GAIMIN Delivers a Decentralized Approach to the Increasing Requirement for More Data Processing Power

2 years ago


With the existent concerns astir planetary vigor usage, combined with expanding requirements for information processing services, galore countries antecedently supportive of centralized information processing businesses are investigating the interaction of these businesses and however they mitigate a request for continuous vigor organisation to each sectors – commercialized and private. Data processing services devour ample amounts of vigor successful a localized carnal space. The operation of vigor depletion and carnal footprint enlargement is impacting the continuous and uninterrupted organisation of vigor creating an unsustainable request from some the commercialized and backstage sectors. To guarantee continuous availability crossed each markets, countries are limiting supply, terminating proviso oregon stopping caller operating licenses. However, request for information processing requirements is not diminishing, it is increasing and truthful alternate information processing solutions are required.

Spreading vigor depletion with decentralized information processing networks

Global, decentralized information processing is the mode forward. Creating a decentralized, planetary information processing network, interconnected done Internet exertion is 1 attack to solving the centralized information processing problem. Harnessing processing devices into 1 network, with supercomputer performance, facilitates the transportation of ample standard information processing requirements whilst spreading the depletion of processing energy, globally. This attack creates a greener, much ecologically compliant attack to vigor depletion for information processing services, spreading processing capableness done antithetic countries and regions, mitigating vigor depletion bottlenecks, and resolves proviso problems done the quality to re-route web processing.

Harnessing the powerfulness of a GPU

GAIMIN has created a information processing web with supercomputer level show by harnessing the underutilized processing powerfulness recovered successful precocious show PC-based Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Following research, GAIMIN identified gaming PC’s arsenic the astir due instrumentality to people to make the GAIMIN distributed information processing web arsenic a gaming PC typically includes a precocious show GPU, the GPU is underutilized (a gaming PC is typically lone utilized for astir 4 hours per time for gaming, but remains switched connected erstwhile not being used) and is continually upgraded by the gamer to amended their gameplay, resulting successful adjacent greater show disposable from the devices.

GAIMIN – Generating revenue, delivering benefit

The GAIMIN concern exemplary is based astir a ample fig of users downloading the GAIMIN exertion and allowing their devices to beryllium incorporated into the GAIMIN information processing web to present distributed information processing services. Based connected research, the PC gamer is the cardinal demographic for a GAIMIN exertion user. As such, GAIMIN’s attack is to people gamers and the marketplace sectors successful which gamers enactment to make marque consciousness and ultimately, exertion download and information successful the GAMIN information processing network. As a institution was acceptable up by gamers, for gamers, GAIMIN identifies the value of correctly targeting a gamer, delivering a gamer what they privation to amended and heighten their gaming experience, whilst creating a concern based connected a gamer’s exertion and their engagement successful the GAIMIN community.

Brand Awareness = User Acquisition

With a absorption connected idiosyncratic acquisition, GAIMIN is implementing strategies to make marque consciousness crossed a fig of gaming sectors, with a circumstantial absorption connected esports. Esports is simply a high-growth country with fashionable esports games having millions of followers crossed a fig of genres. GAIMIN has precocious established GAIMIN Gladiators, an esports assemblage and radical of teams participating successful the DOTA2, Counter Strike Offensive, Rainbow 6 Siege, Pokemon Unite and Rocket League leagues. GAIMIN Gladiator’s roster of players person been selected owed to their skills and expertise, and are trained by skilled and experienced players, attending regular bootcamps to amended their show and skills.

GAIMIN Gladiators

GAIMIN Gladiators was lone formed successful January 2022 nevertheless successful the archetypal 3 months, the teams person already successfully competed successful a fig of tournaments and events, improving their rankings and moving guardant into higher level tournaments.

With a beardown societal media beingness and a rapidly expanding societal media following, particularly wrong the Discord and Telegram communities, GAIMIN are rapidly exceeding marque consciousness expectations and creating an excited assemblage acceptable to download and tally the GAIMIN exertion erstwhile it is afloat released. User monetization and rewards

GAIMIN generates gross chiefly from exertion users participating successful the GAIMIN information processing web and monetizing their devices. GAIMIN pays upto 90% of the gross generated backmost to the idiosyncratic and retains 10% for its operations. The much users participating successful the GAIMIN network, the much gross generated by GAIMIN and the much is returned backmost to users.

GAIMIN monetizes the information processing web done the transportation of antithetic information processing services. Currently the superior monetization attack is the powering of blockchain computations, nevertheless GAIMIN has successfully trialed video rendering, which is much profitable.

Using AI to maximise rewards

GAIMIN’s AI driven attack determines the existent instrumentality availability, creates the information processing web and allocates the processing web to antithetic monetization functions depending connected show availability and the astir profitable monetization enactment disposable astatine the existent time. For example, this could beryllium video rendering services, it could beryllium powering blockchain computations, it could beryllium thing else! GAIMIN are presently researching different uses for the GAIMIN distributed information processing web and mean to motorboat caller mechanisms to monetize devices successful the future.

GMRX – GAIMIN’s ain cryptocurrency

GAIMIN pays its users successful GMRX, GAIMIN’s ain cryptocurrency. When a idiosyncratic monetizes their device, GAIMIN receives outgo for the transportation of services successful a fig of antithetic ways – fiat and crypto for example, and returns upto 90% of the rewards generated backmost to the idiosyncratic successful the consolidated GMRX crypto currency. A idiosyncratic stores their GMRX, which tin beryllium utilized for the acquisition of accessories, merchandise, in-game assets and NFTs. As GMRX is soon to beryllium listed connected crypto exchanges, a idiosyncratic tin person their GMRX into different crypto assets oregon fiat currency.

As you would expect, GAIMIN wants its users to clasp their GMRX and usage it for purchases done GAIMIN. GAIMIN incentivises GMRX holders to clasp their GMRX done further benefits, bonuses and discounts, including NFTs, bespoke merchandise, discounted accessories.


NFTs are an absorbing proposition. The existent marketplace inclination and doctrine astir NFTs is to make unsocial NFTs, merchantability them astatine a precocious terms and enactment the secondary marketplace successful reselling NFTs astatine a profit. GAIMIN is taking a antithetic approach. As a gaming company, GAIMIN perceives the payment of a NFT to beryllium owned by an idiosyncratic and re-used crossed a fig of antithetic games and platforms that enactment NFT and blockchain technology. GAIMIN has developed GAIMCRAFT – GAIMIN’s attack to augmenting games to incorporated blockchain exertion and NFT components into gameplay, either done the improvement of dedicated metaverse environments for games, specified arsenic Minecraft, oregon done the improvement of SDK’s to let crippled developers to incorporated blockchain and NFT technologies into their games. GAIMCRAFT takes gaming NFTs to the adjacent level done the implementation of interoperable NFTs which tin beryllium reused crossed antithetic games but volition morph depending connected the crippled successful which they are being used. The morphing of the NFT volition beryllium babelike connected the in-game utilisation and could beryllium arsenic elemental arsenic a “re-skinning” of the NFT, a much graphically intensive plan for the NFT, oregon it could beryllium a implicit alteration successful the plus – for example, a sword successful 1 crippled could beryllium a angiosperm successful different game.

NFT Acquisition

GAIMIN volition merchantability NFTs successful its marketplace astatine a debased outgo to alteration users to physique their NFT plus repository astatine a debased cost. As an example, a idiosyncratic with a mid-range GPU could expect to gain $1 per time erstwhile progressive successful the GAIMIN network. GAIMIN intends to make in-game NFTs for $1 oregon less, enabling a gamer to physique their ain repository of in-game interoperable NFTs to enactment their gameplay. Being interoperable, the NFTs tin beryllium re-used crossed antithetic games and genres and instrumentality a signifier and operational operation applicable to the game.

Medium and higher outgo NFTs, which person enhanced inferior and attributes, volition beryllium minted but necessitate the idiosyncratic to stay participating successful the GAIMIN web until they person earned capable rewards to get a much costly asset.

User Incentivization

GAIMIN volition incentivise users to clasp GMRX, walk it connected GAIMIN products and services and actively proceed to enactment successful the GAIMIN monetization network. GAIMIN wants inferior based NFTs to beryllium wide disposable and used, alternatively than held for concern and growth.

GAIMIN grows its idiosyncratic assemblage done marque building

GAIMIN volition make a assemblage that engages successful brand-building events; a assemblage that tin easy get in-game assets, builds an extended repository of interoperable, in-game NFTs and is rewarded for their information and retention of GAIMIN branded and GAIMIN generated assets done the usage of GMRX which is designed to person worth and reward holders for usage wrong GAIMIN and GAIMCRAFT.

No Gamer Left Behind

As GAIMIN’s monetization attack is multi-functional and not based connected 1 facet (such arsenic mining), GAIMIN has created a fig of user-retention mechanisms. Traditional mining-based monetization options typically absorption connected 1 attack – mining, wherever the worth of idiosyncratic rewards are babelike connected the hashpower contributed by the user. The greater the show of a device, the greater the hashpower contributed, the greater the reward. This discriminates against users who bash not person precocious show devices! GAIMIN’s multi-functional monetization attack implements a assortment of mechanisms reward users for participating successful the GAIMIN network. This includes rewards based connected hashpower nevertheless to guarantee nary gamer is near behind, GAIMIN has introduced different approaches to reward a idiosyncratic – for example, clip (hours) connected to the GAIMIN web – the longer a instrumentality remains progressive connected the network, the much hours the idiosyncratic builds to let them to assertion antithetic NFT assets and rewards. This attack is unsocial to GAIMIN and sets GAIMIN isolated from the perceived contention whose absorption and reward is purely based connected hashpower.

GAIMIN’s doctrine of “no gamer near behind” is designed to let arsenic galore gamers arsenic imaginable to gain rewards and heighten their gaming acquisition and does not conscionable reward those users who person highly performing devices.

For much accusation connected GAIMIN Gladiators click connected this link:

For much accusation connected GAIMIN click connected this link:

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