Mining Giant Foundry Supercharges Bitcoin Layer-2 Rootstock’s Security

1 month ago

Foundry, the world’s largest Bitcoin mining excavation by hashrate, has announced it’s diversifying its operations and bolstering the information Bitcoin layer-2 web Rootstock done merge mining.

Merged mining allows miners to simultaneously excavation 2 oregon much cryptocurrencies that employment the aforesaid hashing algorithm without compromising the wide mining efficiency.

The determination injects 740 exahashes per 2nd — astir 80% of the full computing powerfulness presently securing the Bitcoin web — to unafraid Rootstock transactions.

For Foundry, this represents a caller gross opportunity, arsenic Bitcoin mining pools choosing to merge excavation gain 79% of Rootstock’s transaction fees paid successful rBTC, portion leveraging their existing Bitcoin mining infrastructure.

By merge mining, Foundry enhances Rootstock’s information without further vigor costs, contributing to a much robust and innovative Bitcoin ecosystem. Rootstock is simply a Bitcoin layer-2 web that leverages the network’s information portion bringing successful astute declaration functionality and Ethereum Virtual Machine compatibility.

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