Important Disclosure About CoinDesk and Digital Currency Group

3 years ago

Any for-profit quality enactment has to navigate a delicate balancing enactment to execute quality, transparency and trust. At CoinDesk, we look a unsocial acceptable of challenges due to the fact that we are an independently operated, wholly owned subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG), 1 of the largest investors successful the manufacture we cover.

This nonfiction describes a caller alteration we made astatine CoinDesk with the extremity of improving the prime of our product. Some whitethorn disagree with the determination we’ve made successful this instance. But we are assured that this is an acceptable and indispensable measurement fixed the improvement of the cryptocurrency abstraction and definite marketplace realities of the media industry, each of which are described successful item below.

In 2022, CoinDesk is rolling retired a programme whereby definite high-performing employees passim the ranks, astir of whom person been present much than a year, person banal appreciation rights (SARs) successful DCG arsenic portion of their compensation. Initially, CoinDesk contented employees were not going to beryllium eligible for this program, meaning lone definite members of different departments (sales, marketing, etc.) would beryllium allowed to participate.

SARs springiness the holder vulnerability to equity, but they are not the aforesaid happening arsenic equity.  You tin find a afloat mentation of however SARs enactment here. The upshot is they reward employees who enactment astatine CoinDesk for a definite play of clip with the imaginable to redeem them for currency payments based connected DCG’s valuation maturation consequent to the granting of the SARs.

The reasons we initially planned to exclude contented unit from the SARs programme stemmed from our committedness to quality journalism: the imaginable struggle of interest, oregon nationalist cognition thereof, fixed that truthful galore of the companies and assets we screen astatine CoinDesk are owned oregon partially owned by our genitor company.

That committedness to prime and integrity has not changed. However, respective different factors person convinced america that, successful work of that aforesaid commitment, it present makes consciousness to revise the plan:

  • In a choky labour marketplace for journalists with crypto expertise oregon different invaluable skills and proven gumption, CoinDesk has been astatine a disadvantage due to the fact that we had nary mode to connection them upside oregon ownership successful the company. This, successful itself, compromises our committedness to prime and integrity.

  • Inflation has reared its head, eroding wage increases and compounding the aforementioned challenges of recruitment and retention, notwithstanding our highly competitory market-rate benefits (401k match, 90% aesculapian coverage).

  • Offering this inducement fits much with an emerging crypto assemblage doctrine that spot is built by having tegument successful the crippled with precocious transparency alternatively than by rules and restrictions.

Hence, opening successful 2022, definite editors and reporters who person performed supra expectations and successful astir cases person worked present for much than a twelvemonth volition present beryllium offered SARs awards arsenic portion of their compensation packages. A fig of a factors boosted our comfortableness successful making this move:

  • Employees are nether nary work to judge these awards.

  • Those who bash judge volition not beryllium capable to statesman to currency retired immoderate information of them until aft a yearlong vesting play and lone during predetermined “liquidity events” (currently conscionable erstwhile a year). These constraints greatly diminish a journalist’s accidental to nett from a favorable story.

  • Beyond the program’s basal rules of eligibility, CoinDesk absorption and not DCG has afloat autonomy implicit who is awarded SARs and the standards nether which that determination is made.

  • Outright purchases of DCG banal stay off-limits to contented employees.

  • Unlike nether the DCG worker banal acquisition plan, holders of SARs are not provided with regular fiscal reporting of non-public accusation by DCG. (The entree to this perchance compromising accusation was the main crushed for continuing to prohibit banal purchases.)

  • Journalists who are not offered SARs stay eligible for yearly wage increases and currency bonuses.

We are not requiring journalists who person SARs to disclose this successful their bios (as we do for crypto plus holdings supra $1,000 successful value). In fact, we discourage them from doing so. The main crushed for this is privacy: an employee’s compensation, and its saltation crossed a company, is an inherently backstage substance (unless the idiosyncratic is simply a elder authorities authoritative oregon an enforcement astatine a publically traded institution oregon a tax-exempt nonprofit, nary of which applies here).

Instead, the modular disclosure that automatically appears astatine the bottommost of each CoinDesk articles volition beryllium updated successful abbreviated bid to enactment that definite CoinDesk employees (including contented employees) whitethorn person vulnerability to DCG equity arsenic portion of their compensation. In addition, we volition beryllium adding a transition to our ethics page that spells this out.

We volition proceed to disclose our ownership successful the substance of immoderate nonfiction that mentions DCG oregon its wholly owned subsidiaries. The automatic modular disclosure continues to nexus to lists of DCG’s portfolio companies and coin investments.

We reviewed the payoffs and challenges faced by galore different media organizations that have, implicit the years, rewarded their journalists with banal oregon options successful their genitor companies (Vox, Vice, Buzzfeed, Mashable). There’s nary shortage of them – galore of those launched with task superior financing implicit the past 2 decades employed this communal Silicon Valley comp strategy. To beryllium sure, CoinDesk ‘s concern is unsocial owed to DCG’s wide beingness successful the manufacture we cover, truthful this was a pugnacious decision.

But different happening that makes america unsocial is that we run successful a hyper-competitive labour marketplace and determination is simply a existent premium for the scarce prime of crypto knowledge.

And determination are respective factors that mitigate the imaginable for struggle of involvement and bias. Key among these are the semipermanent vesting of SARs and the breadth of DCG’s investments.

A newsman oregon exertion who holds SARs would person small to summation from shilling oregon pulling punches for immoderate plus oregon institution owned by DCG. That’s successful portion due to the fact that immoderate gains successful a institution oregon coin valuation that effect from a positively framed nonfiction are bound to beryllium highly short-lived (the marketplace ever wises up), portion SARs instrumentality years to afloat vest and tin lone beryllium liquidated during 1 predetermined play each year.

Also, due to the fact that DCG is exposed to specified a wide cross-section of the industry, determination are galore variables that spell into its valuation; a short-lived spike successful the worth of immoderate 1 concern is improbable to determination the needle. One could reason that DCG’s uniquely wide concern successful the full crypto ecosystem means that, dissimilar astir different companies, its involvement successful improving the prime of accusation astir the manufacture overrides immoderate particular, short-term involvement it mightiness person successful 1 of its units receiving favorable coverage.

It’s besides worthy remembering that for respective years CoinDesk and DCG person operated nether a strict independency argumentation that forbids DCG employees from pressuring CoinDesk journalists for sum oregon favorable treatment, and encourages CoinDesk employees to travel guardant and study immoderate specified attempts. You tin work the afloat substance of that argumentation connected our ethics page.

The astir nonstop and effectual mode immoderate CoinDesk writer tin lend to the valuation of the genitor institution is to marque CoinDesk itself a amended merchandise – to reenforce our presumption arsenic the leading, astir trusted, astir reliable media outlet successful the tract with an unwavering committedness to integrity. The improvement of a high-quality, incorruptible quality root is successful the semipermanent involvement of the full industry, not slightest of each DCG’s semipermanent interest. In this way, successful the large picture, the interests of DCG shareholders and CoinDesk journalists are yet aligned – and we volition proceed to screen our parent, its subsidiaries, portfolio companies and coin holdings without fear or favor.

As always, we invited your feedback – spot our masthead to find a circumstantial squad subordinate oregon email the squad astatine [email protected].


The person successful quality and accusation connected cryptocurrency, integer assets and the aboriginal of money, CoinDesk is simply a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict acceptable of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an autarkic operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests successful cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups. As portion of their compensation, definite CoinDesk employees, including editorial employees, whitethorn person vulnerability to DCG equity successful the signifier of stock appreciation rights, which vest implicit a multi-year period. CoinDesk journalists are not allowed to acquisition banal outright successful DCG.

Marc Hochstein oversees Layer 2, CoinDesk's mag of ideas.. He owns immoderate bitcoin, an Urbit satellite (~fodrex-malmev) and 2 NFTs from the metallic set Gwar.

Michael J. Casey is CoinDesk's Chief Content Officer.

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