How to Build Full Blockchain Apps with Zero Blockchain Development Experience

3 years ago

Blockchain exertion stands to revolutionize a wide scope of industries, and galore companies are anxious to determination their operations on-chain. According to a survey from consultancy Deloitte, 78% of companies judge determination is simply a compelling usage lawsuit for blockchain exertion wrong their organization, and 73% of them hold they basal to suffer their competitory vantage if they neglect to follow the technology.

Most companies privation in, but little than 0.1% of developers are elder capable to present connected the projects they privation to build. Why are blockchains truthful hard to codification for? To physique blockchain apps, you request to person entree to nodes (essentially units of the blockchain network). Installing and moving nodes is difficult, costly and time-consuming. It’s a full-time occupation successful and of itself.

Running nodes for 1 blockchain is hard enough, but maintaining perfectly functioning nodes for aggregate blockchains requires a afloat dev-ops team. Each blockchain has its ain connection and acceptable of particularities. Learning to codification for 1 tin instrumentality rather a spot of time; learning to codification proficiently for aggregate blockchains is adjacent to impossible. Not lone that, but astute contracts – executable programs connected the blockchain utilized to physique blockchain apps – are coded utilizing wholly antithetic languages than the blockchains themselves.

All this learning to physique blockchain apps tin instrumentality months oregon years to master, and hiring blockchain developers is highly expensive, if you tin adjacent find them. For this reason, up to 90% of blockchain implementations ne'er adjacent get successfully launched. They tally retired of clip and money, and the bulk of them fail.

Tatum eliminates these obstacles to blockchain development. It provides blockchain nodes for much than 40 blockchain protocols and determination is nary request to codification for each idiosyncratic blockchain. It besides includes prebuilt astute contracts, meaning developers don’t request to larn Solidity oregon immoderate different astute declaration programming language. It besides allows for the instant instauration of NFTs oregon ERC-20 and ERC-1155 tokens and includes a ready-to-go NFT marketplace and auction for astute contracts.

This means companies looking astatine blockchain improvement projects nary longer request immoderate third-party tools oregon astute declaration experience. It besides means faster clip to market, with 99% of costs and clip saved successful examination to processing a task from scratch. This allows enterprises to usage existing developers to physique blockchain apps. Essentially, Tatum is enhanced Web 3 designed for Web 2 developers.

In 2021, Tatum grew from 4,000 users to much than 18,000 and received backing from Octopus Ventures. It was a apical 5 finalist successful the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield arsenic the first-ever blockchain startup to beryllium accepted to enactment and was the victor of the European finale of the Startup World Cup.

Many platforms assertion the aforesaid thing: to simplify blockchain development. But with astir of them, you inactive person to larn to codification and deploy astute contracts and you inactive request a bully spot of Web 3 dev acquisition to execute anything. Tatum goes further successful presumption of features and supported blockchains. It allows companies to physique blockchain apps from commencement to finish, each successful a single, unified model – zero blockchain improvement acquisition required.


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