How to Guide: Debunking ESG

1 year ago

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“The inferior of the exchanges made imaginable by Bitcoin volition acold transcend the outgo of energy used. Not having Bitcoin would beryllium the nett waste.” –Satoshi Nakamoto

No Free Lunch

Those who decry Bitcoin’s usage of vigor neglect to admit a elemental reality: that each things successful beingness necessitate energy, and determination is nary specified happening arsenic escaped lunch.

Much mainstream statement has been waged connected “concerns” astir Bitcoin’s usage of energy, yet a important proportionality of that speech has been muddied by deep-seated myopia connected the portion of bequest fiscal interests–a benignant of willful blindness toward recognizing the necessity of decentralized vigor wealth successful examination to compromised fiat fiscal strategy of today.

The information is, immoderate economical motor is lone arsenic bully arsenic the vigor which sustains it. For a web to support its operation and persist contempt the entropy of the universe, vigor indispensable flow, and monetary networks are nary exception. Ever since government-issued fiat currency severed the nexus betwixt vigor and monetary creation, the currencies of the satellite person been steadily marching to their graves.


The Importance of Decentralization

The fiat strategy is simply a premier illustration of centralized stakeholder capitalism tally amok, whereby those with the top web equity person captured the governance of the monetary protocol, unilaterally manipulating the rules of the crippled to suit their self-interests. Easy wealth zombie companies abound, feeding connected the superior redistributed to them from nine via inflationary monetary policy.

The modern fiscal strategy has been co-opted by the astir well-capitalized web participants astatine the outgo of each others, namely those lacking plus ownership and entree to inexpensive debt. The centralized power of fiat presents some a azygous constituent of nonaccomplishment arsenic good arsenic a azygous constituent of power for those with the stake, granting them astir unimpeachable entree and the quality to payment from printing money.

For immoderate monetary protocol to debar this fate, it indispensable beryllium sufficiently decentralized and resilient to coercion.

Gold: Nature’s Proof of Work

Throughout overmuch of quality history, golden served arsenic specified a sufficiently decentralized monetary protocol, wherever the underlying rules of the golden modular were intolerable to manipulate owed to the information that nary idiosyncratic could make carnal golden without expending the indispensable vigor required to make caller supply. Thus, golden had verifiable scarcity and did not transportation immoderate counterparty hazard owed to the precise laws of physics that govern the earthy world.

These 2 aspects were highly desirable for money, and were lone imaginable successful that quality does not licence golden to simply beryllium printed retired of bladed air, nor tin it beryllium successful 2 places astatine once, preventing the occurrence of forgery and double-spending wrong the network. In this way, quality served arsenic an incorruptible arbiter of the golden standard, ensuring “unforgeable costliness” successful the accumulation of caller money. Network participants needfully had to enarthrosis unavoidable costs to get gold, frankincense ensuring an apolitical wealth backed by nature.

Gold’s Shortcomings

Although gold’s transportation to thermodynamic world granted it scarcity, from a technological position it failed to support gait with the needs of a rapidly scaling, planetary planetary economy. Prohibitive weight, inadequate divisibility, cost-ineffective verifiability, and the hazard inherent to transporting carnal golden astir the satellite to settee payments each contributed to its shortcoming. To lick these scaling problems (namely related to transaction costs) governments created gold-convertible insubstantial notes to facilitate superior flows, frankincense making (claims on) golden much salable crossed space.

However, due to the fact that economical actors placed their golden with centralized custodial banks to summation its salability, the system needfully evolved to run connected a strategy of recognition issued against that gold, whereby depositors accepted counterparty hazard for the payment of utilizing insubstantial currency. This efficaciously accrued gold’s frequence of last colony astatine the outgo of incorporating trusted third-party intermediaries into the architecture of the monetary system.

This strategy of insubstantial recognition was yet backed by the equilibrium sheets of cardinal banks that issued these gold-convertible certificates. This meant that the quality of depositors to person their certificates into the underlying commodity (gold) was reliant upon the favour of cardinal banks, reflecting the permissioned and inherently governmental quality of the fiat system.

Promises from cardinal banks, it turns out, are worthy their value successful gold.

Because of gold’s carnal manifestation, it required centralizing solutions that were susceptible to regulatory capture. In a way, the information golden exists successful carnal world astatine each led to it being gamed by those with superior physically coercive capacities. During World War One, the conflicting nations were capable to suspend gold’s convertibility, backing warfare done the quality to people fiat currency. As well, governments were capable to outright prohibition backstage ownership of golden portion unilaterally imposing superior controls successful bid to money warfare, among different authorities programs.

At the decision of the golden modular and the Bretton Woods system, the United States had issued dollar liabilities acold successful excess of its golden reserves connected deposit. In 1971, erstwhile excessively galore creditors came calling (namely France and the United Kingdom), US President Nixon officially closed the golden model by disallowing gold’s convertibility, bringing the satellite onto a fiat standard.

Why Fiat Fails

The necessary, and seemingly foregone result of government-monopolized wealth has delivered immoderate peculiarly nasty unintended consequences. Those capable to contented caller currency gained the quality to insubstantial implicit their atrocious debts, enriching themselves by socializing their losses astatine the disbursal of the broader economy.

Traditionally, this regulatory seizure benefited governments and entities benefiting from government-granted monopolies, allowing them to accumulate greater and greater involvement successful the US dollar network. As well, the United States, arsenic the issuer of the satellite reserve currency, maintains the quality to enforce seigniorage whereas the remainder of the satellite operating connected the US dollar modular does not person this alleged exorbitant privilege.

Government-monopolized wealth has consistently generated unsustainable authorities indebtedness arsenic those with entree to the printing property support the quality to inflate their obligations away. To debase is successful information an work of a authorities successful contention for powerfulness with different states, and would different render losers those incapable to debase their currency during times of exigency oregon war.

As the process of ever-increasing authorities indebtedness and compounding involvement accumulation reduces growth, adjacent much debasement is required to further footwear the tin down the road. All the while, unsound debts are progressively papered implicit and forgiven. As a higher and higher proportionality of unproductive superior circulates wrong the fiscal system, productivity falls and requires adjacent much recognition enlargement for the strategy to relation successful a pernicious inflationary spiral.

Fiat currency, which emerged arsenic an expedient yet centralized mode to lick gold’s technological shortcomings, metastasized into an unsustainable systematic demolition of capital, its beingness constricted by the grade to which the authorities tin coerce its citizens to enactment successful an inherently one-sided economical game.

Energy is the Key to Decentralization

Bitcoin’s proof-of-work is the lone mode to execute immutable decentralized statement for integer money, a domain characterized by adversarial crippled theoretic conditions; the celebrated Byzantine General’s Problem that Satoshi acceptable retired to solve.

Proof-of-work incontrovertibly requires vigor to beryllium expended to excavation caller coins, and vigor carries a necessary, real-world carnal cost. This imposition of “unforgeable costliness” (cred. Nick Szabo) bonds integer wealth instauration to vigor expenditure, introducing the archetypal instrumentality of thermodynamics into the architecture of a integer monetary system.

Energy expenditure serves arsenic the indispensable cheque and equilibrium successful the process of decentralized monetary statement and cannot beryllium replaced. Energy’s inability to beryllium forged by immoderate known means minimizes the spot that individuals indispensable spot successful 1 another, allowing immutable codification to service arsenic instrumentality successful the adversarial crippled that is money.

Porting unforgeable vigor into the integer realm enabled the instauration of the archetypal perfectly scarce monetary good, granting humanity the capableness to provably worth its corporate aboriginal escaped from the monetary debasement implicit of captured, self-destructing, debt-based fiat currencies. Bitcoin’s usage of vigor present supports anyone, anywhere, to store worth escaped from the yolk of cardinal banking clip theft, powering a monetary strategy nary longer predicated upon harvesting aboriginal productive superior to prolong itself.

The quality of Bitcoin’s proof-of-work is that the “opinions” of those who would privation to harm it carnivore nary interaction connected the network’s truthful and uncensorable depiction of the ledger. The Bitcoin network’s energy-enabled decentralization guarantees it volition proceed to thrive, and we volition each beryllium amended for it.


Misinformation #1

The World Economic Forum

“Bitcoin unsocial could assistance propulsion planetary warming above 2 degrees Celsius”


This assertion is possibly the astir egregious and often-cited misleading portion of FUD bandied astir by the media. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is infamous for its disdain for bitcoin, and possibly this makes consciousness fixed its adjacent ties to cardinal bankers and the cantillionaires who payment from the power of the monetary system. Politics aside, the WEF and its acolytes would beryllium well-served to instrumentality a person look astatine the “science” they purport arsenic information when, arsenic adjacent a cursory glimpse astatine their cited material, Nature Climate Change, suggests their assertion has nary ground successful reality.

The WEF continues to mention a hardly two-page remark published successful the aforementioned diary by Mora et al. (2018). This remark has since been debunked 3 abstracted times successful the precise diary successful which it was published, a overmuch amended reflection of “the science” astatine hand. These readily-visible responses look straight supra the worldly cited by WEF, yet coincidentally find nary notation by those with “concerns” astir Bitcoin’s vigor use. A funny lawsuit of selective blindness, perhaps?

The Mora comment, arsenic good arsenic being wholly unrepresentative of reality, was written by a radical of undergraduate students arsenic an workout to recognize the world publishing process. This level of world enquiry should person nary spot successful the nationalist sermon and suggests that those with an ax to grind against Bitcoin don’t needfully attraction to “follow the science”. If they did, they mightiness person really work responses similar “Implausible projections overestimate near-term Bitcoin CO2 emissions” (Masanet et al., 2019) which roundly debunks the exemplary utilized by Mora and makes wide the galore orders of magnitude by which Mora’s erroneous assumptions miss the mark.

2°C. To assertion outright that Bitcoin alone, which is liable for lone 0.085% (8.65 ten-thousandths) of planetary c emissions, could beryllium solely liable for 2°C of warming is patently ridiculous, mathematically illiterate and borderline misanthropic. More ridiculous yet is the thought that the WEF is approaching Bitcoin with adjacent a modicum of objectivity erstwhile they intelligibly person nary involvement successful contrary grounds presented successful nonstop absorption to their communicative wrong the precise diary they purport arsenic “the science”. As the WEF continues to marque this mendacious assertion, cognize that it is not done retired of interest for “the climate” nor is it tied to an nonsubjective appraisal of reality. Rather, it is done retired of interest that those who antecedently controlled the planetary monetary bid admit this and are utilizing each means disposable to support control, with nationalist disinformation being a cardinal onslaught vector.

Misinformation #2


“Change the code, not the climate: A bundle codification alteration would trim Bitcoin’s vigor usage by 99.9%. Switching to a low-energy protocol has proven effectual and uses a fraction of the energy. Ethereum is changing its code. Many others usage little energy. Why isn’t Bitcoin?”


In a caller Greenpeace run sponsored by billionaire Chris Larsen (co-founder of Ripple Labs, the institution down the centralized cryptocurrency XRP), the biology non-profit has gone connected the violative against Bitcoin, alleging its vigor usage could beryllium virtually eliminated with 1 elemental change. Never caput their laughable citation of Mora et al (2018) oregon the information that Ripple is trying to presumption its provenant (centralized) cryptocurrency arsenic a low-energy “sustainable” alternate to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work. Instead, let’s absorption connected Greenpeace’s malinformed perspective; that Bitcoin tin simply power to a antithetic statement mechanics and voila–problem solved.

Greenpeace and Larsen assertion that “Many newer cryptocurrencies are debased consumers of vigor oregon carbon-neutral due to the fact that they usage a amended model; proof-of-stake”, fallaciously equating proof-of involvement and proof-of-work successful presumption of their information attributes. This dishonestly implies that Bitcoin’s imposed vigor demands are unnecessary and inherently wasteful erstwhile “better” systems exist.

Fundamentally, proof-of-stake statement is simply a self-centralizing information exemplary and frankincense cannot service arsenic an alternate to proof-of-work successful a domain arsenic adversarial arsenic money. Stake-based systems forego the request for vigor expenditure to found the authorities of the web and alternatively delegate validation arsenic a work of the network’s largest stakeholders. Over time, this means that arsenic those with much involvement summation their web equity done artifact validation, they recursively solidify their power implicit the network.

Simply, the web participants with the astir involvement dictate the authorities of the web and this inherently introduces counterparty hazard into the system. This is fundamentally the aforesaid information exemplary the fiat strategy operates upon, wherever the largest participants tin undermine the monetary strategy owed to their wealth, and emblematic web participants indispensable judge the counterparty hazard inherent successful holding immoderate wealth that does not efficaciously minimize trust. This is obscurity adjacent adjacent to the realization of apolitical wealth that Bitcoin acceptable retired to achieve, and successful nary consciousness provides a substitute for proof-of-work contempt the opinions of Chris Larsen and Greenpeace connected the matter.

Bitcoin, by requiring proven vigor expenditure, imposes unforgeable costliness onto the web participants, specified that miners are incentivized to accurately grounds the authorities of the ledger portion being incentivized to respect the rules of the protocol. Trust minimization betwixt web participants is an irreplaceable prime of decentralized money, and vigor is an incontrovertibly indispensable constituent to execute that aim.

Misinformation #3

The New Yorker

“Why Bitcoin is Bad for the Environment: A azygous bitcoin transaction uses the aforesaid magnitude of powerfulness that the mean American household consumes successful a month, and is liable for astir a cardinal times much c emissions than a azygous Visa transaction.”


Comparing the Visa network; a permissioned higher-layer protocol facilitating recognition transactions atop the fiat system, to Bitcoin; a permissionless base-layer wealth achieving irreversible last settlement, is similar saying that an IOU and cash-in-the-hand connection the aforesaid colony assurance. Bitcoin’s trust-minimization is not remotely equivalent to Visa, highlighting a captious deficiency of knowing of what Bitcoin was designed to accomplish.

Inequivalence aside, the quantity of transactions successful a Bitcoin artifact has nary bearing connected the vigor strength of that block. Mining not lone secures recently submitted blocks but secures each antecedently mined blocks that came before. Bitcoin’s usage of energy, alternatively than processing idiosyncratic transactions, goes toward making the Bitcoin ledger progressively immutable with each further hash. Nearly the aforesaid magnitude of vigor would beryllium required for a fixed artifact adjacent if zero transactions were contained wrong it.

This misattribution of vigor expenditure besides fails to relationship for higher-layer protocols similar the Lightning Network, which tin bundle galore transactions into a azygous on-chain entry, massively reducing the (meaningless) expected “energy-per-transaction” cited by the New Yorker. Currently, the immense bulk of miner gross is not adjacent derived from transactions, arsenic transaction fees relationship for lone 2% of the reward granted to miners.

In the involvement of valid comparisons, it is important to item the narration betwixt the fiat monetary strategy and its vigor use. Shortly aft the autumn of the golden standard, 1974 saw the commencement of the petrodollar strategy via an confederation betwixt the United States and Saudi Arabia. The US military-industrial analyzable would supply subject information for Saudi Arabia and successful exchange, the oil-producing federation agreed to transact lipid solely successful dollars. These petrodollars held successful reserve would past beryllium ‘recycled’ into US Treasuries, thereby establishing accordant request for US authorities debt.

While Bitcoin does not litigate the morals of hydrocarbon production, it is not arguable to constituent retired that the dollar, successful that it is sustained by the continuation of the US military-industrial analyzable (the azygous largest user of lipid successful the world), carries an incomparably greater c footprint than the Bitcoin web volition ever statesman to approach. All this, portion generating abhorrent antagonistic externalities, among which are the countless lives mislaid to struggle and the inherently governmental quality of wealth controlled by a singular geopolitical hegemon.

Misinformation #4


“In examination with much accepted online banking, a azygous bitcoin has the aforesaid c footprint arsenic 330,000 recognition paper transactions. Given the world’s exceedingly choky timeline to scope net-zero emissions and debar a clime catastrophe, the [Bitcoin] roar poses a large problem.”


Again, much unfounded, uncontextualized fear-mongering coupled with an invalid examination of Bitcoin, a web for trustless last colony and peer-to-peer worth exchange, with recognition transactions facilitated by intermediaries atop the fiat system. According to the Bitcoin Mining Council, an manufacture enactment accounting for much than fractional of the planetary hash rate, the Bitcoin web accounts for lone 0.15% of planetary vigor usage and .086% of planetary CO2 emissions, an indisputably insignificant vigor request profile. The information is, different monetary goods are incredibly c intensive successful comparison. Real estate, which carries a monetary premium acold supra its usage value, accounts for 40% of planetary emissions and drives important societal externalities including exacerbating the planetary outgo of surviving situation and problems.

While it is existent that Bitcoin does usage energy, and that this vigor load carries resultant emissions, a person look astatine the benignant and prime of vigor being utilized is warranted. Globally, the Bitcoin web uses 59.5% renewable energy, a higher proportionality than immoderate different concern process, fto unsocial a higher proportionality than immoderate state successful the world. Given these facts, short-sighted, alarmist concern-trolling by the NRDC serves nary applicable intent successful the sermon astir clime alteration fixed Bitcoin has a decidedly undersized clime interaction comparative to its already inconsequential vigor demands. The “boom” successful Bitcoin mining poses little of a alleged clime “problem” than virtually immoderate industry. Contrary to the NRDC’s framework, Bitcoin is helping to thrust the acceleration of renewable vigor solutions.

Misinformation #5

The Guardian

“Texas has a occupation too. After China’s crackdown connected bitcoin mining, galore miners moved to Texas, wherever the electrical grid is deregulated. Environmental groups accidental the other unit connected Texas’s grid could origin much blackouts of the benignant that happened successful February, erstwhile households were plunged into acheronian and freezing circumstances.”


As noted by The Guardian, Texas has had difficulties with its vigor grid stemming from the inability to present capable vigor erstwhile request is precocious and incorrectly suggests that Bitcoin miners could origin aboriginal blackouts, portion the polar other is person to the truth.

Many of the problems facing the Texas grid are owed to the precocious proportionality of renewable vigor it has integrated, often resulting successful a ample mismatch betwixt erstwhile renewable vigor is generated (when the upwind is blowing oregon the prima is shining) and erstwhile request for that vigor materializes. This occupation of intermittency has led to highly volatile vigor prices–a occupation for vigor producers and consumers alike. Surprisingly, proof-of-work presents an accidental to mitigate some of these undesirable outcomes and tin assistance stabilize vigor markets successful times of captious need.

Bitcoin miners are highly mobile and continually question retired the cheapest vigor inputs irrespective of geography. This benignant of uniquely geographically flexible and monetizable vigor request offers a captious avenue for renewable vigor financing, unlocking antecedently unavailable financing options. With proof-of-work’s vigor profile, negatively priced renewable vigor that would person different gone to discarded tin find a revenue-positive usage portion securing the Bitcoin network.

Additionally, Bitcoin miners tin beryllium of work to grid operators erstwhile prices emergence excessively high, providing request effect functionality (reducing oregon eliminating vigor load) and freeing up further vigor successful times of captious need.

Demand effect tin coincidentally assistance trim the request for earthy state and coal-fired peaker plants (a carbon-intensive and costly constituent of the grid) usually engaged during periods of highest demand. This benignant of market-enabled flexible baseload request tin assistance thrust vigor information and infrastructure resilience portion reducing c emissions successful the process. This capableness has adjacent been noted by the CEO of the largest grid relation successful Texas (ERCOT) who called bitcoin mining a “great opportunity” for the grid.

Categorically, determination is nary alternate concern process successful the satellite than bitcoin’s usage of proof-of-work susceptible of fulfilling specified an important niche. It tin adjacent beryllium argued that Bitcoin does not usage capable vigor to assistance stabilize the grid arsenic rapidly arsenic would beryllium ideal. All this considered, proof-of-work turns retired to beryllium a almighty solution for the grid alternatively than the “problem” for Texans The Guardian mightiness person you believe.

Misinformation #6

Columbia Climate School

Bitcoin’s Impacts connected the Environment: “To beryllium competitive, miners privation the astir businesslike hardware, susceptible of processing the astir computations per portion of energy. This specialized hardware becomes obsolete each 1.5 years and can’t beryllium reprogrammed to bash thing else. It’s estimated that the Bitcoin web generates 11.5 kilotons of e-waste each year, adding to our already immense e-waste problem.”


The assertion that the hardware for mining bitcoin “becomes obsolete” each 1.5 years, based connected the survey by Dutch Central Bank worker Alex DeVries “Bitcoin’s Growing E-Waste Problem”, is easy dismissed if 1 looks astatine real-world bitcoin mining data. Most bitcoin miners are successful statement that 3 to 5 years is simply a tenable anticipation for the grade of a mining rig’s profitable lifetime, yet immoderate miners whitethorn proceed functioning longer depending connected the operator’s vigor costs and tolerance for comparative instrumentality connected investment.

For example, Antminer S9 mining rigs, released successful 2017, inactive marque up a notable information of Bitcoin’s hash complaint 5 years later. As well, Antminer S15s, released successful 2018, inactive relationship for a important proportionality of publication to proof-of-work. Even a cursory look astatine the comparative quantities of ASICs being utilized debunks the assumptions utilized by DeVries (and subsequently Columbia Climate School) are not typical of world and should not beryllium taken arsenic such.

As said before, the Bitcoin web does not usage vigor connected a per-transaction basis, yet DeVries and those who mention him proceed to trust upon this misleading metric successful bid to make statistic that look captious of Bitcoin. Even so, the aforementioned punctuation claims that each Bitcoin transaction someway creates an iPhone’s worthy of e-waste, totaling the equivalent of the “small IT” assemblage of the Netherlands, a state of 17 cardinal people.

While this is an insignificant magnitude of e-waste, a specified driblet successful the bucket of the 53 cardinal tons produced globally, it turns retired to beryllium massively overestimated connected the presumption that 100% of the value of each rig is so e-waste, alternatively than recyclable worldly oregon otherwise. In reality, the immense bulk of the worldly wrong mining rigs comes from fans and vigor sinks, with conscionable milligrams of morganatic e-waste coming from the (nanometer-thick) semiconducting ASIC chips themselves.

In short, the survey cited by Columbia is incredibly exaggerated, decontextualized and adjacent undermines the school’s ain premise of Bitcoin having a “huge e-waste problem” if taken astatine look value. That this unobjective onslaught was levied based upon work done by an acolyte of the Dutch Central Bank should not be particularly surprising.

As the constricted lifespan of fiat currencies comes to a close, Bitcoin has emerged to instrumentality its spot successful re-connecting wealth to vigor and restoring a dependable instauration to planetary economical exchange. Inventor, idiosyncratic and environmentalist R. Buckminster Fuller whitethorn person enactment it champion erstwhile helium described the value of planetary wealth erstwhile again coupled to thermodynamic world successful his publication Critical Path (1981):

"In this cosmically uniform, communal energy-value strategy for each humanity, costing volition beryllium expressed successful kilowatt hours, watt-hours, and watt-seconds of work. Kilowatt-hours volition go the premier criteria of costing the accumulation of the analyzable of metabolic involvements per each relation oregon item. These azygous vigor valuations volition regenerate each the world's wildly intervarying, opinion-gambled-upon, top-power=system-manipulatable monetary systems. The time-energy satellite accounting strategy volition bash distant with each the inequities present occurring successful respect to the arbitrarily maneuverable banker-invented, planetary balance-of-trade accounting".

Prescient indeed. Unstoppable vigor wealth is yet here, and each watt utilized to unafraid the web from centralized power of the monetary strategy should beryllium celebrated. The vigor FUD is barking up the incorrect histrion and ironically happens to person recovered the sustainable monetary strategy they were looking for each along.

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