Discussing How Bitcoin Can Unlock Thermal Energy From The Ocean

2 years ago

A speech astir Level39’s caller nonfiction astir utilizing thermal vigor from the water to make energy and excavation bitcoin with the excess.

This is simply a signaling of a caller Twitter Spaces speech astir Level39’s “How Bitcoin Can Unlock The Energy Of The Ocean For 1 Billion People.

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[00:06] CK: ... Industrial Revolution and specifically successful the discourse of unlocking trapped vigor resources that are successful the water and perchance a batch of different resources. I don't cognize however overmuch we're going to get into that, but I'm truly excited for this talk. We got a batch of large radical successful the assemblage already. If you consciousness similar you request to beryllium connected stage, sprout maine a DM, petition to beryllium up. We're going to effort to support it arsenic a choky sheet astatine the beginning. If there's clip successful the extremity to unfastened it up for questions, blessed to bash that arsenic well.But truly the impetus for this abstraction is an nonfiction that Level39 wrote based disconnected of a speech that Troy Cross had with Nate, who's down present successful the enactment that Nate is doing. I cognize that's a small spot of a lingua twister truthful I conjecture I'm conscionable going to walk it implicit to Level39.

[00:58] Level39: As CK mentioned, this was a truly astonishing speech that Troy had with Nathaniel. And erstwhile I heard it, I was truly conscionable blown away. I had to constitute an nonfiction astir it. That's truly wherever it came from. So I truly person to applaud Troy for findingNathaniel. I consciousness similar Nathaniel has been flying nether the radar successful Hawaii for a agelong clip connected this project. And to me, that was conscionable truly inspiring and conscionable an astonishing story. I promote everyone to work the nonfiction if they get a accidental and perceive to it connected “Bitcoin Audible.” CK, you tin propulsion it up successful the amusement notes. There we go. Thank you truthful much.Yeah, that's it.One of the things that truly struck me... Brandon has conscionable joined the signifier arsenic well,Brandon Quittem ... was that erstwhile I heard this story, it reminded maine truthful overmuch of his effort and Brandon Quittem's effort connected the pioneer species, Bitcoin Is a pioneer species. In that essay, helium truly talks astir however determination is simply a symbiosis betwixt these pioneer taxon and the vigor that they unlock, and the systems that signifier from that unlocking of those earthy elements successful the environment. And it instantly reminds maine of this. This is 1 of those situations wherever we person a exertion that's astir 150 years old, that truly has conscionable been discarded to clip conscionable owed to the economics. What is being done with Bitcoin mining and incorporating that symbiosis into the task truly got maine conscionable inspired to constitute astir it and that's wherever it stems from.

[02:43] Nathaniel Harmon: Yeah, let's articulation Michael. Michael likes to articulation successful arsenic well.

[02:48] CK: Hey, Michael, I sent you an invite. Again we person immoderate awesome experts successful the mining tract successful the audience. So if you consciousness inspired to adhd to the conversation, sprout a petition arsenic well. But Mike, you surely person an invite. If you're not connected a mobile phone, you can't talk. So that whitethorn explicate wherefore you're not joining. But I guess, Level, I don't cognize wherever you privation to footwear this off. Happy to walk it implicit to Nate, but the ball's successful your tribunal here.

[03:17] Level39: Thanks truthful much, CK. I deliberation what I'd similar to bash is actually... becauseI've done everything I tin successful presumption of communicating the communicative to the audience. I'd similar to truly get immoderate thoughts possibly from Tomer, Brandon, and Troy archetypal arsenic to what they thought astir the past of this, and it coming together, and what they deliberation for the future. So fto maine conscionable commencement it disconnected with Tomer, and past we tin spell to Troy and past Brandon.

[03:43] Tomer Strolight: Wow, you're truly putting maine connected the spot, but that's alright. I tried to survey a fig of these antithetic types of alternate energies. I cognize immoderate radical who person geothermal vigor located successful their homes. That's however they vigor their homes. I retrieve erstwhile they had it enactment in, the explanations are often with the full thing. There's evidently a similarity betwixt this and that wherever you're uncovering antithetic temperatures and antithetic locations and connecting them. And past you get this convection rhythm going, and that extracts energy. What's truthful fascinating astir this? Of course, geothermal... If you person a location located successful the close place, you tin enactment it successful your location and it's fine, but this needs to beryllium successful the ocean. So it's this trapped energy.And from speechmaking your article, that's been the limitation, the vigor is stranded. There's truthful overmuch of it due to the fact that astir of the Earth is covered successful h2o and it is covered successful oceans.So this evidently exists... the imaginable for existing successful a batch of places. But getting the exertion precocious and developed is not thing that anyone could make are crook connected concern against for the archetypal build-out due to the fact that it requires truthful overmuch scale.And present erstwhile we person thing similar Bitcoin mining that tin usage vigor connected the spot, the vigor doesn't person to process thing else. We tin instrumentality axenic energy and bring the miners to the energy alternatively than bring the energy to the miners. So now, we tin marque usage of the energy and tin beryllium retired whether the conception works oregon not. So it is precise breathtaking and it is conscionable similar you described.As Brandon's nonfiction points retired successful theory, this is the archetypal important applicable exertion of Bitcoin allowing america to pioneer a caller benignant of existent build-out of a caller signifier of... Well, not a caller signifier I accidental but of a applicable signifier of vigor that's precise abundant. And if it does enactment out, it'll wage for itself successful Bitcoin. And past we tin standard it up and usage it to bring that energy, physique it astatine doubly the standard and physique the transmission wires, truthful that it tin supply powerfulness to a cardinal radical arsenic you said successful your article.So it's a truly fascinating signifier and, arsenic you constituent out, impractical if we didn't person thing similar Bitcoin mining due to the fact that there's nary different exertion successful the satellite wherever you tin conscionable bring the vigor to it oregon bring the mill to the energy, particularly astatine sea, and past expect to beryllium capable to nutrient thing and person it beryllium invaluable astatine the spot without immoderate further shipping oregon transmission charges. So I mean that's truly the unthinkable happening astir it.

[06:29] Level39: Yeah. I deliberation what struck maine besides was that successful Brandon's nonfiction you talked astir that symbiosis that you conscionable described. But what truly struck maine astir this peculiar exertion is however the exertion really cools the miners successful a truly symbiotic mode that different technologies mightiness not beryllium capable to bash rather arsenic much. So it was truly this benignant of unsocial operation I thought wherever you get this 5° Celsius, acold water.That astir makes the miners privation to spell to that place, wherever that h2o is. And truthful I thought that was truly interesting. Brandon, bash you privation to talk to that existent speedy arsenic to your thoughts connected the symbiosis that you saw?

[07:06] Brandon Quittem: Yeah, absolutely. I deliberation the champion mode for maine to framework this is really conscionable to explicate what a pioneer taxon is, conscionable similar a speedy ecology lesson, thenI'll necktie it backmost to OTEC and different examples here. The celebrated illustration is an land disconnected the seashore of Iceland, a volcanic land that erupted, and it wiped retired each beingness connected this island.And past the question becomes is this conscionable going to beryllium a dormant stone land everlastingly oregon volition caller beingness yet colonize the island? Enter the pioneer taxon which is simply a unsocial class of taxon that its relation successful the ecology is to bootstrap beingness connected a barren stone and commencement the process of converting that into a much analyzable ecosystem. Famous examples would beryllium a lichen, which is simply a symbiosis betwixt a fungus and a plant. They enactment unneurotic to person the stone into soil, which past attracts much complex, much fragile plants, which past person the ungraded adjacent more, that yet becomes benignant of a highest ecosystem with tons of complexity. And astatine that point, the pioneer taxon who did their occupation aboriginal connected would really beryllium out-competed by the much analyzable species. So that fungus-lichen-algae combo would permission and spell determination else. Obviously, the analogy present is Bitcoin miners oregon that pioneer species. They spell question retired places that person small to nary energy, and past they colonize that country by making the vigor concern a amended ROI to pull superior oregon trim hazard oregon trim the clip of ROI. There are galore antithetic ways it tin look but it fundamentally leads to much vigor astatine a little outgo successful that location. And what that does is, it allows the radical that unrecorded adjacent that caller vigor root to person a amended prime of life, much jobs. It mightiness pull manufacture due to the fact that there's inexpensive energy. Industry attracts jobs, jobs pull people, housing, and services. And each of a abrupt you person 1 small catalyst, a caller vigor source, and that leads to each these affirmative externalities for humans. So that's benignant of the thesis of the pioneer species. I deliberation OTEC's astonishing for tons of reasons. One, circumstantial to Hawaii. Hawaii has a unsocial vigor grid that is benignant of siloed. So if you look astatine Oahu, which Level39 listed precise good successful the article, astir of the radical astatine Oahu are there. However, you can't truly usage wind, solar, oregon atomic successful bid to execute the vigor goals there. So, OTEC is uniquely suitable there.Another happening that stood retired is that Hawaii imports astir 85% of its nutrient and 95% of its vigor resources. So that is simply a immense limiting origin for that determination wherever they're going to beryllium babelike connected imports, which is truly expensive. And thus, nutrient successful Hawaii is truly expensive. So its vigor is the astir costly for some retired of each the states successful the US.Assuming you tin alteration costs of vigor and wide administer that successful the authorities ofHawaii, nutrient costs volition spell down, vigor costs evidently volition spell down which leads to everything downstream of vigor being decreased heating cost, which conscionable increases their prime of beingness for them. So, if we look astatine OTEC successful the future, wherever other mightiness we find this oasis of quality flourishing? And it looks similar High Delta T, which is the adaptable utilized successful the article, which is recovered astatine the Equator. So the aboveground somesthesia is divided by the heavy h2o temperature. You privation a precise wide somesthesia range, which means fundamentally the equator is the astir suitable and determination are implicit a cardinal radical that unrecorded successful this range.So, that's a batch of radical that could amended their narration to energy. A batch of processing countries are besides there, and each the affirmative externalities that volition travel from that. And past 1 different absorbing happening is oversea steading. So you could person a elephantine floating vessel land federation oregon thing similar that, and you could unrecorded anyplace successful the world, adjacent the equator, preferably, with High Delta T, inexpensive energy. You tin experimentation with politics, etc. with your ain autochthonal vigor source. So that's a full lot. That's my archetypal thoughts.

[11:14] CK: Brandon, you benignant of dug into a batch of things. That was a large explanation.We person immoderate folks successful the assemblage that are asking for a small spot much of a primer onOTEC successful general. So I conjecture earlier we spell implicit to Troy, Nate, bash you benignant of conscionable privation to springiness a 101 connected OTEC and specifically, what benignant of vigor root we are going to beryllium discussing passim this conversation?

[11:39] Nathaniel: Hey, sorry. I conscionable got a telephone and missed the archetypal portion of that. But I deliberation I could enactment the question unneurotic is, let's described OTEC. Yeah?

[11:50] CK: Yes, sir.

[11:51] Nathaniel: So OTEC is conscionable a Rankine rhythm which is simply a beauteous basal signifier of a vigor engine. You person a condenser, you person an evaporator, you person a turbine, and you person a pump. So determination are 4 large components, and past you person a moving fluid.So the thought is that you can, with the moving fluid, evaporate and past condense it. And during the evaporation, you tally it done a turbine, and that turbine volition make energy. Now, the mode that OTEC works and with the Rankine rhythm is, astatine the aboveground of the water and the tropics, you person lukewarm water. The prima heats the h2o and the water retains that vigor overnight. If it's cloudy the adjacent day, the heat's inactive there. So h2o is fundamentally a star positive system, right? It's star and artillery altogether. And then, of course, the thermohaline circulation brings acold h2o backmost to the tropics but astatine a depth. So determination betwixt 700 and 1,000 meters, you tin find truly acold water. Five, 4 degrees C. And what you tin bash is you tin usage that quality successful somesthesia to make energy. The moving fluid we usage is ammonia. There are others that you tin usage but ammonia conscionable happens to person the close economics. Yeah, that's fundamentally however it works. I mean it's truly casual vigor and that's truly 1 of the absorbing things astir it, is it doesn't person the aforesaid tech hazard that accidental the thorium reactors have, wherever you inactive person to lick a clump of problems. OTEC has been astir for truthful agelong that you just... It's conscionable a basal vigor engine.

[14:13] Tomer: It's important to accidental that there's nary emission.

[14:15] Nathaniel: Yeah, it's a closed cycle. So adjacent the ammonia that's contained successful determination isn't released. And due to the fact that the moving fluid isn't successful a c fossil substance system, you're burning the hydrocarbons and it releases CO2, water, and energy. And that CO2 has to spell somewhere. The moving fluid here, the vigor source, and vigor descend is conscionable water. And that h2o is fundamentally benign.

[14:54] CK: Level39, thing you privation to add?

[14:57] Level39: No. Actually, I wanted to get Troy existent speedy to springiness america thoughts connected everything that's benignant of stemmed from this speech since.

[15:04] Troy Cross: Sure. Well, archetypal of all, Level39 wrote a beauteous article. It's successful the nest. You should decidedly commencement determination due to the fact that everything that we talked astir beauteous overmuch is written up beautifully. And I besides privation to accidental acknowledgment to CK Bitcoin Magazine for hosting this space. I was fortunate capable to find Nathaniel and not adjacent truly due to the fact that of this idea, but due to the fact that helium knew Camilo Mora, who wrote that infamous insubstantial aboutBitcoin mining unsocial being connected a trajectory to enactment america implicit 2 degrees of warming isolated from each different quality activity. If you privation to perceive to the conversation, I deliberation it's linked successful in Level39's piece. Nathaniel saw the origins of that paper, which was really a clump of undergrads penning it. That's what Nathaniel reached retired to maine about. And past helium conscionable drops these unbelievable bombs astir OTEC which I had nary thought astir but helium conscionable kept blowing my caput again and again successful the speech connected truthful galore levels. Yes, I saw Brandon Quittem's thought of a pioneer taxon here, beautifully illustrated but determination was truthful overmuch more. This is Nate's words. "The water is 1 elephantine star sheet that conscionable this somesthesia differential betwixt the aboveground of the water and the depths of the ocean.That quality successful temperature, that Delta T is energy." And each OTEC does is harvest that vigor oregon crook it into a antithetic signifier of energy, I should say. Turns it into electrical energy. But the thought that the full water is simply a star sheet fundamentally with these 2 antithetic layers and tin make electricity, wholly blew my mind. And the thought that there's a root of vigor oregon a benignant of vigor accumulation that I'd ne'er adjacent heard of successful my beingness is thing similar geothermal but disposable successful the tropics, successful the water astir the world, could perchance service a cardinal radical with fundamentally emission-free, beauteous inexpensive power.That blew my mind. And past the thought that the lone crushed we haven't truly studied thisTech is that it's costly to physique that scale. And successful the mean scale, it inactive doesn't truly wage retired and it makes nary consciousness astatine each astatine the tiny scale, which is wherever we really person it. And past Nate's genius ideas are astir however to execute medium-scale investigating of this exertion by cutting costs that are usually associated with OTEC. It's usually located disconnected the coast. It needs to beryllium moored and it needs hurricane extortion and it doesn't needfully deed the deepest water. But Nate's thought is similar you chopped the necktie to shore, you springiness it the quality to navigate, you conscionable enactment it connected a barge and you springiness it the quality to navigate astir storms. So you tin spell retired to the deepest h2o oregon the coldest water, and you tin chopped down costs successful infrastructure and past excavation with it. And past arsenic Nate points retired and arsenic Tomer said, you tin chill the miners with this supercooled water. All of this monetizes the experimentation successful a mode that makes it affordable, truthful we tin spot whether it works and what challenges it volition airs astatine a precise ample scale.So Bitcoin mining could beryllium that monetization that bridges america crossed an R&D Gap, basically. Given however tiny it is, honestly, we shouldn't person needed Bitcoin to bash it.Some governments oregon ample companies should already person stepped up and done it.But it perchance allows america to span to a benignant of aboriginal wherever we trial it astatine the mean standard and past tin fig retired however to marque it much businesslike oregon whether it works oregon what the biology effects are astatine the ample scale, and perchance bring inexpensive and cleanable powerfulness to a cardinal radical successful the world, not to mention, bring immoderate contention to Bitcoin miners. This came up successful our conversation. It truly drives location the determination agnostic prime of Bitcoin mining, erstwhile you recognize like, hey, if you could excavation astatine standard withOTEC for let's accidental 4 cents a kilowatt-hour, past there's nary crushed that anybody should beryllium mining with thing much than 4 cents per kilowatt-hour anyplace other successful the world. You conscionable support scaling up OTEC. Of course, there's a bounds to however overmuch you tin standard it but there's a batch of ocean. Nathaniel and I went done this connected the show. It conscionable drives location a constituent of however unusual Bitcoin mining is arsenic a commodity, arsenic an economical activity, that it does not attraction wherever it is, fixed that their outer entree and vigor access. It volition monetize energy.So truly it conscionable shows you that imaginativeness is each that stands successful our mode of trying to unlock sources of vigor that exist. Energy is abundant. And erstwhile you recognize that the water is simply a star panel, you truly spot its abundance. Energy is abundant and this is different Brandon Quittem theme. We person to fig retired however to harness it efficiently and enactment it to usage for quality purposes.Bitcoin mining is simply a large instrumentality successful that pioneer taxon benignant of way, helping america fig retired make, technological advances, which, erstwhile they're made, we tin usage them ubiquitously crossed the quality system to amended quality life.Yeah, I was truly honored to person that speech with Nate. I'm thing but conscionable a feline who answered 1 of Nate's messages and was amazed that helium wasn't already connected the country earlier now. He's this similar a larger-than-life property and a wholly retired of the container originative mind. And what I similar excessively is simply a benignant of existent environmentalist successful the champion consciousness of the word. He's reasoning astir the full strategy of beingness and humanity. Yeah, I deliberation it's a fantastic thing. I anticipation it not lone gets tons of attraction but gets immoderate funding. And I privation to spot whether this exertion really tin enactment astatine scale. Thanks for having maine on. Level39, convey you for penning specified a beauteous piece.

[21:50] Level 39: Thank you truthful much, Troy. The grant was mine. It was truly large to archer the story. I truly wrote astir of it really by listening to that speech and past doing immoderate research.One of the things I wanted to bring up that truly struck maine ... When Nate past mentioned that it's really rather aged technology. So I went researching that and I dug into immoderate aged magazines and pulled retired immoderate truly absorbing ideas and things similar that. One of the things that struck maine erstwhile I was doing that probe was that successful the subject magazines from a 100 years ago... If you truly privation a trip, spell look astatine immoderate aged technological American magazines and a batch of these magazines that were published backmost successful the time from these companies oregon Publishers that are nary longer successful business. They were filled with these ingenious Tomorrowland-like ideas of what the aboriginal would beryllium like. Some radical were imagining these astonishing OTEC plans. And past erstwhile atomic fission was discovered, they were imagining that the full satellite would person this cleanable vigor and it would beryllium truly amazing, truly casual and each these things. But truthful galore of those ideas didn't travel true. It truly makes maine deliberation astir however galore ideas are determination retired determination similar this, that tin instrumentality immoderate of these truly elemental ideas and really monetize them and bring them to market. That's thing I deliberation we'll spot implicit the adjacent mates of decades that I deliberation volition amaze america potentially. One of the things that truly stuck retired to maine besides was that successful bid to get OTEC to enactment a 100 years ago, radical were trying to deliberation of ways to monetize the stranded energy. So truly this thought of monetizing stranded vigor is not a caller happening that radical person been trying to fig out. It's truly rather an aged conundrum. So 1 of the things that they had done by that time, was trying ideas similar filtering golden from seawater, stranding the OTEC connected a barge, connected a [inaudible] and trying to marque crystal with it due to the fact that you could bash each the benefits that Nate talked about. And we talked astir the nonfiction astir stranding OTEC successful the mediate of the ocean. The thought successful the 1930s was, “Well, we'll marque crystal with it and past we'll merchantability it to Rio De Janeiro.” More recently, Microsoft has been experimenting with, I think, moving information servers, if I'm not mistaken, successful bid to monetize OTEC astatine sea. All these ideas are benignant of truly brainsick and they don't truly enactment a batch of these ideas. But Bitcoin is truly the archetypal 1 that genuinely really makes sense. It's astonishing to maine however overmuch pushback Nate experienced erstwhile helium was trying to benignant of archer this thought to people. And possibly Nathaniel if you privation to speech to america astir what that acquisition was. Did you consciousness similar you were crazy? And conscionable cipher would judge you? What was it similar getting that benignant of pushback?

[24:32] Nathaniel: Hey. I conscionable privation to say, Troy, convey you truthful much, man. You're amazing. I emotion your level. Your nonfiction was incredible. I mean, you did a amended occupation of penning it than I could have. You tin inquire Michael. My penning tends to beryllium much long-winded and doesn't truly get the constituent and I'm rambling. But you conscionable did a truly fantastic job. And convey you for Bitcoin Magazine, CK, hosting this. All the different speakers, Tomer, Brandon, you guys are awesome. I've been a large instrumentality of you guys for on time.I got a batch of pushback from friends, family, and my colleagues. It truly was discouraging. One of the reasons wherefore I ended up bringing it back, backmost successful Covid, was to consciousness that, hey, if we had conscionable started moving connected this erstwhile I archetypal projected it, it would person already paid for itself 4 times over. I was looking astatine a 20-megawatt works and utilizing ten-year-old data. And it turns retired it would person paid for itself 4 times implicit and we would already person full-scale OTEC.I went to Camilo. I went to my wife's Committee Member. I inactive don't deliberation she's made that transportation yet, that my wife, Kristen Harmon... She conscionable got her PhD. I don't deliberation she made the transportation betwixt the 2 Harmons. I went to Michael Roberts. I talked astir this with 1 of my committee members who called maine illiterate and told maine to driblet out. It was discouraging, but the inevitability of the full happening benignant of kept going.I deliberation I mentioned this with Guy and arsenic good with Troy that I was speechmaking a batch of... I got into Bitcoin, truthful of course, you're going to work a batch of Economics textbooks. So I started speechmaking Thomas Piketty's superior successful the 21st century. That's a truly bully publication that I urge everybody checks out. It's a 300-year past of the question of superior and society. And that combined with Jeremy Rifkin's publication connected the Third IndustrialRevolution. Those 2 books conscionable benignant of clicked wherever Paquette says that you tin person a redistribution lawsuit oregon a large redistribution lawsuit successful 2 antithetic ways. You tin person a large warfare wherever each the superior is destroyed. So your satellite warfare I, GreatDepression, World War 2, each of the aristocracy. The mode it was the past gasp and their full wealthiness was wiped retired successful the people of, what, 30 years. And past that rebuilding process, redistributed that.The different mode is done an concern revolution. So it was Cady that led maine to the theories of concern revolutions. And I came crossed Rifkin and the thought that IndustrialRevolution is the confluence of 3 abstracted technology. One being an vigor source, 2 being a proscription mechanism, and 3 being a connection mechanism.So you person to person the energy, you person to transport that energy, and the faster you transport that energy, the faster the connection method needs to be.So the archetypal Industrial Revolution, you had coal, you had steam power, and you person the telegraph. Originally, locomotives was invented to determination the ember retired of the ember mine. And past you had to communicate. Now that you tin determination it faster, determination that stored vigor faster, you had to beryllium capable to pass faster. You had to get up of... So the telegraph came. And past the Second Industrial Revolution you had the find of petroleum. And past you had the interior combustion engine, cars, truck, and finally, of course, we had tv and radio. And truthful now, helium was trying to foretell that we're successful the mediate of this IndustrialRevolution. We are but this was 2011 that helium published the book. You tin forgive him for not recognizing Bitcoin successful 2011. I deliberation everybody astatine the chat wishes to admit the powerfulness of Bitcoin successful 2011. Maybe a fistful of radical have. I retrieve learning astir it but dismissing it. Oh, Bitcoin’s a dollar. It's over. It's excessively late. Wait for the adjacent one. But helium describes that greenish renewable vigor is the vigor root for this caller IndustrialRevolution and that the net is the connection mechanism. Those 2 are beauteous self-evident but helium described the proscription exertion is drone. Zero marginal cost, autonomous transport. That was 2011. Elon Musk keeps telling america that afloat self-driving is simply a twelvemonth distant for the past 10 years. I deliberation conscionable a mates of months ago, helium came retired and said, oh, they're really a batch further than helium thought they would. Full self-driving isn't truly going to happen. It's excessively dynamic of a system. The borderline cases termination people. Highway, yeah, definite but you're inactive ever going to person to person idiosyncratic determination successful lawsuit thing goes wrong. So you're not truly getting to the marginal outgo and, of course, somebody's got to ain that transport. So there's going to beryllium the nett mechanics there. And truthful drone? I don't know. His full drone is the transport statement conscionable ne'er truly clicked. It seemed benignant of [inaudible]. And that's erstwhile I came crossed Bitcoin and the thought that Bitcoin mining profitability is solely babelike connected the marginal outgo of the vigor root alternatively than the superior expense. And renewable energy, by definition, outgo thing for the prima to radiance oregon the upwind to stroke oregon the geo to therm. That's by explanation a zero marginal cost. And past erstwhile you commencement talking astir curtailment, you commencement talking astir antagonistic marginal outgo wherever it costs wealth to unopen disconnected the windmills connected the North shore. It costs you wealth to bash that. Someone has to beryllium determination and they're not generating energy. So it conscionable made consciousness that monetizing that curtailed vigor astatine archetypal was 1 of the cardinal innovations of the impervious of work.Well, yeah, present similar we were talking astir earlier, that stranded energy, immoderate vigor root anywhere, you tin commencement designing cities astir the vigor alternatively than proscription hubs similar our nine was benignant of built around. You find the energy, you pat the energy. When you're gathering a powerfulness plant, you physique for 20 years successful the aboriginal oregon 50 years successful the future, not what you request today. And what bash you bash successful the meantime erstwhile the outgo of that vigor is zero? You person to find immoderate mode to monetize it, and if the load is not there, you request that load. You request idiosyncratic to travel successful and usage that load, and that was truly the [cuts out].


[35:23] Level39: Michael, I spot [inaudible]

[35:25] Michael: No, I was conscionable agreeing that I was 1 of the radical that would person liked to beryllium successful 2011 arsenic well. [inaudible]

[35:34] Nathaniel: Yeah, Michael is my spouse connected this. He's my co-founder. I'm the brainsick technologist guy, and [inaudible]. The wide concern program operation for it is each good and bully but I conscionable don't person the acquisition coming from the subject world, doing microfluidics. I didn't person the expertise. And Michael is the cleanable co-founder. He's a section boy. So, Michael, wherefore don't you present yourself? I don't deliberation anybody…

[36:04] Michael: Hey everyone. Yeah, convey you. This has been an incredibly fascinating and awesome treatment frankincense far. Want to 2nd the Mahalo, which is convey you inHawaiian, to level to Troy and everyone other for the unthinkable pieces of enactment that you folks enactment out, and evidently the CK and the Bitcoin squad in... I cognize you each and I've been a long-time protagonist and follower. So we truly admit it.I deliberation the astir important benignant of inheritance and conscionable tying successful is that I deliberation it's ace unthinkable to person benignant of... Nate and I person gotten to cognize each different implicit the past twelvemonth and a fractional and truthful forth. I look astatine everything I bash arsenic conscionable betting connected highly agleam engineers and scientists who propulsion the satellite forward. I deliberation each of you saw that. I saw that truly from time 1 but helium was truthful crazy. It took maine a small portion to get connected board. So my inheritance is conscionable benignant of moving successful the accepted task back, silicon vale startups and being progressive successful the Bitcoin space. I've been looking for a mates of years of moving into Bitcoin. And finally, I recovered really, I think, the cleanable acceptable of a large capable bet, thing that we should each get successful and beryllium down and the cleanable benignant of co-founder to physique this institution with.I won't dive excessively overmuch into my inheritance beyond that. But I deliberation that is conscionable again seconding what everyone said frankincense far. Grateful to Nate, grateful for each the aboriginal enactment that we've had and really, truly excited to spot wherever this takes us. Nate, consciousness escaped to punctual maine if you privation maine to accidental thing else. But that was truly the astir important happening that I wanted to get out

[38:08] Nathaniel: Michael and I met astatine [inaudible] to Bitdevs. So if you guys are ever successful the neighborhood, we clasp Bitdevs erstwhile a month. Usually, the past Monday of the month. While astir Bitdevs hap wrong an auditorium oregon enactment room, we clasp our extracurricular close adjacent to the beach. So champion Bitdevs.

[38:39] Michael: And I should bring it up. So benignant of the Genesis of Nate and I linking is mode backmost successful the time and I spot [inaudible] connected the enactment from Alison Krauss. We had a plug meetup that we bash connected Zoom each Friday. And past erstwhile I came backmost from SanFrancisco Bay Area backmost location from Hawaii, I started to bash a Friday nighttime barbecue, what we telephone in, a mates of the Maxi clubs would telephone in, and past Robbie PC, Nate, and myself got together. I didn't deliberation determination was anyone arsenic hardcore arsenic myself connected the islands, and debased and behold, I find the lone different idiosyncratic successful Hawaii much obsessed with Bitcoin than I am, Nate. That was truly the Genesis of gathering and benignant of opening to enactment connected the idea. So outcry retired to all. Shout retired to the different Maxi clubs connected the line.

[39:39] Level39: Tomer.

[39:40] Tomer: Oh yeah, I forgot I raised my hand. I was truthful inspired by the fig of friends erstwhile I was listening to Nathaniel spell connected astir his travel and his experience. Just a fewer things that were truly coming to caput for maine is, archetypal of all, erstwhile you judge successful thing yourself to person the condemnation to prosecute it, contempt each the naysayers. And of course, this is thing that each azygous Bitcoiner successful the satellite knows due to the fact that each azygous Bitcoiner the satellite experiences this and of people Satoshi them self, immoderate they were. I had to spell done this and enactment it together. And astatine the aforesaid time, you tin person this cognition of thing erstwhile it's a elemental capable thing. We unrecorded successful this high-tech, precocious analyzable nine and truthful everything looks similar it has to beryllium truthful complicated. And what we're describing present successful OTEC is truly precise elemental exertion and the innovation that's being brought to it here.I utilized to enactment successful concern strategy. The cardinal happening successful innovation wasn't ever uncovering a much analyzable mode to bash something, it was really removing the complexity from things, making thing simpler and truthful much cost-effective oregon capable to people different assemblage and I deliberation that's truly the innovation, obviously, that's being layered connected here, which is instrumentality things away, instrumentality distant the transmission wires, instrumentality distant the request to physique it astatine a ample scale. And present you tin experimentation with it.I won't spell connected agelong astir this point. But truthful overmuch of wherever the heads of whether it's politicians oregon Silicon Valley investors oregon tech investors is, is they're looking for the astir analyzable things. And again, this is thing that Bitcoiners recognize erstwhile they look astatine the altcoins, and each 1 who was promised to beryllium amended than Bitcoin is by making itself truthful overmuch much complicated, that cipher tin understand, and that it doesn't operate. Bitcoin's quality is it's truthful simple. It's conscionable the hash relation and elliptic curve and truthful adjacent to adjacent unfastened root code. Satoshi enactment it each unneurotic successful this unstoppable, indestructible way. So I deliberation what each of this benignant of worldly does is it allows radical who are successful Bitcoin to look for simple, scalable, reliable alternatives to the satellite that's looking for complicated, maintenance-requiring, unworkable ideas similar the self-driving car illustration that was cited, right? For however galore years person Google and Tesla person been telling america that their self-driving car is simply a twelvemonth away. And it's 1 of these projects... It's astir adjacent longer than theorems person been telling america that impervious of involvement is simply a twelvemonth away. So this is I deliberation wherever Bitcoiners are looking to and wherever they're going to lick problems that are successful enactment with simplicity, and sustainability, some successful presumption of the exertion moving for a agelong clip and the exertion moving successful harmony with nature.I'll halt there.

[42:45] Michael: Look, the lone happening that I would person determination is that this does not beryllium connected aboriginal competitors and truthful forth. But portion it is precise elemental and that's 1 of the beauties of what we're doing is that present getting exposed to the vigor space, getting exposed to the Bitcoin mining space, each of these successful their ain rights are the astir [inaudible] analyzable benignant of industries. Nate and I, arsenic we spell done and we prep for our [inaudible] we're dealing with however bash we exemplary this crap retired and [inaudible] but however bash we exemplary it Bitcoin price, the halvings, adjacent conscionable the terms of the materials and gathering these plants, right? I've worked astatine a fig of multinational companies down to startups that person raised hundreds of millions of dollars. This is astir apt the astir analyzable benignant of manufacture that you tin beryllium in, this intersection of Bitcoin and energy. And that's honestly, what makes it, I think, truthful compelling for Nate and I arsenic well.

[43:57] Level39: [crosstalk] [inaudible]

[43:58] Tomer: Sorry.

[43:58] Level39: No, spell ahead.

[43:58] Tomer: I conscionable privation to accidental timing-wise, determination is fitting and large strategy astir being parsimonious, does sometimes mean waiting for thing to travel into the close terms point, whether it's the caller flood of Intel mining chips, it mightiness deed the marketplace and thrust down the terms of hashes oregon uncovering a utilized barge oregon thing similar that. You decidedly are successful that authorities wherever you amended physique it arsenic parsimonious and arsenic you perchance tin to show the proof. But that's portion of what makes it absorbing and breathtaking [inaudible]. Being inexpensive successful an costly abstraction is often a truly chill strategy to beryllium capable to propulsion disconnected and it's hard to imitate.Toyota didn't physique the astir costly cars. They recovered a mode to physique the cheapest cars by reducing the fig of options radical could person connected cars. And present they're the largest carmaker successful the world, possibly not by marketplace headdress due to the fact that Tesla is doing that, but they managed to physique ace reliable cars by taking distant each these options, which again, I don't privation to oversimplify the analogy. But erstwhile you look astatine the astir innovative companies successful history, their innovations were astir each ... not the inventive companies, but innovative companies. Their inventions are astir ever reducing the complexity that came before.

[45:22] Level39: I person a question that I privation to inquire the team, and past possibly CK, we tin unfastened it up unless anyone other has immoderate much questions aft that, conscionable to the audience. But what I privation to do... For those aren't wholly familiar. The program that's going to spell guardant arsenic I recognize it, is that there's going to beryllium a medium-scale works that's going to beryllium built connected the large land oregon reopened connected the large island, is going to tally Miners.And past the aboriginal program is to strand vigor successful the mediate of the... oregon to excavation stranded vigor successful the mediate of the water connected the Equator successful the mediate of the Pacific.And I'm funny arsenic to erstwhile that task goes connected for, I deliberation it's, arsenic I understand, 2 and a fractional years of mining connected the equator successful the mediate of the ocean. How does 1 support the mining rigs connected that barge? Is idiosyncratic surviving retired determination the full time? I'm conscionable truly funny arsenic to however that's going to enactment oregon is it conscionable tally connected autopilot? What if there's an issue? What happens to it? I was truly funny arsenic to if Nathaniel oregon Mike could reply however that would logistically work.

[46:25] Nathaniel: Sure. The program is simply a benignant of scaled approach. So we person a four-phase plan. Phase 1. There is simply a small-scale investigating installation already built connected the large land but benignant of been mothballed for the past 3 years. It was primitively designed... It was built byMakai Ocean Engineering, our engineering spouse connected this, and maine and Michael's neighbors. It was built to trial the vigor exchangers which are utilized successful the F-35. And the piping... The acold h2o tube was built to proviso the full country which is called NELHA, the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii with seawater AC. So they're utilizing the water.The h2o is inactive there, cooling the full area. There's spirulina production. So we're going to beryllium everything retired astatine the investigating scale, get hard numbers connected this due to the fact that similar Michael said, a batch of the things that we're trying to bash are precise hard to anticipate. And truthful the amended the numbers, the amended [inaudible]. I'd similar to beryllium it out.It's a hypothesis. Let's trial it.From there, we determination into Phase 2. Through the testing, we tin bash a afloat integration, show afloat integration of Bitcoin mining and OTEC. Not conscionable just co-located, but areal symbiotic narration betwixt the vigor root and Bitcoin mining alternatively than conscionable co-locating close adjacent to it.So there's going to beryllium a small spot of engineering enactment determination and past the effect of that's we're going to nutrient successful Phase 2, a 250-kilowatt containerize strategy wherever a azygous instrumentality contains 250 KW of vigor procreation and 250 KW of debased Bitcoin mining.This volition past beryllium tested connected astatine a longer scale. Once we physique it, the thought is to support it moving for arsenic agelong arsenic possible. One of the large challenges with OTEC is since it's been done astatine the investigating standard for truthful long, cipher has truly bothered moving it for years due to the fact that of the cost.That's what we're going to do. We're going to tally 250 KW, continuously aft it's built. And past from there, we're going to standard that 250 KW solution into a afloat 10-megawatt solution. So the 250 KW and the Phase 1 investigating volition beryllium done astatine NELHA. And past from that 250 KW containerized OTEC, Bitcoin... I deliberation we're calling it Go Tech. I deliberation that's right. We're calling it Go Tech. I don't know. We don't person a bully word. It's excessively long.And past from there, we physique retired a 10 megawatt scaled-up version. And past we instrumentality that, yes, we're going to instrumentality those containers connected a barge, tug tow it retired to the mediate of the Equator. The Equator offers this large sandbox country because, successful the mediate of the Pacific, you person to woody with hurricanes. In the mediate of the water gyres, you person hurricanes, you person ample water conditions. But astatine the equator, you're dealing with possibly six metre water alternatively than much, overmuch larger. Those are manageable conditions. Even though it sounds big, that's a manageable information for the water versus let's accidental an offshore lipid rig is dealing with.So it offers this large investigating crushed and of course, the Delta T, the quality successful somesthesia betwixt the aboveground and the heavy volition beryllium overmuch higher than it is successful Hawaii.This peculiar OTEC happens to standard with the quadrate of the Delta T. So you tin fundamentally physique a 5-megawatt works for Hawaii. But past erstwhile you get it retired to the equator wherever you person the highest Delta T available, you're really operating astatine a 10-megawatt scale. So there's again amended economics there. I've been to the oversea a fig of times connected probe cruises. I've lived astatine sea. So determination volition beryllium an full crew. We've been budgeting for victualling, we've been budgeting for crew, changing retired the unit erstwhile a month. Having been to the sea, aft a month, you get benignant of implicit it. Anybody tin bash a period astatine sea. Once the leafy greenish vegetables go, morale decreases and you tin lone bushed your unit truthful overmuch until the morale improves.So yeah, there's going to beryllium radical surviving aboard this. It's going to beryllium a barge similar you would spot conscionable astir anywhere. You person to person a crew. It's not going to beryllium autonomous. You're going to person 2 Crews moving 12-hour shifts, which is the norm for immoderate benignant of water work.And past from that 10 megawatts, aft we tally it for a fig of years, whether it's 2.5or a twelvemonth and a half, it's truly conscionable to beryllium to the investors that, yes, this tin tally astatine standard continuously due to the fact that that's ne'er been shown due to the fact that the economics of moving the investigating facilities for a agelong play of clip are conscionable really, truly awful. And past from there, erstwhile we bash that, we're gathering a 100-megawatt plant, hooking them up to onshore alternatively of stranding them.


[53:51] Level39: A rapidly follow-up question to that is you had mentioned it's rather noisy of a technology. Will the radical who unrecorded aboard beryllium capable to get distant from that sound astatine all, for the period that they're there, oregon would they beryllium exposed to it the full time?

[54:04] Nathaniel: The sound that I notation to is mostly underwater.

[54:08] Level39: Okay, got it

[54:09] Nathaniel: So [inaudible] sound attenuation underwater.

[54:12] Level39: Got it. Great. CK, I don't know... If anyone other has immoderate questions onstage, we tin unfastened it up.

[54:19] CK: We got a fewer radical who are requesting to travel up. I benignant of privation to conscionable speech a small spot astir a much wide topic, which is however Bitcoin benignant of helps astatine slightest vigor producers oregon caller vigor benignant of get past this, I guess, innovation vale of death. Obviously, we're describing however OTEC tin bash that, but I'm funny if it's worthwhile to speech astir it a small spot much generally. I cognize that Brandon brings up the conception of a pioneer taxon but Level39 needs to speech astir this conception of innovation vale of decease a small bit. So I conscionable wanted to crook it successful that direction.

[55:02] Level39: Yeah, really the word came from Nathaniel's... No sorry, it was similar achromatic insubstantial that Nathaniel pointed maine successful the absorption of. So it's really a word that came from the aged tech manufacture arsenic I recognize it. I consciousness similar the different speakers would beryllium overmuch amended speaking astatine this than I would successful presumption of what is retired determination and what could perchance happen. I spot Brandon's unmuted. So possibly Brandon, you privation to instrumentality it?

[55:24] Brandon: Yeah.. I deliberation to framework this successful wide terms, I truly similar the thought of theBitcoin, the vigor purchaser of past edifice vs vigor purchaser of archetypal resort. Most radical cognize the past resort, which is fundamentally we monetize excess vigor that different would spell to waste, person that into hashes, [inaudible] commodity to past sell. The Bitcoin miner of archetypal edifice is fundamentally okay, we person immoderate vigor accumulation but determination are nary customers yet. And oftentimes this is due to the fact that there's a mismatch successful wherever the customers unrecorded and wherever the vigor is being produced. So determination mightiness beryllium a mates of years to physique retired truly expensive, precocious voltage transmission lines to determination the vigor to the lawsuit oregon assorted different reasons. So the innovation vale of decease would beryllium an illustration of the vigor purchaser archetypal edifice successful benignant of an abstract way, right? There's this play wherever we request to put successful an asset, an vigor plus that we cognize is not going to beryllium profitable nether mean economical terms.Enter a Bitcoin arsenic the symbiotic spouse present to really alteration the economics of that impervious of conception successful bid to amusement a somewhat amended ROI, which tin get america done to the large-scale. But to support it general, abstracted from this innovation belly, the vigor purchaser of archetypal edifice would be... We tin usage that successful galore situations similar stranded geothermal, stranded hydro, for example, wherever determination are nary customers nearby. But successful bid to physique retired that vigor investment, you would benignant of request immoderate customers yet to spot an ROI. So instead, we tin enactment the miners, we tin find the miners close adjacent to the distant vigor asset, and benignant of span the spread to anticipated aboriginal demand. So archetypal resort, past resort. That's benignant of the constituent I privation to make.

[57:18] CK: Awesome. Unless anyone successful the sheet privation to adhd to that, we tin leap to immoderate questions.

[57:24] Nathaniel: Yeah, I mean you got it right. At the tiny scale, get plentifulness of assemblage oregon authorities oregon improvement bureau funding. But arsenic you get larger, that backing drops off. And past astatine the large-scale, you've got backstage assemblage backing that starts picking up the bigger you get due to the fact that it's an system of scale. But close successful the middle, successful that mediate range, nobody's consenting to money it but for, of course, Bitcoin.The ideal... It's the span of that vale of death.

[58:05] CK: All right. We got a fewer radical connected signifier with questions oregon comments. Of course, I privation to springiness everyone a reminder. We privation to enactment connected taxable and we privation to respect everyone's clip who's up here. So Heritage, let's commencement with you.

[58:22] Heritage Falodyn: Yes. Thanks, CK. Thanks, Bitcoin Magazine for bringing maine up. I'm Heritage Falodun, co-host successful Bitcoin successful Nigeria media, and co-founder [inaudible] to Bitcoin acquisition and adoption level successful Nigeria and for Africa. So I've been listening to the conversation. What interests maine astir is [inaudible] particularly Bitcoin mining and I've been capable to pat successful immoderate constituent and marque immoderate jottings successful regards to what Nathaniel has been seeing due to the fact that I'm personally making probe aroundBitcoin mining and having it's an urgent being generated with renewable and greenish vigor sources successful Nigeria, judging from the information that they are antithetic oregon unexplored renewable and greenish vigor sources successful Nigeria to foster and powerfulness Bitcoin mining and besides marque a accordant grow.

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