Money Laundering Picks Up Steam on DeFi Protocols: Chainalysis

3 years ago

Money laundering done decentralized concern (DeFi) protocols is gaining popularity with cybercriminals, according to caller probe from blockchain analytics steadfast Chainalysis.

Cybercriminals laundered astatine slightest $8.6 cardinal successful cryptocurrency successful 2021, the steadfast said successful probe published Wednesday – a 30% leap successful wealth laundering enactment from 2020. Decentralized protocols received 17% of crypto sent by illicit addresses past year, up from a specified 2% successful 2020.

And DeFi is not the lone crypto-related wealth laundering method connected the rise: Mining pools, high-risk exchanges and mixers besides received an accrued magnitude of crypto from wallets tied to transgression enactment past year. However, Chainalysis’ probe suggests the largest radical of crypto criminals inactive similar to launder their wealth the aged fashioned way, done centralized exchanges.

Centralized exchanges received astir fractional of each crypto sent by cybercriminals successful 2021. Nearly fractional of the 8.6 cardinal worthy of crypto laundered went done centralized exchanges past year; of that, 58% went to conscionable 5 trading platforms, pointing to a increasing attraction of services.

Kim Grauer, Chainalysis’ manager of research, highlighted a increasing dichotomy betwixt the types of cybercrime that are gaining successful popularity (i.e., scamming vs. theft) and wherever the funds extremity up.

“People thin to deliberation of cryptocurrency transgression arsenic being 1 thing, but it couldn’t beryllium much varied. It couldn’t beryllium much antithetic successful the mode that criminals usage [crypto] and person a integer footprint implicit however they negociate money,” Grauer told CoinDesk.

Crypto obtained done theft, which is much technically challenging and much often taken up by organized groups – including North Korea-affiliated hacking groups, which stole $400 cardinal successful crypto past twelvemonth – is substantially much apt to beryllium laundered done DeFi protocols and mixers.

“There are definite types of criminals successful peculiar that thin into technological advancements much quickly,” Grauer said. “North Korea is ever the archetypal to usage a caller benignant of tech solution for laundering money. We travel them each year, and this twelvemonth they've utilized a batch of mixers. Last twelvemonth they were utilizing DeFi.”

Scammers, however, are much apt to usage centralized exchanges. According to Chainalysis’ report, this “may bespeak scammers’ comparative deficiency of sophistication.”

In the coming year, Grauer and her squad expect to spot an uptick successful crypto transgression involving non-fungible tokens (NFT).

This twelvemonth “is already disconnected to a large commencement for NFT crime,” Grauer said, pointing to the rise successful lavation trading connected NFT level LooksRare. “This is decidedly going to continue.”


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