Ethereum mainnet hits record-breaking 32B weekly gas expenditure

1 year ago

Ethereum (ETH) Layer 2 (L2) networks spent a record-breaking 32 cardinal state — a year-on-year summation of 22.8% — to validate transactions and activate bridges betwixt Jan. 9 and Jan. 15, according to Dune Analytics data.

Ethereum layer2 dataSource: Dune Analytics

Optimism (OP) contributed astir 50% of the state spent — with a seven-day moving mean of 2.8 cardinal state — followed by Arbitrum with astir 30% of the share, according to Dune Analytics data.

As of Jan. 17, L2 web state expenditure connected ETH mainnet was 66.35 billion, placing it connected way to bushed the 100 cardinal people for the 3rd consecutive period —having archetypal crossed the 100 cardinal milestone successful November 2022.

L2 networks processed much transactions than ETH mainnet

The apical L2 networks — Arbitrum and OP — person seen a important emergence successful their activity, starring to them processing much combined transactions than the ETH mainnet.

As of Jan. 15, OP and Arbitrum had a combined transaction measurement of 1.2 million, portion ETH was astir 1 million, according to Dune Analytics data.

The station Ethereum mainnet hits record-breaking 32B play state expenditure appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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