April, wherefore don't you start? April Pollock: Sure. First off, convey you for having america connected the show. Very blessed to beryllium here. My circumstantial rubric is maturation marketer. And truly what the day-to-day looks similar is managing mostly our paid side. So that includes our branded [00:01:00] and non-branded Google, YouTube, show retargeting and past paid postulation done different channels specified arsenic Reddit, Twitter, Quora, et cetera, wherever we're investigating aggregate channels. And past besides moving with our non-paid side. So the integrated broadside of things, PR, marque awareness, worldly similar that beauteous much. John Carvalho: Cool. How astir you, Thomas? Thomas Mills: Yeah. I'm Thomas Mills. I'm our caput of lawsuit happiness present astatine Bitrefill. [00:01:30] Essentially what I bash is effort to marque the lawsuit acquisition the halfway of each the roles and areas that I get to touch. So whether that beryllium connected the selling broadside oregon the merchandise side, to marque definite that we are putting the lawsuit astatine the halfway of that speech and the mode that we're communicating with them, due to the fact that without our customers, we wouldn't person jobs. That is the overarching taxable of what I bash [00:02:00] and that does pb into immoderate selling pieces arsenic good arsenic making definite our enactment and benignant of each accidental that we person to pass oregon beryllium successful beforehand of our lawsuit is apical of the line. John Carvalho: So caput of lawsuit happiness, is that similar a modular occupation rubric oregon is that similar much of a originative one? Actually this question is for some of you, what are different occupation titles that radical typically usage for the relation that [00:02:30] you have? Because I cognize that arsenic I woody much with recruiting and besides with conscionable applying for jobs successful the past, determination tin beryllium a small spot of disorder arsenic to similar what the occupation rubric is for the occupation a idiosyncratic is looking for. I americium lone partially joking astir your occupation title, but what would your occupation rubric beryllium called successful different organizations oregon different Bitcoin businesses for some of you? Thomas Mills: Head of lawsuit happiness, I deliberation it's a amusive title. Most radical would accidental it's similar the main [00:03:00] lawsuit experience, oregon manager of lawsuit services. Basically everything astir the lawsuit experience. I deliberation that for astir American companies, it typically is caput of lawsuit acquisition is usually what I would autumn into for that. John Carvalho: How astir you April, what are different names oregon role? April Pollock: I deliberation manager of selling oregon selling manager would beryllium astir apt [00:03:30] the astir applicable. But it's a batch of a blend and it combines a batch of antithetic things. Like, for example, similar I'd say, 80% of my relation truly is the media buy-in. And I've been a media purchaser for a agelong time. Like astir similar I'm similar aging myself a bit. Over 10 years now. So I deliberation interior media purchaser would beryllium an due rubric arsenic well. A batch of companies volition outsource media buying to agencies and 3rd parties, but specifically [00:04:00] astatine Bitrefill we bash person interior buy-in. Whether it's interior media buyer, whether it's selling director, immoderate it whitethorn be, it's each conscionable nether the umbrella of maturation marketer close now. John Carvalho: I conjecture possibly archer me, however would you categorize oregon breakdown the teams astatine Bitrefill related to maturation and lawsuit experience? And however galore radical marque up those teams? Thomas Mills: I deliberation that [00:04:30] erstwhile it comes to the selling broadside of it, we person about, typically, I deliberation it was astir 11 radical that are connected those calls for strategy and execution. A batch of things tin beryllium perceived arsenic marketing, whether that's selling oregon connection externally to the customers. And truthful there's besides different squad of astir 4 people. And then, [00:05:00] April tin astir apt talk to this a small spot too, we bash person ambassadors that are circumstantial for definite regions that we have, not needfully full-time, a fewer of them are successful a full-time role, but that I judge is simply a squad of astir 7 folks for regions that we're wanting to marque definite that we're not putting our American oregon European biases connected the mode that we're communicating and interacting with those communities. April Pollock: Yeah. [00:05:30] Like circumstantial boots connected the crushed successful definite regions. And that would beryllium an summation to the 11 that are connected the strategy calls. Specifically connected the media buying side, there's 2 of america close now. Organic and content, there's a fistful that worked precise good together, similar specified arsenic Ricardo and Lawrence and Jerry and Mauro. Email is simply a small spot blended with a premix of a squad of let's accidental astir 3 [00:06:00] total. Email selling is precise important to america and thing that we're moving connected expanding much conscionable to summation the beingness worth of a user, circumstantial to definite regions. And past there's the graphic plan side, which is one, sometimes two. So it's beauteous dispersed out. It's beauteous dispersed retired amongst aggregate niches wrong selling and marque consciousness and connection arsenic well. John Carvalho: [00:06:30] Awesome. Thanks. I retrieve erstwhile I was astatine Bitrefill and we had to woody with immoderate peculiar things, peculiar considerations, due to the fact that of promoting Bitcoin products oregon Bitcoin arsenic a outgo method for products. What was the situation similar these days? It's been a mates of years and what are benignant of the peculiar considerations that some of you person to woody with, with having to beforehand specifically a Bitcoin business? April Pollock: [00:07:00] Are you speaking to the compliance astir the platforms, specified arsenic Google and Facebook, or- John Carvalho: Let's commencement with that. I conjecture there'll beryllium different magnitude which would conscionable beryllium strategically. I conjecture the archetypal magnitude would conscionable be, what are the peculiar considerations, similar limitations oregon this benignant of thing? April Pollock: Yeah. Specifically astir the platforms, we utilized to woody with issues with Google, arsenic I'm definite you retrieve arsenic well, with advertisement disapprovals. [00:07:30] But our relationship is beauteous overmuch achromatic listed close now. We don't woody with immoderate issues. And we enactment precise intimately with our rep astatine Google to assistance america with that. That was an contented specifically connected the paid broadside of things with search, with ads being disapproved, and we don't woody with that anymore. When we archetypal started advertizing connected YouTube, similar it was intolerable to get an advertisement approved successful English. So we started with Spanish and we were capable to get done their [00:08:00] bots that way. Now we don't woody with that anymore. We person zero issues connected the Google platform. Facebook's a small spot different. It's been frustrating connected the Facebook broadside of things. When we archetypal started, each present and past determination would beryllium a disapproval and you'd person to beryllium cautious what you say. This is beauteous communal with Facebook advertising. Your [00:08:30] relationship has what's called a recognition score, similar a wellness score, and you don't really spot that score. That's interior to Facebook. So erstwhile you get it to a definite point, it's astir intolerable to get ads approved. A batch of companies volition spell done agencies. Agencies person definite partnerships with Facebook. The premier concern is the highest. That's thing that we're presently successful the midst of vetting is agencies with premier partnerships with Facebook that tin [00:09:00] enactment with america with the advertisement disapprovals to get america achromatic listed, essentially. But different mode that radical effort to get astir is done mounting up caller accounts. It's conscionable that Facebook watches each of that. So you person to usage antithetic concern managers. You'd person to usage antithetic recognition cards. So I'm getting into a small spot of the achromatic chapeau broadside of things. So we haven't done that, but it's challenging. And past Facebook does person a cryptocurrency form, similar an application, but it's tilted [00:09:30] precise overmuch towards fiscal institutions. So due to the fact that Bitrefill does not necessitate immoderate licensing arsenic of close now, we don't person immoderate to enactment onto the signifier and it's been disapproved. That is simply a spot of a headache for us. It's thing that we're trying to lick due to the fact that we cognize that we tin scope a batch of radical done Facebook, done Instagram. And close present we are paused connected that channel. The different channels we don't person issues, similar Reddit, Twitter, nary worries, but Facebook has been precise [00:10:00] frustrating. John Carvalho: Yeah. Yeah, I retrieve backmost a mates of years ago, submitting that Facebook signifier astir apt 3 oregon 4 times with nary occurrence and thinking, okay, I don't adjacent cognize what they would approve. April Pollock: I know. I know. John Carvalho: It's precise frustrating. April Pollock: We'll get targeted ads. Like we'll beryllium successful the selling gathering and colleagues volition beryllium like, "Well, we're getting targeted ads." I'm like, "Well, is it a fiscal institution?" And that's usually why. And if it's not, similar if it's similar a, [00:10:30] accidental different Bitcoin related a institution that isn't a fiscal institution, usually it's a caller account, truthful they haven't had a batch of flags yet. So they're benignant of flying nether the radar for a spot until truly Facebook's bots drawback it. A batch of the crushed Facebook is truthful strict is due to the fact that Dorian the large ICO craze backmost successful 2017, each that. There were a batch of conscionable benignant of crap moving done the platform. And a batch of radical got scammed and that's wherefore Facebook is truthful strict astir it. John Carvalho: I privation [00:11:00] to speech a spot much astir advertizing and channels, but I privation to springiness Thomas a accidental to answer, if determination are immoderate circumstantial Bitcoin hurdles for his role. Thomas Mills: Yeah. The hurdle is erstwhile you deliberation astir the antithetic radical that are utilizing Bitrefill, you person a beauteous large premix of immoderate antithetic personas that are coming into Bitrefill. You person your tech aboriginal adopters who person had Bitcoin for a agelong clip and you tin talk [00:11:30] to them astir comparatively analyzable concepts similar adjacent conscionable explaining thing specified arsenic our zero confirmation policy. That means thing to idiosyncratic that's done a ton of Bitcoin transactions, but that mightiness not mean thing to idiosyncratic that's interacting with Bitcoin oregon Lightning for the archetypal clip successful El Salvador. They mightiness not adjacent cognize what a confirmation is. I deliberation that this doesn't needfully person thing to bash with the compliance [00:12:00] front, but like, if you're communicating a connection to your customers oregon imaginable customers, that doesn't mean thing to them, it's similar the histrion falling successful the woods, if nary one's there, does it really matter? Well, immoderate of the biggest hurdles that we person to enactment with is the connection that we're utilizing to marque definite that we're bringing our customers on a travel of however overmuch much they tin usage Bitcoin and [00:12:30] Lightning successful general. And speaking successful presumption that really means thing to them. For us, that's a portion of uncovering them wherever they are and past reasoning astir wherever they tin spell connected their idiosyncratic travel from an acquisition standpoint. John Carvalho: What percent of the travel bash you deliberation astir Bitrefill customers are connected successful regards to conscionable being alert oregon knowing whatsoever, the [00:13:00] Lightning network? Thomas Mills: Yeah. I deliberation that astir apt 10 to 15%, this is benignant of based disconnected of a fewer behaviors that we're capable to place from our customers. I would accidental astir 10 to 15% of our customers are precise aboriginal adopters of Lightning and things similar that. They mightiness not usage Lightning due to the fact that close present they're seeing [00:13:30] transactions to get confirmed oregon taking vantage of our zero comp argumentation and things similar that. Just benignant of based disconnected of their ain behaviors, I would accidental similar 10 to 15% of our customers are those much precocious users that astir apt are moving their ain nodes. And if you've looked astatine their location surface connected their phone, they person each azygous Lightning wallet that they've ever wanted to effort retired [00:14:00] and adjacent a clump of Lightning wallets from Testflight and things similar that, if they're connected iPhone. I deliberation that we bash person immoderate beauteous precocious users, but connected the connection front, I deliberation that it is important to marque definite that these first-time customers are learning astir Lightning aboriginal and often. One happening that we enactment into spot a fewer months agone [00:14:30] was having everyone get a invited email from maine oregon the ambassador for their state oregon Mauro oregon idiosyncratic other connected our team, if it was idiosyncratic that's a autochthonal Spanish speaker, that fundamentally is an email that is shilling Lightning beauteous hard to fto them know, hey, present are the benefits utilizing Lightning. We're hoping that that volition determination the needle successful a beauteous large mode to get radical to usage [00:15:00] Lightning oregon to cognize that it's there, if the men excavation gets to the constituent that it was a fewer months ago. John Carvalho: And conscionable for clarity, wherefore are you trying truthful hard to get them to usage Lightning? Thomas Mills: I deliberation that Lightning is 1 of the champion experiences for folks erstwhile we effort to estimation retired ... Something that we measurement arsenic a metric is our nett promoter score, which is [00:15:30] fundamentally a measurement of however overmuch our customers spot is based disconnected of the acquisition that they are presently having. And we bash person a reasonably precocious nett promoter people that we tin measure. But successful going done it, and you spot the scores that travel successful from radical that typically usage Lightning for their transactions versus radical that usage connected concatenation oregon different cryptocurrency, I would estimation that our Lightning users person a importantly [00:16:00] higher nett promoter people erstwhile you effort to extract that. For me, if idiosyncratic is giving america a higher people due to the fact that of their acquisition and spot america much to notation america to a household and friend, reasoning that we person provided them value, past evidently our Lightning acquisition and the Lightning acquisition for radical should beryllium what we absorption connected for those [00:16:30] customers. I besides deliberation that erstwhile you conscionable look astatine what is going connected successful the Lightning ecosystem, and what's hopefully getting built, I deliberation that that is the way for the mode users are going to get onboarded onto Bitcoin successful the aboriginal for definite markets specified arsenic El Salvador. John Carvalho: Yeah. I mean, erstwhile you person the benignant of instant facet and the information that you tin inactive clasp your ain keys and that you tin bash precocious frequence and the information that it has worldly similar an invoice, truthful you cognize for definite what to pay, there's [00:17:00] nary similar paying the incorrect magnitude with the incorrect interest and this benignant of thing. Like each of that is removed with Lightning. So I tin spot however I would deliberation each merchant that is trying to absorption connected Bitcoin income would privation to beforehand Lightning and enactment Lightning this way. It's inactive somewhat early, sadly. Thomas Mills: When you accidental that astir the invoices, that is really 1 enactment successful our invited email that we wanted to marque definite it was translated correctly. And I don't person it successful beforehand [00:17:30] of maine close now, but it's fundamentally saying, with Lightning overpayments, underpayments, paying the incorrect magnitude ne'er happens due to the fact that of the mode it is. And you bash spot with on-chain oregon with different cryptocurrencies, a batch of overpayments and underpayments, which are a large symptom point. And past radical don't get their products delivered to them instantly, which is ever our goal. They [00:18:00] person to spell done different transaction, whether that beryllium refunding them oregon sending the antithetic amount. Like I said, with Lightning, it's precise straightforward. When Lightning's functioning, it is, again, I deliberation it's conscionable a superior experience. John Carvalho: So arsenic a segue to get backmost into the paid placement conversation, I'll ask, what is the existent travel for getting lawsuit feedback, lawsuit [00:18:30] probe from the field, oregon from users into accidental however it affects advertising. I mean, I tin evidently ideate however you could get that travel to spell into the merchandise and impact features and documentation, but how, April, would you say, however bash you usage data? And possibly we tin instrumentality this accidental to speech a small spot astir what benignant of KPIs oregon different methods you guys usage for tracking occurrence and tools and this benignant of stuff. April Pollock: [00:19:00] Yeah. To conscionable talk a spot connected our KPIs, there's a batch of ways to look astatine it. When you're looking astatine the funnel of conscionable the full idiosyncratic experience, integer marketers what we'll usage is apical of funnel, mediate of funnel, bottommost of funnel. And what apical of funnel is, is prospecting. Where we're looking for marque caller eyeballs, radical who haven't heard of us. Of people we can't needfully power that successful our hunt campaigns. And hunt [00:19:30] is much of a mediate to bottommost of funnel effort anyways, but specifically connected our prospecting. We usage YouTube much for retargeting and sometimes for prospecting, but much connected the Reddit side, much connected the Twitter broadside and dabbling successful halfway arsenic well. And past different one-off channels that we'll use, similar paid placement with different sites. The biggest KPI that we're looking astatine is truly conversion metrics based connected click-through rate. [00:20:00] Click-through complaint shows intent. And what are the click-through rates and what are the CPCs? And past we instrumentality this information and past we enactment it into our mediate of funnel, which is wherever we're looking at, what actions did these users really instrumentality connected the site? Did they presumption content? Did they adhd definite items to their cart? And past we're looking towards the bottommost of funnel. Did they initiate a checkout? How overmuch should it outgo for that? And past did they really person arsenic a first-time [00:20:30] prospect? Typically, users instrumentality astir 8 views to convert. Or, bash we person to retarget them? And past that's erstwhile we spell into retargeting our mediate of funnel and our bottommost of funnel, based connected what actions that these users took. The astir important KPI to us, and this is thing that was a small spot challenging for america to truly fig out, due to the fact that there's not. There's ne'er going to beryllium a cleanable attribution solution for costs of acquiring a customer, [00:21:00] particularly circumstantial to our industry, due to the fact that a batch of users bash privation to beryllium private. So we cognize that it's not ever going to beryllium perfect, but our CAC is truly what we look astatine for growth. So however we had to lick that occupation was done proprietary backend server tracking. We looked astatine a batch of third-party options similar specified arsenic Attribution App, Kissmetrics, Everflow, and thing was a full, reliable solution [00:21:30] conscionable based connected the concern that we have. A batch of those 3rd enactment tracking softwares are built much astir accepted e-commerce businesses, whereas we're a Bitcoin business. So it's a small spot antithetic for us. So that KPI, our outgo of acquiring a lawsuit is tracked straight done our backend. Like we're not tracking that successful Google. We're not tracking that successful Reddit. Like Google connected Reddit don't cognize who was a marque caller lawsuit for us. We cognize that based connected scrubbing the email addresses [00:22:00] of users who person purchased done us. Our adjacent important metrics is going to beryllium our ROAS, truthful our instrumentality connected advertisement spend, which is fundamentally conscionable your income measurement coming through. John Carvalho: Would you screen immoderate of the different acronyms you used. So determination was a lawsuit acquisition cost, cardinal show indicator, outgo per click. And I deliberation that covers it. April Pollock: Yeah. Yeah. Cost per click is going to beryllium your CPC. Another [00:22:30] happening we're watching excessively is the CPM, which is our outgo per 1000 impressions arsenic well. How overmuch is this postulation really costing us? CPMs has gotten much costly implicit the years. There's a batch much wealth coming successful to acquisition traffic. John Carvalho: What's the biggest chunk of outgo for paid placement? April Pollock: That goes to Google, and that consists of YouTube, show retargeting and search. Google [00:23:00] Discover is thing that we're going to commencement testing. Those are the paid placements wrong the app. We haven't tested it yet, but yeah, that's the bulk of our walk is Google. If we could get unrecorded connected Facebook, that would beryllium a comparable spend, but that's thing that we're trying to solve. John Carvalho: Is determination immoderate transmission that's conscionable not large capable wherever you privation you could enactment much wealth into it due to the fact that of however good it performs? April Pollock: We'll see. Typically erstwhile you standard [00:23:30] advertisement spend, it's beauteous mean to spot a alteration successful instrumentality connected advertisement spend. But we're talking similar if you're scaling to similar aggregate 5 figures into six figures a month. However, we person noticed that erstwhile we bash standard Twitter and bash standard Reddit, we bash thin to spot a alteration successful instrumentality connected advertisement spend. That's astir apt conscionable owed to optimizations that we request to marque further into these channels. I don't deliberation we're astatine an advertisement walk yet that we would beryllium depleting these channels, [00:24:00] but for circumstantial subreddits that we're targeting, which are precise niche, it's precise imaginable that our frequencies are high. But arsenic for similar 1 channel, that's conscionable perfectly sidesplitting it for america that we tin standard more. I mean, branded hunt is ever going to beryllium your apical channel. It's your marque defense. It's your brand. But it wouldn't marque consciousness to standard that to the moon. You tin lone bid connected your sanction truthful much. John Carvalho: I forgot astir this [00:24:30] one. This was ever a arguable taxable is the marque that advertising, whether it's defence oregon wherever their competitors are really competing erstwhile they instrumentality it. That's a truly shitty benignant of pickle that Google puts everybody successful and wherever you person to wage for your ain spot. April Pollock: Yeah. Yeah. It's not thing that we're needfully blessed about, but we bash person different companies that bash bid connected our brand, which is frustrating. I mean, we were investigating [00:25:00] it arsenic well, similar connected different brands, but we stopped that. We're not doing that anymore. Yeah. John Carvalho: It doesn't truly work, right? April Pollock: No. It's similar the worst. It's benignant of similar scam advertizing successful a sense. I don't truly cognize however other to connection it. John Carvalho: It's grey hat, right? April Pollock: Yeah. A small grey hat, but it's not the champion quality. Like the champion prime is idiosyncratic who's specifically looking [00:25:30] for your brand. And here's the happening too, erstwhile you're looking astatine the funnel, similar apical of funnel, mediate of funnel, bottommost of funnel, a batch of times you don't spot attribution travel done your apical and mediate funnel. They enactment arsenic marque awareness. Especially successful this industry, successful the Bitcoin industry, if someone's conscionable heard of you, they privation to bash their owed diligence connected your company, they privation to marque definite that this is morganatic and they're going to Google you. So we spot a batch of attribution travel successful done branded hunt conscionable from our apical of funnel efforts [00:26:00] coming from Reddit, from Twitter, from YouTube. And we cognize that they're coming successful done the bottommost of funnel, done branded search. John Carvalho: Yeah. The full way of attribution and measuring conversion, that's a full different similar caput fuck that you person to get into with these roles. I'm definite things are a batch amended than erstwhile I was there, due to the fact that they were conscionable improving each the time, erstwhile we really were increasing that department. What benignant [00:26:30] of tools oregon methods bash you usage to summation assurance successful measuring the information and really completing this way of conversion? April Pollock: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Our proprietary tracking level is the main metric that we're looking astatine successful regards to- John Carvalho: It's wholly proprietary? You aren't utilizing similar a bundle level oregon tools? April Pollock: Mm-mm (negative). No. No. Yeah, it's wholly built from our backend. No, don't get maine [00:27:00] wrong, that's not the lone happening we usage to measurement performance. Like we're measuring show based from the circumstantial platforms themselves, but for our 2 astir important KPIs, which are our outgo of acquiring a lawsuit and our instrumentality connected advertisement spend, we trust connected our servers for that. And past erstwhile we're looking astatine existent run performance, we're pulling that from the advertisement platform. It's ne'er going to beryllium cleanable attribution, particularly due to the fact that a batch of radical successful Bitcoin volition usage similar [00:27:30] advertisement blockers oregon Braid browser, wherever we can't adjacent way them. Especially since the iOS 14 update, that has made things much analyzable arsenic well, due to the fact that users are automatically opted retired of tracking erstwhile they update to iOS 14.5, and they person to opt in. There's a spot of information nonaccomplishment passim the funnel. The mode we measurement the show connected the KPIs is based connected a blended CAC overall. We spent this overmuch money. How overmuch did it outgo america to get each these customers passim [00:28:00] these channels? And we tin property the occurrence of each transmission based on, what did the click-through rates look similar for, accidental Reddit, for example, due to the fact that click-through complaint does amusement involvement and we bash usage retargeting determination arsenic well. So bash we spot an summation successful click-through rates determination and however galore visits did we spot travel done and what tracked here, specifically coming from this transmission that we tin property to a caller lawsuit oregon to gross coming in. [00:28:30] We ever privation to beryllium instrumentality connected advertisement walk positive. And we person been instrumentality connected advertisement walk affirmative for the astir part, since we started moving traffic. So arsenic agelong arsenic we're not losing wealth and we're inactive acquiring customers and the blended CAC wide is wrong our KPI that we privation to hit, that's erstwhile we commencement to standard traffic. So we've scaled our walk astir 500% from the commencement of 2020 up until [00:29:00] now. John Carvalho: Nice. That's a bully segue to, I'm not definite however to operation this question, but I privation to inquire without committing you to giving maine Bitrefill's amount, but generally, tin you springiness listeners immoderate thought of what benignant of fund they should beryllium expecting to bash definite types of promotion? I cognize similar a standard of Bitrefill is 1 thing, but similar accidental you person a wallet app you privation to promote, oregon [00:29:30] immoderate different e-commerce Bitcoin site, what does it instrumentality to really vie and get postulation and really person a accidental of doing the minimum measurement of enactment to really cognize that you tin measure? April Pollock: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this doesn't spell conscionable circumstantial to Bitcoin companies, but adjacent companies overall. You person to walk wealth to cod data. And you're not going to deed a location tally retired the gross [00:30:00] erstwhile you commencement moving paid traffic. It's precise uncommon for that to happen. And there's a batch of variables there. Is this a marque caller advertisement account? If it's a marque caller advertisement relationship with nary pixel data, you request to cod information due to the fact that these algorithms provender from the information coming done the pixels, circumstantial to Google, oregon circumstantial to Facebook, Twitter, et cetera. So that's thing similar that. So erstwhile you're conscionable starting, similar if you're spending nether 10 figures a month, it's going to instrumentality immoderate clip [00:30:30] to marque definite you're gathering up and collecting that data. I'd accidental 5K minimum per channel, conscionable to springiness it a accidental for astatine slightest 90 days. And with taking that information that you're collecting and making optimizations based connected it towards your goals of immoderate your KPIs are. If you truly privation to scale, I mean, you tin standard erstwhile you're not ROAS positive, arsenic agelong arsenic you're looking astatine the beingness worth of a user. Like astatine Bitrefill, we similar to beryllium instrumentality connected advertisement walk positive, and that's aft [00:31:00] taking our margins. So we instrumentality our margins into information and wherever we instrumentality connected advertisement walk affirmative afterwards. Like arsenic a caller startup, a batch of startups are conscionable looking specifically for growth. That's what their investors privation to see. You tin standard retired of antagonistic instrumentality connected advertisement walk affirmative arsenic agelong arsenic what your beingness worth of a idiosyncratic is. And past you're taking that into information for what this idiosyncratic is really worthy to you. John Carvalho: Yeah. So you perceive that everyone. You can't conscionable propulsion $500 [00:31:30] astatine Google ads for a period and past accidental you failed. You didn't larn anything. You truly request to enactment a important magnitude of budget, an actual, intentional effort and to tracking the information that you make from this test. Probably person to bash it for astatine slightest 1 oregon 2 quarters to adjacent person immoderate assurance that you did thing measurable. So yeah, I deliberation that radical request to beryllium prepared, particularly the smaller startups trying to beforehand thing utilizing [00:32:00] paid channels, you bash request a bully 20 to 50 expansive conscionable to bash a due test. April Pollock: Yep. Absolutely. John Carvalho: Are determination immoderate channels that you would accidental that are evidently channels that are not casual to measure, but possibly channels that you would accidental are precocious value? Something similar sponsorships, PR, events, podcasts, these kinds of things. April Pollock: [00:32:30] Yeah. I mean, it's hard to measurement attribution for a batch of channels. Like connected TV is 1 example, and that's thing that we're starting to explore. That's video advertizing done similar Hulu, Roku, things similar that. It's brokered retired done programmatic platforms. That's each presumption done conversion. Like erstwhile you're moving ads, you person click-through attribution, which is really tracking the click, whether it's the first, mediate oregon past click. And past you person what's called presumption [00:33:00] done attribution, which is the transmission knows that this advertisement was shown, whether it's an image, video, immoderate it is, and past it's tracking whether it converted later. So past they property it to a view, which isn't the astir reliable from a checking, right? Like however bash you know? That's mean successful the integer selling manufacture for attribution to not beryllium perfect. I'd accidental thing that was trying to property [00:33:30] done view, whether it's connected TV, whether it is through, we haven't tested this yet, but whether it's done billboards, things similar that are going to beryllium hard to way and attribute, podcasts, we bash tally sponsorships connected podcasts. When users acquisition done us, immoderate of them bash capable retired a survey after, that tells america wherever they came from. And immoderate of them accidental that it was done a definite podcast, but [00:34:00] we cognize that determination was astir apt more, and radical conscionable didn't capable retired the survey afterwards. Sponsorships. That's marque awareness. Having your logo. We were a sponsor for Bitcoin 2021 successful Miami. We don't needfully cognize the nonstop magnitude of customers that we got from that. And we're not going to cognize the nonstop magnitude of customers that we got from it, but it's portion of a apical of funnel marque consciousness maturation tactic. [00:34:30] Same with PR. PR is thing that we're starting to enactment much accent into. It has been a small spot of a void for us. We're not going to cognize precisely our CAC. We tin way our CAC done our paid platforms due to the fact that it's attributed from our backend servers. For marque consciousness and things similar that, it's astir intolerable to know. I mean, we've adjacent talked astir utilizing QR codes with circumstantial URLs [00:35:00] and we can- John Carvalho: You tin inactive slap it onto each your costs though, right? April Pollock: Yeah, we slap it onto different costs. Really we effort to look astatine things arsenic a whole, similar connected a macro scale. We've spent this overmuch wealth and our concern has grown this much. Try to property it the champion that we can. John Carvalho: Okay. Let's segue backmost to Thomas. I privation to speech a small spot astir localization. You guys mentioned earlier that you had the ambassadors. [00:35:30] So maybe, Thomas, tin you archer maine a small spot astir what the ambassadors are and what they bash and however that came about. And also, conscionable generally, things that Bitrefill does regarding localization connected your side, and past we'll fto April speech astir it successful regards to the channels. Thomas Mills: April said this earlier that our ambassadors are our boots connected the crushed and are eyes and ears for that marketplace and letting america cognize [00:36:00] the section intricacies of that market. Something that possibly touches a small spot connected what you were antecedently talking about, astir uncovering retired wherever the postulation comes from? We bash find that astir 22% of our customers based disconnected of surveys that we send, bash travel from connection of mouth. And that is simply a large portion of our ambassadors and however they interact with people. [00:36:30] The mode that we effort to localize that is we bash person implicit 5,000 products disposable connected our website present astatine this point. For example, a lawsuit successful India, maine being present successful California, I'm not going to cognize precisely what the day-to-day beingness looks similar if trying to unrecorded disconnected of Bitcoin successful India. So we bash person an ambassador that volition fto america know, hey, Paytm, [00:37:00] oregon Amazon India, oregon immoderate it mightiness be, is simply a precise utile service. And that is what we truly request to beryllium talking astir with our customers. Even thing similar that, wherever we bash effort to personalize the email messaging and the acquisition that is going retired for those customers. I was talking astir the invited email. All of the markets that we person with ambassadors successful them bash get [00:37:30] an email that we person written with that ambassador, whether that is inactive hopefully talking astir Lightning, but besides letting them cognize astir immoderate antithetic services that mightiness beryllium much adjuvant successful their day-to-day life. We besides are trying to, successful our email messaging, we are starting to nonstop retired a monthly connection of rewards, conscionable to punctual radical that they bash accumulate rewards successful our platform, but besides to item caller [00:38:00] vendors and services that we are having for that peculiar market, whether that beryllium for the Philippines versus Germany, for example. John Carvalho: Are you guys utilizing the rewards arsenic a promotional method? Is that what you're saying arsenic well? It's not conscionable passing connected outgo savings, you're besides doing it to effort to determination postulation to an item? Thomas Mills: I would accidental that our rewards are much of a retention instrumentality [00:38:30] to get radical having a spot of a vested involvement successful the platform. The rewards are denominated successful satoshis. Hopefully those reward balances turn for a lawsuit implicit clip and arsenic a accidental to astonishment and delight our customer, because, let's conscionable accidental they had spent an magnitude and it was lone similar $10 of rewards. Well, hopefully with terms appreciation, that each of a abrupt becomes [00:39:00] a bully meal retired that they were capable to bid for free. I would accidental that our rewards programme is simply a spot much for retention. There are definite items that person higher reward percentages than others. Everything defaults to a 1% satsback. I don't deliberation that we truly people our rewards percentages to a peculiar point successful [00:39:30] that, for example, that connection that I was speaking about, we're utilizing it arsenic an accidental to fto people, again, amended and fto them know, present are antithetic parts of your beingness that you tin unrecorded disconnected Bitcoin for. Someone mightiness travel into the level that is conscionable buying Amazon, for example, and they're lone reasoning astir america successful the discourse of buying Amazon, but they don't realize, hey, I bid [00:40:00] nutrient a fewer times a week connected DoorDash, and possibly they don't cognize that DoorDash is besides connected our level oregon antithetic market items and things similar that. John Carvalho: There was different question I wanted to inquire astir this, 1 second. You talked astir the ambassadors, but I besides cognize that Bitrefill does beauteous heavy localization [00:40:30] with each of the content. So like, however galore languages does website enactment currently? Thomas Mills: I mightiness beryllium a small incorrect connected this. I deliberation that a speedy eyeball looks similar astir 8 languages that we bash person connected there. Most of our customers are English speakers oregon Spanish speakers. With what we're seeing going connected successful Latin America, [00:41:00] we are focusing a batch connected making definite that our Spanish contented and our Spanish messaging, it makes sense. It's not conscionable tally done Google Translate, for example. And I deliberation that that is thing that is simply a small antithetic that we bash is really translating things for radical by those autochthonal connection speakers, versus relying connected thing similar Google Translate to pass with our customers. So that mode you aren't [00:41:30] warping your connection due to the fact that of immoderate weird grammatical happening with Google Translate. John Carvalho: Are you generating immoderate societal contented similar blogs and podcasts and this benignant of happening successful non-English languages? Thomas Mills: Yeah. We are. Our ambassadors, they bash marque podcast appearances. They bash [00:42:00] lend to immoderate of our blog posts. Each 1 of our markets that we bash person an ambassador in, oregon adjacent if we don't, we'll find a lawsuit that we truly appreciate, by looking into antithetic things with antithetic people, we cognize successful the industry, making definite that determination is contented astir surviving connected Bitcoin successful Mexico, for example, oregon thing on those lines. So that mode that [00:42:30] idiosyncratic successful Mexico, oregon the Philippines, sees that their market store oregon this nutrient transportation work is available, and they tin deliberation astir their ain idiosyncratic travel of however they tin usage our service. We person talked a small spot astir that idiosyncratic lawsuit the roadmap, and I deliberation that it's bully to retrieve that it is going to beryllium antithetic for not lone [00:43:00] everyone based disconnected of the acquisition that they're successful close now, but besides their ain locale, similar a idiosyncratic travel for idiosyncratic successful the Philippines is going to beryllium reasonably antithetic than idiosyncratic successful France. So it is important to marque definite that you person that contented and acquisition for that person. John Carvalho: How astir you April, bash you person thing noteworthy that you tin deliberation of to notation astir however languages oregon geographic jurisdictions impact [00:43:30] your work? April Pollock: Yeah. Absolutely. A bully chunk, not the majority, but a bully chunk of our advertisement walk does spell towards Spanish speaking. I cognize I mentioned earlier that Spanish speaking was a mode for america to get astir Google's bot advertisement approvals for YouTube, which is however we archetypal started investigating it, but we bash tally hunt ads successful Spanish for Spanish speaking. And primitively erstwhile we archetypal started, [00:44:00] it was broad, conscionable thing Spanish speaking. And present we're starting to conception that retired by country, specifically, to way the circumstantial state optimization wrong the platforms, but besides we bash tally immoderate ads successful German arsenic well. We spot a bully magnitude of postulation coming from German speakers. John Carvalho: Do you spot immoderate determination trends worthy mentioning arsenic to similar either maturation trends oregon merchandise penchant trends, conscionable thing absorbing [00:44:30] related to either the languages oregon regions? April Pollock: Not needfully merchandise circumstantial connected my end, but truly conscionable the maturation successful Spanish speaking. Not conscionable the magnitude of customers that we're acquiring, but circumstantial connected the platforms, similar the outgo of the traffic, erstwhile we archetypal started, 1 of our biggest advantages was that Spanish speaking postulation is simply a batch cheaper than English speaking traffic, truthful we're capable to scope [00:45:00] galore much eyeballs. And we person noticed that the CPMs person started to summation beauteous drastically successful Spanish speaking countries, specifically connected the keywords and phrases that we're bidding on, which does amusement that determination is simply a batch of Bitcoin companies coming into these regions and starting to bid connected these phrases and keywords. John Carvalho: Or adjacent accepted institution is trying to vie with Bitcoin companies. April Pollock: Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Or that arsenic well. [00:45:30] This is simply a market, and we each cognize what's happening successful El Salvador, but this is immoderate marketplace that there's a batch of maturation imaginable in, and a batch of radical are paying attention. And we tin spot that conscionable successful our postulation costs. John Carvalho: Do either of you spot immoderate differences successful either, April with you, with similar the attack and what it takes to get a conversion, oregon Thomas with you, with similar lawsuit happiness oregon culture, I conjecture you could say, [00:46:00] successful regards to alt coins users versus Bitcoin spenders? Thomas Mills: I would accidental that the alt coins users, a batch of them, there's a small spot of a quality that I spot betwixt the alt coins users successful emerging markets versus developed markets. You tin astir ideate the Ethereum idiosyncratic successful [00:46:30] San Jose versus the idiosyncratic that's in, I don't know, Venezuela, that is utilizing thing similar Tron Tether, due to the fact that that's what they person entree to for banking. I deliberation that determination is simply a small spot of a favoritism determination for the emerging marketplace alt coin idiosyncratic versus the developed marketplace alt coin user, due to the fact that of their entree to banking and what their existent needs are. One [00:47:00] happening that I person found, and this is based disconnected of we person been focusing a spot connected Bitcoin meetups and getting to person those face-to-face interactions due to the fact that you bash get immoderate antithetic feedback from customers erstwhile you're really face-to-face, oregon non-customers, erstwhile you're face-to-face versus conscionable surveys and emails and telephone calls. I find that the alt coins users, we talked a small spot astir Lightning, [00:47:30] they're reasonably receptive to utilizing thing similar Lightning due to the fact that they spot it arsenic a caller technology. And truthful I deliberation that for some developed marketplace alt coin users, a batch of them, if they aren't wholly embedded into a project, are receptive to immoderate the champion exertion that they deliberation it mightiness beryllium to use. You could astir apt astir accidental the aforesaid happening connected the processing marketplace that [00:48:00] it does beryllium connected their entree and however they really are acquiring that crypto that they're utilizing it besides arsenic a tool, each of it arsenic a tool. For them, they might've had a household oregon person oregon work astir it determination about, hey, you tin interact with Tether connected Tron this way, oregon Dogecoin for ... Or thing similar that for inexpensive transactions. [00:48:30] I would accidental that the alt coin users are not rather arsenic embedded into utilizing the alt coins, and truthful they mightiness determination implicit to thing antithetic if we tin conscionable assistance amended them connected that technology. John Carvalho: I retrieve a fewer years agone connected Twitter, everybody each the time, granted this was much person to the aftermath of ICOs, but it was similar perpetually each day, each [00:49:00] day, idiosyncratic asking to adhd a coin. Like Bitrefill, erstwhile volition you judge X coin, Y coin, Z coin? Is that inactive the mode it is? Thomas Mills: Yes. In support, we astir apt get similar 2 oregon 3 messages a time successful our surveys that we person for wherever we bash inquire our customers like, hey, what products bash you want? Or what improvements we tin make. There are respective surveys a time saying, hey, tin you adhd blah-blah-blah coin? [00:49:30] You look astatine the crushed that they privation you to adhd them, a batch of them are for convenience oregon what they comprehend arsenic convenience oregon cheapness oregon speed. Not to beryllium a Lightning maximalist present connected this, but that is an accidental to amended them connected that. We besides bash get a batch of requests for Monero, for privateness [00:50:00] and things on those lines. There are, I would say, astir apt much than fractional of our things are for immoderate random coin that you've ne'er heard of before, due to the fact that they recovered it connected Reddit oregon telegram oregon wherever they did, but yeah, we inactive bash get a bully magnitude of requests for that. John Carvalho: April, are you doing thing peculiar to advertise regarding coins? Are you targeting Ethereum users separately oregon channels that are circumstantial to alt coins? April Pollock: [00:50:30] Yeah. Yeah, we do, particularly Tether connected Tron. Tron was a petition from our users. So past erstwhile we did motorboat Tether connected Tron, we did commencement moving circumstantial paid ads to that, truly the space of, you asked and we listened. A batch of remarketing, utilizing remarketing lists from the information that we person done the platforms. But 1 happening that we are seeing is conscionable done our non-branded hunt postulation for [00:51:00] Tether implicit Tron options is simply a batch of postulation coming done there. Just radical searching for it. I astir said organically, but we're paying for it done non-branded. So not needfully organically, but it is coming done that channel. When we trial caller angles and trial caller channels and trial caller countries, a batch of times we similar to look wherever occurrence is already lit. So wherever are we seeing a batch of enactment successful and worldly coming successful done our Google analytics [00:51:30] and what makes consciousness for us. So similar specifically Tether implicit Tron, a batch of is coming done our ads moving successful the Philippines that we launched. So bash we walk much there? Do we standard there? That's however we effort to marque our decisions. John Carvalho: Cool. Thomas, conscionable quickly, I had a thought, being the caput of lawsuit happiness, generally, what makes a Bitrefill lawsuit blessed and what [00:52:00] makes a Bitrefill lawsuit unhappy? Thomas Mills: I deliberation this isn't thing that's unsocial to Bitrefill. I deliberation that this astir apt holds existent for astir each manufacture that you're successful is however you tin execute based disconnected of your customer's expectations. If you're performing supra and beyond, oregon [00:52:30] astatine slightest successful enactment with your customer's expectations, you're going to person a blessed customer. Probably a happier lawsuit if you're exceeding those. I would accidental that, generally, astir of our customers person a beauteous bully knowing of what they're going to get erstwhile it comes to interacting with Bitrefill. So you're going to person unhappy customers erstwhile they person forwarded expectations, erstwhile we don't unrecorded up to their expectations. [00:53:00] Not that we privation to little our customer's expectations, but we conscionable privation to marque definite that we're wide astir they cognize what they're going to get. So being transparent astir what we're capable to connection and what that lawsuit acquisition is going to beryllium like, I deliberation volition mostly ever pb to a happier lawsuit due to the fact that past their expectations are going to beryllium successful enactment with what you tin either present oregon with what you tin spell supra [00:53:30] and beyond for. It's a beauteous elemental happening I would say, but I deliberation it holds existent for astir each industry. John Carvalho: Cool. Do either of you person immoderate proposal for idiosyncratic that's possibly doing your occupation relation oregon a akin relation extracurricular of Bitcoin and they privation to get a Bitcoin job? Like what could idiosyncratic successful each of your roles bash to amended presumption [00:54:00] themselves to beryllium capable to marque the modulation to doing their vocation successful a Bitcoin company? Thomas Mills: I didn't travel from a consecutive up Bitcoin background. I really came from the vino industry. And truthful I deliberation that it's bully for radical to retrieve that, conscionable similar with what I was saying earlier astir lawsuit expectations, is that conscionable due to the fact that it's a Bitcoin company, [00:54:30] a batch of what you're dealing with connected the day-to-day ground is unique, but I deliberation that directionally, a palmy institution is going to person the aforesaid things. And truthful a fewer things that I ever effort to support successful caput is if you're centered astir the lawsuit with each your decision-making, you're mostly going to person bully outcomes. I conjecture 2 things that [00:55:00] are ever apical of caput for me, that resonate is, I deliberation this is from Maya Angelou oregon thing is that your lawsuit mightiness hide what they say, but they'll ne'er hide the mode that you made them feel. So making definite that they consciousness appreciated, listened to, and that you're empathetic arsenic good arsenic sympathetic to what their needs are. And then, again, ever starting with that lawsuit acquisition and past moving backwards, [00:55:30] I deliberation is precise important for a exertion institution oregon a Bitcoin company, due to the fact that I deliberation that you spot a batch of projects, if they're started by an engineer, they astir apt commencement with the exertion and accidental like, oh, this is what it does. And past effort to jam it down the customer's pharynx and accidental like, hey, this is however radical usage it versus ... I deliberation that's backwards to however it should be. You request to commencement with what your customer, what their travel [00:56:00] is, what their acquisition is going to be, and past enactment backwards astir however the exertion is simply a tool, not the existent customer. John Carvalho: How astir you April, what proposal would you springiness to idiosyncratic trying to determination into media buying and maturation selling and Bitcoin? April Pollock: I deliberation the biggest happening is to person a cognition of the industry. It's going to beryllium precise hard to cognize however to connection your ads and what keywords to bid connected and what to people if you don't- John Carvalho: Just [00:56:30] transcript Bitrefill ads, right? April Pollock: Yeah. Exactly. You request to recognize the manufacture and you request to bask it arsenic well. You request to person a passionateness for. It's a precise passionate industry. But I'd accidental the biggest happening is conscionable having cognition of it. I came to Bitrefill with not arsenic overmuch cognition arsenic I person now, but inactive cognition of the industry. Like I had been investing successful the markets and I had [00:57:00] immoderate wide cognition of however to people definite people. That's the biggest happening is you request to recognize the industry. John Carvalho: Okay. Well, I'm trying to wrapper things up here. Do either of you person either a question you privation I asked oregon immoderate benignant of constituent that you would similar to marque astir your Bitcoin relation that I near out, oregon a question for maine that you person possibly related to immoderate of these? April Pollock: I'm trying to think. Thomas Mills: [00:57:30] I conjecture question that I would have, due to the fact that of each of your experience, John, is similar erstwhile you were astatine Bitrefill, was determination immoderate proposal that you would springiness to folks that were trying to interruption into the Bitcoin industry? John Carvalho: I didn't bash a batch of hiring erstwhile I was astatine Bitrefill, I'm doing much now. I don't know, I'll effort to conscionable beryllium candid and [00:58:00] reply automatically connected however I mightiness rephrase this, which is like, what bash I look for initially erstwhile I'm trying to hire. I'll beryllium honest, if idiosyncratic is coming from Bitcoin successful the archetypal place, they've got a immense advantage. I conjecture that compliments what you said April, but for me, it's similar adjacent stronger. At Bitrefill is e-commerce, and truthful knowing astir Bitcoin is simply a bully vantage due to the fact that of the [00:58:30] communicative and the contented and somewhat the strategy. If you're gathering Bitcoin bundle and things similar this, well, my priorities displacement a small spot much wherever if I spot idiosyncratic that say, been moving connected a Bitcoin wallet for a year, they're overmuch much absorbing than idiosyncratic who's been moving connected mobile apps for 2 years. It's not the champion illustration due to the fact that neither 1 is that absorbing due to the fact that they're some lone 1 oregon 2 years experience, successful the example, but if you speech [00:59:00] astir idiosyncratic that has an other twelvemonth of Bitcoin hands-on acquisition oregon hands-on connected a Bitcoin product, adjacent that unsocial makes a large difference. I would accidental possibly my proposal boils down to get yourself into immoderate Bitcoin company, immoderate mode that you can, oregon conscionable commencement a task independently oregon lend to an unfastened root project. There's plentifulness of them. Just get your hands dirty. Another bully illustration is the Square Crypto Bitcoin Design Community. [00:59:30] That's a large spot to bootstrap a career. You tin say, okay, I'll commencement joining 1 of the projects there. I'll lend for a fewer months. Maybe extremity up getting a assistance oregon astatine slightest get this into your portfolio and into your resume and that benignant of thing. Yeah, that's my rant connected advice. April Pollock: Yeah. I couldn't hold more. John Carvalho: All right. Well, convey you some truthful overmuch for your time. I [01:00:00] cognize that this possibly won't beryllium the sexiest header for a podcast. I'll effort to deliberation of something. Actually, possibly you should constitute the headlines for the champion clicks. Thomas Mills: April tin marque it a sexy header there. April Pollock: Some clickbait. John Carvalho: Yeah. I conjecture that's however we tin speech astir ... Well, I'll skip it, but however penning for bots tin beryllium tricky. You made maine deliberation of that. Writing headlines for Google is not the aforesaid happening [01:00:30] arsenic penning headlines for a human. April Pollock: No. Yeah. It's precise different. John Carvalho: Yeah. I truly anticipation radical bash listen. I anticipation radical astatine startups, peers of ours perceive to this, due to the fact that my anticipation present is to prevention radical immoderate acquisition successful clip and astatine slightest benignant of breach these topics, truthful they cognize what a existent established palmy Bitcoin concern similar Bitrefill has been doing to tackle [01:01:00] maturation successful this unsocial environment. Thank you some truthful much. If either of you are doing Twitter oregon person ways that you'd similar radical to travel you oregon interaction you, conscionable spell up and authorities them. Thomas Mills: People tin scope retired to maine successful immoderate mode that they privation to. [email protected] is however you tin email me. Thomasbtc is however you tin find maine [01:01:30] connected Twitter. Any mode that you privation to scope retired to Bitrefill, if you accidental you privation to talk to Thomas, I'll get backmost to you. John Carvalho: All right. April, are you connected Twitter? You bash immoderate of the societal worldly oregon you're staying private? April Pollock: I am. I am. I'm recently connected Twitter @AprilJPollock and past email is [email protected]. Very blessed to beryllium here. Very blessed to help. I deliberation [01:02:00] it's fantastic what you're doing, due to the fact that it is sometimes pugnacious waters navigating this industry. So hopefully radical perceive and tin instrumentality immoderate proposal away. John Carvalho: Well, convey you some again truthful much. And I look guardant to talking to you again soon. 

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