ECB Staff Unhappy With Christine Lagarde’s Leadership, Survey Shows

8 months ago
ECB Staff Unhappy With Christine Lagarde's Leadership, Internal Survey Shows

A survey of European Central Bank (ECB) unit has revealed wide dissatisfaction with President Christine Lagarde’s leadership. More than fractional of the respondents rated Lagarde’s show arsenic “very poor” oregon “poor.” Some expressed concerns that the erstwhile International Monetary Fund (IMF) main “does not needfully enactment according to the values she proclaims.”

Lagarde Spends ‘Too Much Time connected Topics Unrelated to Monetary Policy’

The International and European Public Services Organisation (IPSO), a national founded by European Central Bank (ECB) staff, conducted a survey among ECB unit asking them to measure the show of Christine Lagarde arsenic a president of the ECB. The survey was conducted betwixt Dec. 12 and Dec. 22, 2023. Lagarde was France’s concern curate betwixt 2007 and 2011. She past served arsenic the managing manager of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) betwixt 2011 and 2019.

According to the survey results, released earlier this week, 50.6% of 1,159 respondents rated Lagarde’s show successful the archetypal fractional of her eight-year word arsenic “very poor” oregon “poor.” The IPSO besides revealed that galore respondents expressed dissatisfaction with Lagarde spending “too overmuch clip connected topics unrelated to monetary policy,” citing her predominant engagement successful governmental discussions.

Moreover, 53.5% disagreed that she was the “right president for the ECB astatine the existent juncture.” Some respondents expressed interest astir Lagarde’s imaginable governmental aspirations, suggesting she whitethorn beryllium utilizing the ECB arsenic a level for aboriginal governmental endeavors. Only 38% of respondents backed the monetary argumentation decisions taken nether Lagarde. One unit subordinate was quoted arsenic saying:

The ECB has been focusing connected topics beyond its mandate successful a play wherever ostentation was astatine the highest level successful the EU history.

An ECB spokesperson said the survey was flawed, stating: “The President and the Board are afloat focused connected their mandate and person implemented policies to respond to unprecedented events successful caller years specified arsenic the pandemic and wars.”

In its summary of comments for the survey, the IPSO noted:

Christine Lagarde is mostly reported arsenic being an autocratic person who does not needfully enactment according to the values she proclaims.

Do you deliberation Christine Lagarde is simply a bully ECB leader? Let america cognize successful the comments conception below.

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