We each person a batch to beryllium thankful for this vacation season, from the archetypal day of the beacon chain, to the palmy upgrades implicit the past twelvemonth and the unthinkable advancement crossed the full Ethereum ecosystem.

As a highly productive twelvemonth draws to a close, determination are a fewer last gifts to present successful the signifier of updates from galore (15+!!) EF-supported teams that are ever moving to amended the network. And there’s a lot of substantive worldly here, truthful instrumentality immoderate clip to benignant done the array of contents, and excavation in!

As always, this roundup bid focuses connected EF-supported teams whose members are moving to turn and amended Ethereum arsenic a whole. Included successful this variation are updates from galore teams highlighted successful the erstwhile report, and different caller and rotating groups.

Enjoy! 🦄

Consensus R&D (aka EF Research Team)

Authored by Hsiao-Wei Wang

In the 2nd fractional of this year, the milestones successful Ethereum statement R&D included:

To align with The Great Renaming, we shifted components to “Consensus Layer” from “Eth2” for clearer connection successful the agelong term.

In aboriginal 2022, our squad volition absorption connected helping to present the “The Merge”, the astir important statement protocol upgrade ever. Fortunately, we person large enactment from lawsuit teams, and others successful the assemblage moving to marque this a reality! In the meantime, we volition beryllium continuing our probe enactment connected information availability, L1 scaling, and the features of the “clean up” fork aft The Merge.

Ecosystem Support Program

Authored by ESP Team

We published our Q2 Allocation Update with grants totalling $7,794,000 for the 4th - and Q3 is coming soon! You tin besides cheque retired caller monthly roundups here and here for much elaborate advancement updates from a fewer of our fabulous grantees.

Behind the scenes, we’re moving connected a large website overhaul which should marque it easier than ever to recognize ESP’s ngo and priorities, and for eligible builders to use for backing oregon different support. We can’t hold to motorboat the caller tract successful aboriginal 2022!


Authored by Sam Richards

To marque our enactment much accessible and to foster much assemblage collaboration, our squad publishes an overview of our quarterly roadmap goals. See our Q4 merchandise roadmap here.

Happy holidays to each from the ethereum.org squad 😀🎄 As always, our imaginativeness with ethereum.org is to make the champion portal for Ethereum’s increasing assemblage and to service arsenic the beforehand doorway to Ethereum for millions of caller visitors each month.

Content updates

Ethereum moves fast! As good arsenic updating hundreds of pages to guarantee our contented stays up to day and accurate, we’ve besides released a clump of caller content:

Ethereum.org exists acknowledgment to hundreds of contented and codification contributors from the community. In Q3/Q4, we enactment accent connected ways to summation contributions and admit the assemblage for the enactment they were doing:

Some stats (Aug - Dec)

  • Our GitHub contributors accrued by 57%, from 396 to 621 😲
  • Our Discord community astir doubled, from 6,500 to 12,200 members 🎉
  • We’ve hosted 2 community calls and started office-hours for contributors
  • We added 3 caller assemblage guides (trusted members answering questions and moderating chat) 😎
  • We introduced tiered POAPs to gamify contributions for content, code, and translations

Translation Program

Since hiring our caller Translation Lead successful July, the Translation Program has truly ramped up!

Some stats:

  • Between July and November, the assemblage collectively translated 1,373,046 words for ethereum.org, implicit 10x the magnitude of this aforesaid play past year! To enactment this successful perspective, this is equivalent to translating the entirety of astir 20 books 📚!
  • We’ve received translation enactment from implicit 2,500 assemblage contributors 🤯
  • We person 37 languages unrecorded connected ethereum.org 🌍
  • We launched an inaugural to amended acknowledge our translators, including a leaderboard and translator certificates!

CLR funding

We’re supporting a clr.fund circular connected Layer 2! After implicit 6 months of contributing to clr.fund’s quadratic backing stack, we’ve merged our changes to the upstream repo, which adds L2 web enactment and a assortment of web app enhancements.

clr.fund plans to deploy a backing circular connected Arbitrum One geared towards the staking ecosystem successful January, and the EF is excited to connection matching funds to the round. We anticipation you participate! Stay tuned for details. Yay nationalist goods!

We’ve been gathering connected the shoulders of giants. Thank you to the clr.fund team, the MACI squad & clr.fund’s assemblage of contributors who proceed to propulsion innovations successful the ZKP & quadratic backing space.

What’s next?

  • creating a learning hub to let non-technical users to go proficient Ethereum users
  • building further resources connected moving nodes and staking to amended accessibility
  • further automating our translation pipeline to merchandise translated contented retired faster
  • expanding the Translation Program beyond ethereum.org
  • updating contented to modulation distant from the Eth2 terminology arsenic the merge approaches

How does that sound?

We admit feedback connected our roadmap. Our guiding principles are based connected delivering the astir worth successful the shortest time, truthful if there’s thing you deliberation we should enactment on, delight fto america know! We invited ideas and contributions from anyone successful the community.

More connected contributing


Authored by Alex Beregszaszi

We person created a team website to supply a wide explainer and to comprehensively database our existent and past work.

It is casual to archer from the pursuing headers that successful the 2nd fractional of the twelvemonth the squad mostly focused connected the EVM. It’s besides important to notation that we person teamed up with the Geth Team to amended the show of the EVM interpreter.

EVM Object Format (EOF)

The archetypal measurement towards this, EIP-3541, went unrecorded with London and we person conducted a survey crossed galore testnets and EVM chains to find a fitting prefix for EOF.

Continued clarifications were made to EIP-3540 (including the chosen prefix), and we besides projected further enactment gathering connected apical of it:

  • EIP-3670 to present codification validation astatine deploy time
  • EIP-3690 to regenerate JUMPDEST opcodes with a JUMPDEST-table
  • EIP-4200 to present 2 caller opcodes, RJUMP and RJUMPI, facilitating static jumps

During October we presented EOF astatine Liscon (slides here, but the signaling is not available) and astatine the Ethereum Meetup successful Berlin (slides, recording).

Other EIPs

EIP-2681 (Limit relationship nonce to 2^64-1)

One of our aged proposals, EIP-2681, was accepted during ACD#120. It codifies a restriction, which was already (partially) implemented successful signifier successful astir clients. After acceptance we person extended the Ethereum State Tests suite and adjusted the geth implementation.

EIP-3855 (PUSH0 instruction)

EIP-3855 proposes to present a PUSH0 acquisition which pushes 0 onto the stack. This is simply a often utilized feature, mostly accomplished contiguous via inefficient oregon repurposed instructions.

Our investigation recovered that important resources could person been saved with this opcode:

To enactment the “waste” into perspective, crossed existing accounts 340,557,331 bytes are wasted connected PUSH1 00 instructions, which means 68,111,466,200 state was spent to deploy them.

EIP-3860 (Limit and metre initcode)

EIP-3860 is simply a connection to acceptable a bound and present metering for initcode. This would let for much optimised investigation and execution, due to the fact that implementations would request to woody with little unknowns.


As a collaboration with the Geth Team, we started to enactment connected measuring and improving the show of the EVM interpreter successful geth.

On the investigation broadside 2 reports are noteworthy:

  • Geth vs evmone compares the velocity of Geth and evmone utilizing the benchmarking suite successful evmone.
  • Geth & Go compiler explores the effect of the Go compiler mentation connected the velocity of geth.

Based connected these archetypal results, we person looked into profiling geth, and yet contributing respective improvements to the codebase, astir of which has been already merged. A non-comprehensive database of applicable PRs: 23952, 23970, 23974, 23977, 24017, 24026, 24031, 24120.

Follow this link to spot each PR. We program to proceed this enactment successful the adjacent quarter.


Two bugfix releases of evmone were made: 0.8.1 and 0.8.2.


The squad besides maintains a C++ ethash/keccak256 library, which is utilized by evmone and Silkworm.

The latest 0.8.0 release introduces a caller method for verifying the last Ethash hashes against the artifact difficulty. This is some a usability and velocity improvement. The method has been posted connected Ethresear.ch.

Additionally, ProgPoW has been deprecated successful the library.


The squad besides participated successful the Wasm successful Web3 league during September. We gave 2 presentations:

  • Fizzy — A deterministic interpreter (slides) gave a broad overview of what Fizzy is, however it compares to different engines, and besides explains the reasoning down galore of the plan choices we made.
  • Weird quirks portion investigating WebAssembly shows a bully enactment of borderline cases we person encountered portion processing Fizzy. The speech besides gives immoderate imaginable solutions and explainers for these borderline cases, arsenic good arsenic however we person extended the authoritative WebAssembly trial suite to screen them.

Formal Verification

Authored by Leo Alt

In the 2nd fractional of the twelvemonth the FV squad continued to absorption connected our existing tools:


  • We yet released Act 0.1! You tin work the astonishing tutorial astatine https://fv.ethereum.org/2021/08/31/act-0.1/ to cheque what’s imaginable presently and however to usage it.
  • We’re presently refactoring mistake handling to amended usability.



  • Track the balances of contracts precisely, including msg.value sent to and from the analyzed contracts.
  • Also enactment the low-level telephone relation arsenic an unsafe outer call.
  • Improve counterexamples by reporting block.*, msg.* and tx.* values that are important for failed verification targets.
  • Report declaration and reentrancy inductive invariants backmost to the user.


Authored by Felix Lange

In the 2nd fractional of 2021, we published 9 geth releases. As usual, our clip has been divided betwixt EIP review/implementation, lawsuit optimization/maintenance and reviewing codification changes projected by the community.

In July, the London hard fork, which included EIP-1559, was activated. The caller state pricing strategy defined by this EIP required galore changes crossed each subsystems of geth. We are inactive discovering and fixing corner-case issues related to EIP-1559 now, six months aft its introduction.

Two information vulnerabilities were discovered successful the past six months. For some of them, we followed our information advisory policy: we instantly assigned a CVE fig to the contented and published a hotfix release. Technical details astir the vulnerability were published 6-8 weeks later.

In the past 4th of 2021, our enactment has mostly shifted towards implementation and investigating of The Merge. We are connected way to crook geth into the ‘execution furniture client’ of the merged execution+consensus (fmr. “eth1+eth2”) layers. In mentation for The Merge, we person re-written overmuch of the sync codification to run nether power of the statement layer. Geth besides participates successful Merge testnets.

Additionally, the geth squad has been moving connected respective semipermanent projects, specified arsenic implementation of Verkle Trees, a beacon concatenation airy client, and a caller database retention strategy for the Ethereum state.

Javascript Team

Authored by Holger Drewes

In the past 2 quarters of 2021, preparations for “the large transitions” connected the Ethereum web was a beardown absorption of our work. We participated successful the Merge Interop successful Greece and released the archetypal Merge-testnet acceptable versions of our client, VM and related libraries (see e.g. the EthereumJS lawsuit v0.2 release). We besides started connected an breathtaking experimentation with the Go-Ethereum Verkle/Stateless squad to natively trial stateless artifact execution based connected a verkle impervious served on a modified artifact header via devp2p wrong our client. If you are funny you tin spot the pursuing tracking issue to ticker our progress.

A spot much applicable for the extremity idiosyncratic right now: the enactment of our libraries for the emerging L2 networks similar Polygon, Arbitrum oregon Optimism has been improved. These and immoderate different networks tin present straight beryllium referenced to e.g. nonstop a transaction to a definite L2 network. See e.g. the Common v2.6.0 merchandise for the latest Optimism L2 web integration.

And past but not least: determination is simply a VM ArrowGlacier merchandise available and connected the Ethers.js front. Richard has conscionable posted an breathtaking overview connected the upcoming Ethers.js v6 room changes and updates connected his blog.

Privacy & Scaling Explorations

Authored by Thore Hildebrandt

The Privacy & Scaling Explorations squad works to span the spread betwixt cutting-edge probe successful zero-knowledge proofs, and exertion improvement connected Ethereum.


The extremity of zkEVM is to tally astute contracts successful a zk-rollup. Unfortunately, the EVM was not designed to tally successful a zk circuit which makes it a challenge. We privation to instrumentality the afloat acceptable of EVM opcodes straight into the zk circuits truthful a astute declaration moving connected L1 tin beryllium deployed to L2 with minimal modifications. This volition let afloat compatibility with existing tooling and alteration america to leverage cognition of the EVM that the ecosystem has built up implicit the past years. We are making bully advancement connected specification of the opcodes and implementation of the circuits, and we person aboriginal benchmarks and an important extremity going guardant to bring prover clip down.


ZKOPRU (zk-optimistic-rollup) is simply a layer-2 scaling solution for backstage transactions utilizing zk-SNARK and optimistic rollup. It supports backstage transfers and backstage atomic swaps wrong the layer-2 web betwixt ETH, ERC20 and ERC721. It besides provides instant withdrawal with pay-in-advance features and compliance compatibility utilizing spending cardinal and viewing keys. ZKOPRU has precocious launched connected testnet - spell up and cheque it out. We’re moving connected improving sync-times and connected a backstage speech feature.

UniRep is simply a backstage and non-repudiable estimation system. Users tin person affirmative and antagonistic estimation from attesters, and voluntarily beryllium that they person astatine slightest a definite magnitude of estimation without revealing the nonstop amount. Moreover, users cannot garbage to person estimation from an attester. We are utilizing Unirep to physique Unirep Social: a Reddit-like level that allows users to privately accumulate karma. Building the Unirep Social website was our absorption successful the past months. Proofs successful Unirep are present indexed truthful that they tin beryllium referred galore times and forestall 1 impervious from being submitted twice. Unirep tin present grip an archetypal estimation airdrop and idiosyncratic authorities modulation airdrop. We are besides improving the ratio successful generating idiosyncratic authorities and Unirep state.

Basic functions, frontend design, frontend and backend of Unirep Social are complete, and we are readying a closed pre-alpha release. Check retired this blogpost if you privation to larn more.

CLR.fund for Everyone

The extremity of the task is to marque it casual for immoderate assemblage to tally their ain CLR circular with clr.fund. This task has been precise busy. You tin present deploy your ain quadratic backing exertion with the clr.fund Deployer. Empower your assemblage to take and money its ain future, successful a afloat decentralized manner. Check retired our Subgraph and Documentation.


Reputation is the cardinal to trust. People walk years gathering up their estimation connected centralized societal platforms, but they person to commencement from thing whenever they commencement utilizing a caller app. InterRep aims to marque estimation portable to grow the compounding benefits of trusted quality interactions crossed the web. Check retired this blogpost for the archetypal announcement and the repo. In the past 4th we person expanded the scope of societal impervious sources, to POAP and email and person curated groups: on-chain, and off-chain via a Telegram bot. We are doing a UI redesign, improving enactment with lawsuit applications and preparing for a unrecorded launch.

Semaphore / ZK-Keeper

Semaphore is simply a zero-knowledge gadget which allows users to beryllium their rank of a acceptable without revealing their archetypal identity. At the aforesaid time, it allows users to awesome their endorsement of an arbitrary string. It is designed to beryllium a elemental and generic privateness furniture for Ethereum dApps. Use cases see backstage voting, whistleblowing, mixers, and anonymous authentication. With ZK-Keeper we are focussing connected keeping Semaphore up to day with the latest zk tools and integrating it with different projects similar InterRep. We person caller libs for handling semaphore proofs and identities. Implementation is present done connected apical of Halo2 and we’re getting it acceptable to beryllium utilized successful the browser.


RLN (Rate Limiting Nullifier) is simply a conception based connected zero-knowledge proofs that enables spam prevention for decentralized, anonymous environments. In anonymous environments, the individuality of the entities is unknown. We person precocious published an explanatory blog post to get much radical excited astir the idea. We person finished probe astir “Feasibility investigation for ETH2 Validator privateness utilizing RLN”. We’re moving connected productionalizing the “Private instant chat app utilizing RLN and Interrep” project. We’re besides helping to integrate the ZK-Keeper plugin into the RLN projects.

Protocol Support

Authored by Tim Beiko

The Protocol Support (PS) squad was formed successful 2021 to turn the fig of ways successful which the teams gathering oregon interacting with the Ethereum basal furniture are supported. The team’s main absorption is enabling halfway developers to vessel web upgrades connected Ethereum’s execution layer.

To this effect, Berlin, London and Arrow Glacier were deployed this year. Beyond these, PS spent important efforts moving towards The Merge, archetypal with Rayonism, past the Amphora workshop and present the Kintsugi Devnet!

This accelerating gait and scope of alteration has required much outreach to the Ethereum community, which led our squad to signifier predominant Community Calls. During these, application, infrastructure and tooling developers were invited to sermon however to champion enactment protocol upgrades and supply a creaseless modulation for their users. Alongside these calls, the squad has fixed respective talks and published respective posts astir the changing Ethereum roadmap, specified arsenic this caller each halfway devs update, this portion successful Bankless and this caller station connected the Merge and the exertion furniture successful the EF Blog.

Beyond protocol upgrades, the PS squad has taken connected 2 large initiatives to guarantee clients teams are good supported. First, a Client Incentive Program was announced to springiness teams Ethereum-aligned semipermanent incentives. The programme provides lawsuit teams with a acceptable of 144 validators that they indispensable tally utilizing their software. Assuming teams support gathering definite show benchmarks connected mainnet, these validators are gradually vested to the teams, which are escaped to either liquidate them oregon support them moving to cod rewards and fees. This programme aligns teams with Ethereum, ensures they are “dogfooding” their clients connected mainnet, and that they support delivering performant software.

Second, a Core Developer Apprenticeship Program was launched. This programme provided stipends and mentorship to self-directed individuals who wanted to dive heavy into protocol development. CDAP was launched arsenic an experimentation which proved to beryllium incredibly successful! Two cohorts were run, with implicit 25 participants. Of these, astatine slightest 5 are present moving afloat clip successful the ecosystem. These archetypal cohorts person taught america a batch astir what was bully and what could beryllium improved with the program. Expect a revamped CDAP successful 2022!

Lastly, the squad experimented with providing infrastructure to the lawsuit teams and broader community. To that end, crawler.ethereum.org was shipped and open-sourced. We anticipation that having an further crawler moving and disposable for the assemblage to improve, modify oregon fork helps supply amended views of the network’s topology.


Authored by Rob Stupay

Over the past 6 months, the Remix squad has unscrewed the backmost of our app to bash immoderate extended rewiring. First among these changes was continued enactment connected moving our codification to React. We besides expanded our scope by dialing successful immoderate effectual channels to caller communities, and onboarding caller users with a basal merchandise “tour” of our IDE. We’ve plugged successful projects into our “experience”, integrating Slither, and Hardhat, arsenic good arsenic updating the Remix VSCode extension.

And, if that’s not enough, we jammed connected immoderate tools for collaborative coding, improving Decentralized GIT and integrating Github. Last but not least, we’ve updated our existing plugins. In short, we’ve maxed it retired to 11.

See much details successful our article.

Robust Incentives Group

Authored by Barnabe Monnot

The RIG (Robust Incentives Group) welcomed caller squad members and participated successful galore important milestones for the Ethereum protocol. For a speedy refresher connected what the RIG is and what we attraction about, you tin cheque retired Protocol cryptoeconomics with the RIG, presented by Barnabé astatine EthCC successful July.

On the Proof-of-Stake statement side, Caspar, who joined america arsenic full-time probe idiosyncratic earlier this year, recovered an contented with the existent fork choice, written up arsenic Three attacks connected Proof-of-Stake Ethereum. Fortunately, determination is simply a beardown campaigner hole that was recently merged successful the statement specs, aft galore productive discussions with Stanford’s Tse Lab, who co-authored the “Three attacks” paper. Caspar and others besides projected a antithetic mitigation (“proposer presumption merge”), that is inactive nether research. Check retired Caspar astatine Liscon presenting his results!

Shyam, who joined america archetypal arsenic probe intern past summertime and is present a probe adjunct astatine the RIG, released a bid of notebooks exploring the beacon concatenation statistic from galore unsocial angles, including oceanic games and inequality. Shyam has besides been moving connected an hold to our Beacon runner PoS simulation motor that includes reinforcement learning. Check retired his speech astatine EDCON!

Block 12,965,000, August 5th, 12:33:42 PM UTC, was an important day for us: the London hard fork activated, and with it, EIP-1559. Over the past year, we’ve released a bid of notebooks presenting various simulations of the caller interest marketplace mechanism, which acceptable the signifier for further investigation aft launch. Barnabé reported immoderate results early after, and with co-authors (including Shyam) wrote up a longer-form paper, Transaction Fees connected a Honeymoon: Ethereum’s EIP-1559 One Month Later. The insubstantial is motivated by the behaviour of the 1559 update regularisation successful the existent world, and opens caller probe directions for improvements to the rule.

The RIG was besides intimately moving with the cadCAD Edu squad successful preparing an online masterclass successful validator economics, supported by a afloat extensible model of Ethereum economics (in Python).

Snake Charmers [Python Ecosystem]

Authored by Keri Clowes

In the 2nd fractional of 2021, the Snake Charmers squad completed the changes needed crossed the ecosystem to enactment the London hard fork. This progressive wide-ranging, cardinal changes passim our stack, particularly successful Py-EVM, Ethereum Tester, Web3.py, and eth-account. There were besides 2 bug bounties submitted for Py-EVM that person been fixed. We’ve ramped up efforts to make acquisition content, and placed a bigger accent connected developer relations. And arsenic always, determination is ongoing assemblage support, contented triage, and bug squashing crossed our Python tools.


Authored by Grant Wuerker

Over the past 6 months, the Fe squad has chopped the pursuing releases:

0.11.0-alpha “Karlite” (2021-12-02)

  • multi-file support
  • function definitions connected structs

v0.10.0-alpha “Jade” (2021-10-32)

  • module-level constants and functions
  • unsafe support

v0.9.0-alpha “Iridium” (2021-9-29)

  • self declarations successful relation signatures

v0.8.0-alpha “Haxonite” (2021-8-31)

  • query-based investigation utilizing Salsa

0.7.0-alpha “Galaxite” (2021-07-27)

  • Solidity ABI decoding checks

0.6.0-alpha “Feldspar” (2021-06-10)

  • no notable features

If you would similar to cognize much astir our advancement implicit the past 6 months, you tin checkout the pursuing resources:


Authored by Piper Merriam

This twelvemonth has been a large twelvemonth for the Portal Network. We started this twelvemonth with an thought and lone a escaped program for however to physique a peer-to-peer web that could present lightweight entree to the Ethereum protocol. We present person 3 autarkic teams and implementations and are good underway to launching the archetypal testnet which should germinate into a afloat functional web by the extremity of 2022.

The EF Portal squad has been moving hard connected Trin, a portal lawsuit written successful Rust. The EF Javascript squad has besides been moving connected Ultralight, a portal lawsuit written successful Typescript aimed astatine being runnable successful the browser. The squad from Status.im has besides been moving connected Fluffy, a portal lawsuit intended for integration with the Status ethereum lawsuit and wallet solutions.

During this twelvemonth we person solved the antecedently unsolved occupation of however to administer the existent Ethereum State successful a mode that is conducive to businesslike retention and retrieval. We established the Portal Wire Protocol, an extensible basal protocol that is the instauration of each of the networks making up the Portal Network. We besides had the pleasance of moving with aggregate participants of the Core Developer Apprenticeship Program who utilized the Portal Network projects arsenic a jumping disconnected constituent for getting into Core Protocol development.

Security [Security / Consensus Tests]

Authored by Security (Security / Consensus Tests) Team

On the information and investigating side, a batch of attraction has been fixed to the London upgrade and the upcoming merge. We’ve made updates connected tooling for trial authoring and continued to amended the notation tests.


Authored by Franziska Heintel

In the 2nd fractional of this year, we released Solidity versions 0.8.8, 0.8.9, 0.8.10 and 0.8.11:

  • Solidity 0.8.8 brings you user defined worth types arsenic a large caller feature. It besides improves overriding interface functions, speechmaking from immutables, and more.
  • Solidity 0.8.9 is simply a axenic bugfix merchandise and fixes 2 important, but debased severity, bugs:
  • Solidity 0.8.10 contains outer relation telephone optimizations, enables the caller EVM codification generator for axenic Yul mode and tin study declaration invariants and reentrancy properties done the SMTChecker.
  • Solidity 0.8.11 adds a archetypal implementation of a Language Server and allows a safer mode to execute ABI-encoding.

Moreover, respective Solidity squad members presented astatine ETHGlobal’s Developer Tool Summit:

The Solidity documentation got a fewer upgrades, astir notably, we…

  • updated the resources section with wide resources, Ethereum IDEs, exertion integrations, Solidity tools, Solidity parsers and grammars.
  • added the functionality to open codification examples successful the documentation straight successful Remix.

Lastly, we launched our yearly Solidity Developer Survey. If you are a Solidity developer, please instrumentality 10 minutes to stock your feedback and instrumentality portion successful the survey here. The survey volition beryllium unfastened until 31st of December 2021.

Oh and we’re hiring! Have a look astatine our C++ Engineer Solidity opening.


Authored by Thibaut Schaeffer

In the 2nd fractional of 2021, ZoKrates precocious connected antithetic fronts:


  • Type aliasing, arsenic good arsenic the quality to marque relation calls successful changeless definitions
  • Support for the ternary look syntax
  • Enable changeless generics connected structs

Proof systems

  • Reduction of the deployment outgo for immoderate Solidity verifiers
  • Expose recursive verification successful the modular library
  • Add enactment for Groth16 MPC ceremonies (coming soon)

Compiler performance

  • Extensive enactment connected reducing representation and clip requirements of the compiler (coming soon with metrics!)

For a afloat database of the changes, cheque retired the changelog