Fedi Raises $4 Million To Scale Bitcoin Custody With Fedimint

2 years ago

Fedi raised $4 cardinal to accelerate the improvement of the Fedimint protocol and its companion app Fedi — tools that tin amended and standard bitcoin custody.

Fedi Inc. connected Tuesday announced that it had raised $4.2 cardinal successful a effect circular arsenic the institution seeks to onboard much users onto Bitcoin with the Fedi app, per a connection sent to Bitcoin Magazine.

The application, which the institution expects to statesman rolling retired successful Q1 2023, volition supply a idiosyncratic interface for Fedimint, an open-source protocol that leverages federated Chaumian Ecash mints to decentralize bitcoin custody and heighten the scaling capabilities of the currency.

“Fedi and Fedimint volition assistance enactment monetary powerfulness backmost into the hands of everyone, everywhere,” said Fedi Inc. co-founder and CEO, Obi Nwosu, successful a statement. “This creates brighter futures for billions and particularly for those struggling nether oppressive regimes, which yet makes the satellite a amended place.”

How Fedimint Works

Fedimint is based connected the conception of second-party custody, which improves upon third-party custody solutions and adjacent immoderate self-custody (first-party custody) setups.

Second-party custody involves trusting household members oregon friends with the custody of one’s bitcoin successful a mode that improves the spot and information models inherent successful the classical centralized third-party custody solutions — which are often composed of strangers whose incentives don’t needfully align with those of the user.

It isn’t uncommon for third-party custodians to autumn abbreviated successful decently securing the bitcoin of a fixed acceptable of users. Not lone is this a hazard due to the fact that that 3rd enactment represents a azygous constituent of nonaccomplishment but the occurrence of this setup is greatly babelike connected the incentives that the custodian has successful securing the users’ funds. For a stranger, the incentives much intimately align with the necessity to either marque profits from the custody service, blatantly steal, oregon rehypothecate the funds than to methodically guarantee champion practices for the information of those bitcoin.

Second-party custody seeks to amended upon this exemplary by having users trust connected parties they already spot successful existent beingness — for example, adjacent friends oregon household members — to unafraid their funds alternatively of wholly outsourcing this task to an organization stranger.

With Fedimint, users tin make a assemblage whose method leaders volition beryllium those tech-savvy and trusted capable to guarantee a due functioning of the system. Though the conception of spot is alien to astir Bitcoin proponents, the world is immoderate mightiness incorporated an facet of spot successful their self-custody setup contiguous without realizing it.

When users self-custody bitcoin, they person to marque decisions relating to the backup of those funds. Whereas they tin stay successful possession of their hardware wallets oregon signing devices astatine each times, the 12 oregon 24 words arguably request to beryllium stored distant truthful arsenic to mitigate the hazard of nonaccomplishment oregon theft. In doing so, users request to opt betwixt storing them successful a harmless astatine home, successful a friend’s safe, oregon successful a bank. The second is susceptible to seizure by the authorities arsenic banks request to abide by eventual subpoenas, whereas the erstwhile is susceptible to $5 wrench attacks. Leaving the backup words with a person tin beryllium astute if the person is highly trustworthy — mitigates against seizure — and not arsenic publically known — to mitigate against indirect $5 wrench attacks. However, it is inactive a azygous constituent of failure.

Ideally, therefore, the backup codes for a self-custody setup would beryllium divided utilizing a cryptographically unafraid exemplary specified arsenic Shamir’s Secret Sharing and each portion fixed to a trusted 2nd party. The contented with this, too the method complexity of devising specified a scheme, is again trust; the idiosyncratic needs to spot not lone each 2nd enactment but collectively that they don’t collude against the idiosyncratic and bargain their bitcoin. Therefore, adjacent the astir blase of the self-custody setups mightiness see immoderate level of trust.

Fedimint brings that spot presumption — second-party spot — into a exemplary that is little technically analyzable than self-custody and much scalable and private. Here’s however it works.

Chaumian Ecash

As mentioned above, Fedimint is based connected Federated Chaumian Ecash.

Chaumian Ecash is the integer currency invented by Dr. David Chaum, an aboriginal cryptographer who successful the 1980s sought to mitigate against the privateness issues inherent successful the digitization of wealth — a inclination the researcher foresaw arsenic integer means of connection began to look successful his time. Chaum was acrophobic with the impending privateness risks of a digitized money, wherever banks would beryllium capable to hint people’s spending, and carnal cash’s peer-to-peer quality would beryllium lost.

The issuance and redemption of Chaum’s integer currency was inactive centralized, though its transacting was P2P. The researcher didn’t effort to interruption escaped from authorities wealth per se; rather, helium sought a means to behaviour in-person currency trades online.

Chaum’s wealth leveraged cryptography to let a idiosyncratic to deposit wealth into a slope and person an “I beryllium you” (IOU) slope enactment that could beryllium traded further among different people. That banknote promised its holder X magnitude of wealth to beryllium redeemed by the slope astatine immoderate fixed clip — a conception popularized by the banknotes of the clip of the golden standard. Given the not-so-great divisibility and transportability of gold, golden IOU banknotes allowed for an easier transportation and carrying of “gold.” Likewise, a holder of Chaumian Ecash would beryllium capable to redeem it for existent wealth astatine the slope that issued it.

Chaum’s model, of course, relied connected the estimation of the bank. Customers transacting with that bank’s IOU enactment would request to spot the bank’s quality to grant the declaration stipulated by that note. Otherwise, customers would spot nary worth successful them and hence would forgo transacting successful those notes completely.

On the privateness broadside of things, Chaum’s Ecash leveraged unsighted signatures, a cryptographic instrumentality that prevents the slope from knowing who owned the banknote. Without it, it would beryllium trivial to nexus a user’s individuality with a fixed note.

The illustration fixed by Chaum himself to exemplify this conception relied connected c transcript insubstantial envelopes. The idiosyncratic tin get a unsighted signature — a signature connected thing which the signer doesn’t cognize the contented of — by putting the information they privation signed wrong the envelope made of c transcript insubstantial and sealing it. The signer could motion the envelope itself, and owed to the c transcript insubstantial the signature would “leak” to the information and motion it arsenic well.

With Chaum’s unsighted signature protocol, the depositor would nonstop a blinded portion of information to the bank. After receiving the information blindly signed, the depositor would beryllium capable to unblind it — which would let them to transportation it by giving it to different person. After a fixed magnitude of trades, that enactment could astatine immoderate clip beryllium redeemed backmost astatine the slope for its corresponding magnitude of money. At the clip of redemption, the slope would beryllium capable to cheque whether it had antecedently signed that portion of information and whether it had been already redeemed oregon not — checking for validity and shielding against a treble spend.


A federation improves upon the centralization of Chaumian Ecash. It is what allows the decentralization of custody and hence besides improves upon the much fashionable third-party custody solutions successful the Bitcoin ecosystem.

A federation is simply a method setup formed among aggregate parties with a multisignature Bitcoin address. A multisignature, multisig for short, enables funds to beryllium locked up successful a Bitcoin code that requires a minimum magnitude of those parties to hold earlier moving immoderate funds. In practice, this works by requiring aggregate signatures — hence the sanction — truthful the funds tin beryllium unlocked and moved. Common multisig setups see 2-of-3 and 3-of-5; successful the former, 3 signatures comprise the setup successful full and 2 are needed to determination the bitcoin, whereas successful the second 3 signatures retired of a full of 5 are needed earlier the BTC tin beryllium spent.

The multisignature ensures that 1 custodian doesn’t spell rogue and spends the bitcoin it is custodying connected behalf of the user. The idiosyncratic inactive needs to spot the custodians collectively, but the resilience of the strategy is accrued arsenic aggregate radical the idiosyncratic supposedly trusts successful existent beingness would request to collude against the idiosyncratic to bargain their funds. This is wherefore the usage of known and trusted parties to marque up the federation is simply a must.

Moreover, the multisig besides ensures that the IOUs issued by the federation are besides a multisig, requiring the aforesaid quorum for the question of funds and meaning that 1 guardian can’t make IOUs by themself.

The Answer To Scaling Private Bitcoin Custody?

Putting it each together, Fedimint leverages a decentralized spot strategy to alteration Bitcoin users to signifier communities with friends and family, wrong which wealth transactions are cheap, speedy and anonymous, and custody is simplified and strengthened.

Users tin articulation a Fedimint assemblage by depositing bitcoin to the federation and receiving the corresponding magnitude of IOU tokens, which tin beryllium transferred anonymously to members of that community. The receiving enactment past exchanges the received tokens for caller ones: a process that is akin to Chaum’s unsighted signature strategy enables the federation to cheque that the sender did not double-spend those tokens. After a palmy speech for caller tokens, the receiver marks the transaction arsenic complete.

The Lightning Network, Bitcoin’s second-layer protocol for accelerated and inexpensive payments, tin participate the Fedimint premix to further fortify the setup. More specifically, Lightning allows users successful a federation to beryllium interoperable with the full Bitcoin ecosystem.

In a nutshell, Fedimint wallets person the imaginable to bring beardown privateness to Bitcoin users with amended information than third-party custody setups and much easiness of usage than fully-fledged self-custody solutions. It mightiness beryllium the instrumentality that answers the situation of scaling self-custody portion encouraging much radical to forgo outsourcing the custody of their bitcoin to a centralized custodian who is efficaciously a azygous constituent of nonaccomplishment — 1 of the galore imaginable solutions for a feasible hyperbitcoinized world.

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