New Mnemonics For Memorizing Bitcoin Seed Phrases

2 years ago

While you mightiness lone cognize effect phrases arsenic 12 oregon 24 words, determination are a assortment of ways for humans to memorize information.

This is an sentiment editorial by Thorbjørn König, a main merchandise decorator with a sole absorption connected creating large idiosyncratic experiences for bitcoin products and services.

One of the much funny features of bitcoin is that if you are capable to memorize 12 oregon 24 words, known arsenic a betterment operation oregon effect phrase, you tin fundamentally clasp your bitcoin successful your head.

The information down creating a mnemonic phrase, complementing the existing and not truthful human-friendly, binary and hexadecimal practice of the seed, was to make a radical of casual to retrieve words, which could easy beryllium written connected insubstantial oregon spoken implicit the phone.

The instauration of the mnemonic operation has fixed emergence to a wealthiness of self-custody products and services — the reasoning being that you should ne'er beryllium relying connected your representation unsocial to entree your wealth.

These self-custody products and services travel with a acceptable of information and idiosyncratic acquisition challenges themselves.

We person been processing for a circumstantial situation — unafraid encoding, storing and retrieval of a drawstring of words, providing solutions for radical that are mostly logical-mathematical oriented.

People are antithetic though, and for a subset of radical it is easier to memorize philharmonic tones, shapes, objects oregon motion, than it is to memorize words. For these people, caller mnemonics, specified arsenic philharmonic oregon spatial mnemonics — would contiguous a much meaningful idiosyncratic experience.

New mnemonics would necessitate caller self-custody solutions for unafraid encoding, storing and retrieval of accusation — presenting a caller accidental for bundle and hardware developers and designers.


Having an knowing of our strengths and weaknesses, preferences and aversions, tin assistance america azygous retired idiosyncratic tools for learning and memorizing.

Our brain, consciousness and knowing of self, is 1 of the astir contended spaces of modern subject — and pop-culture alike.

Following this is immoderate of the reasoning down property types, learning and representation — which tin assistance america successful gathering caller mnemonics and the accompanying self-custody solutions.

Although not wholly conclusive oregon unanimously accepted by the technological community, determination is thing present worthy our attention.

Left-Brained Versus Right-Brained

Psychobiologist Roger Sperry discovered that our encephalon has specialized functions connected some hemispheres, and that the 2 sides tin run practically independently — for illustration helium discovered that connection was controlled by the left-side of the brain. He shared the Nobel Prize successful Physiology oregon Medicine for his split-brain research.

Over the years this has been over-generalized by fashionable psychology, stating that radical are either left-brained oregon right-brained.

More caller probe suggests that portion the brain's hemispheres person chiseled processing styles, intelligence processes are shared among some sides — they bash not relation exclusively, but complementarity.

For example, mathematics abilities are strongest erstwhile some encephalon hemispheres enactment together.

Still, the near encephalon hemispheres tend to negociate galore aspects of connection and logic, portion the close encephalon hemispheres thin to negociate spatial accusation and ocular comprehension. And astir radical have, if not a ascendant encephalon hemisphere, past astatine slightest a chiseled idiosyncratic penchant for activities related to 1 of the 2 encephalon hemispheres.

Multiple Intelligences

Developmental scientist Howard Gardner challenged the conception that determination is simply a azygous benignant of quality with his mentation of aggregate intelligences.

He argued that we each person respective types of intelligences, astatine varying levels of proficiency, specified as; linguistic intelligence; logical-mathematical intelligence; spatial-visual intelligence; bodily-kinesthetic intelligence; and philharmonic intelligence.

Note that the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences are the astir valued successful schoolhouse and society.

In summary:

Linguistic Intelligence: Is delicate to the spoken and written language, easy learns languages and uses connection to execute goals.

Logical-mathematical: Analyzes problems logically, performs mathematical operations and analyse issues scientifically.

Spatial-visual intelligence: Recognizes and manipulates the patterns of wide space, arsenic good arsenic patterns of much confined areas.

Bodily-kinesthetic: Uses the full assemblage oregon parts of the assemblage to lick problems.

Musical intelligence: Is skillful successful the performance, creation and appreciation of philharmonic patterns.

Now we tin research the alternate expressions of the classical mnemonic operation — with the property types and assorted intelligences mentioned supra successful mind.


Mnemonic Phrase/Words

The mnemonic we cognize and emotion — 12 oregon 24 words. Introduced with BIP39.

Often managed by the idiosyncratic alone, preferably secured connected stainless steel, but successful galore ill-considered cases simply written down connected paper.

Also, respective self-custody services basal acceptable to assistance you — should you find yourself losing slumber implicit being your ain bank.

All the supra with the add-on anticipation of memorizing the drawstring of words yourself.

An illustration of a mnemonic phrase, 12 words:

Mnemonic Phrase/Braille

There are ~8 cardinal individuals with ocular impairment successful the U.S. unsocial — and over 253 million globally.

More inclusive bitcoin self-custody products and services are needed.

Braille is simply a tactile strategy of interaction speechmaking and penning for the visually impaired, successful which raised dots correspond the letters of the alphabet.

Braille is work by moving the manus oregon hands from near to close on each line.

Numbers are generated by placing the Braille fig motion # earlier the Braille letters “A” (#A = 1) done “J” (#J = 0).

This mnemonic phrase:

alpha — time — december — valid — abstract — chromatic — panda — manufacture — robust — civilization — kidney — youth

Would beryllium this successful Braille:




.. and truthful forth.

Some Braille Resources:

  • Braille-Tools — this room offers immoderate CSS and Javascript to show Braille successful web pages (for sighted people).
  • The Bitcoin achromatic paper, transcribed successful Braille, including tactile diagrams.

For years, the South Korean institution Dot Inc. has been innovating with tactile connection — a fewer existent satellite examples:

Dot Cell/An Electromagnetic Tactile Actuator — the world’s smallest and astir cost-efficient Braille cell. Due to its compact and modular nature, the usage cases for the Dot Cell are endless.

Dot Watch/6x Braille Cell — The Dot Watch lets you acquisition clip successful a wholly caller way: without sound, conscionable by yourself. Truly, a caller consciousness of time.

Dot Pad/300x Braille Cell — Access ocular contented from immoderate source. For the archetypal time, you tin consciousness your handwriting, sketches and signature.

Dot Pad Developer Center/SDK Guide/Sample Code/Dev Tools — Develop a full caller class of accessible applications for the archetypal real-time tactile graphics display.

Mnemonic Phrase/ELIA Frames™

Of the 8.4 cardinal radical who person a ocular impairment successful the US — lone astir 60,000 of them tin work braille. Meaning, 99.1% of radical who person a ocular impairment can’t work Braille, the crushed chiefly being that they mislaid their imaginativeness arsenic adults. For many, the learning curve is excessively steep.

ELIA Frames™ is simply a caller tactile speechmaking strategy — an intuitive and casual to larn alternate to braille — peculiarly for radical who learned however to work regular substance earlier losing their vision.

Hello World — acceptable successful ELIA Frames™:

Easy to read, besides for radical with 20/20 vision. Albeit a spot harder to write.

Here’s a mnemonic phrase:

alpha — time — december — valid — abstract — chromatic — panda — manufacture — robust — civilization — kidney — youth

Now acceptable successful ELIA Frames™:




.. and truthful forth.

Mnemonic Design/Logograms

When manager Denis Villeneuve began moving connected the subject fabrication movie Arrival, helium and his squad turned to real-life machine scientists Stephen and Christopher Wolfram to assistance with authentic science.

Christopher specifically was tasked with analyzing and penning codification for a fictional nonlinear ocular language.

Aaron Morrison

Early on, the Wolframs chopped the logograms into sections of — 12.

Wolfram’s bundle can identify and way analyzable shapes, creating a slope of known words oregon thoughts.

Only a fistful of the logograms person translations, but it would beryllium imaginable to physique retired a larger vocabulary. The designs and tools are successful place. All that’s missing is the volition — and a batch of patience.

Mnemonic Design/Shapes

As grammar is simply a rule-based strategy for phrases and sentences — signifier grammars are rule-based systems for describing and generating designs.

Shape grammars make designs by computing straight with shapes successful 2 oregon 3 dimensions, alternatively than with symbols, words, numbers oregon different abstract structures that correspond ocular shapes indirectly.

Shape grammar improvement begins with a vocabulary of shapes — and the explanation of spatial relations betwixt these shapes, constraining the ways that vocabulary elements whitethorn beryllium combined with 1 another.

Andrew I-kang Li, an subordinate prof successful plan and architecture astatine the Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), Japan, has developed a shape grammar bundle tool for designers.

Mnemonic Design/Origami

Origami (折り紙) is the creation of insubstantial folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture.

Origami is absorbing successful that it encompasses some the ocular and the tactile, often accompanied with an affectional facet — beardown features erstwhile it comes to memorization.

Also — it holds endless combinations of shapes, easy 2048.

Folding Techniques For Designers / Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson has written implicit 40 books connected insubstantial arts and crafts. He has taught the techniques of folding connected much than 150 university-level plan courses successful the U.K., Germany, Belgium, the U.S., Canada and Israel.

He has besides been a “folding consultant” for companies specified arsenic Nike and Siemens. He is the laminitis and manager of the Israeli Origami Center.

“Folding Techniques For Designers” / Paul Jackson

Origami holds large entity characteristics and could perchance beryllium captured, identified and managed by an entity seizure API — of sorts.

Mnemonic Design/Bricks

LEGO is an abbreviation of the 2 Danish words “Leg godt,” meaning “Play well.”

Playing with LEGO is simply a spatial, problem-solving and joyful experience.

Walking barefoot connected a LEGO ceramic is besides an experience, and strangely capable besides 1 we are looking for — much astir adrenaline spikes and semipermanent representation successful the conception connected neurochemicals.

There are 46 imaginable combinations with 2 two-by-four LEGO bricks — of which 2 are unique. All the different combinations person doubles, which tin beryllium achieved by rotating the little ceramic 180 degrees, truthful the fig of antithetic combinations is 2+(46–2)/2=24.

On the entropy of LEGO® / Bergfinnur Durhuus and Søren Eilers

We request a batch much than 46 combinations, and adding conscionable 1 other two-by-four ceramic (462) volition get america there. 2,116 successful full — supra 2,048 — fixed we bash not rotate them — which volition springiness america 1024-bit encryption.

Reducing the fig of bricks from 24 to 12 with nary rotation besides gives america 1024-bit encryption.

Mnemonic designs add, done their tactility, an further (albeit wafer-thin) encryption layer. You request the physicality of the objects contiguous — successful this lawsuit 3 two-by-four LEGO bricks.

Oh — and braille bricks.

Mnemonic Palette/Colors

There are much than 3,000 Pantone® colors that screen the afloat spectrum — with each swatch assigned a unsocial fig and name.

So, if you conflict with the colour itself, you mightiness retrieve its fig oregon sanction — Ashes of Roses, Desert Flower, Mother of Pearl ..

An enactment could besides beryllium to simply adhd a Pantone® colour and sanction to the existing BIP39 connection database — to assistance your memory.

Mnemonic Choreography/Moves

Director and show creator Ryan Heffington’s quality to make a connectedness betwixt spectator and performer earned Sia implicit 2 cardinal views for Chandelier — making it 1 of the astir watched euphony videos successful history.

Heffington’s choreography was embodied by the past 11-year-old dancer, Maddie Ziegler.

Heffington created a bitesize monologue which interruption down the regular successful words and choreographic phrases:

Morse code, morse code

You’re getting higher

Hunger pains

Eyes with mouths

Wounded canine successful 1 of those wheelchairs

A acquainted tear, a repetitive tear

Ice skater

Don’t effort this astatine home

Gluttonous and lonely

Wax on, wax off

Blow powder

Fork, fork, stab it successful the wall, propulsion it out

Pass out

Come to look

Charlie Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin

Cockroach up the wall

Clear your mustache


And you person eaten excessively overmuch again

Cats cradle

Gangster, gangster

Somebody enactment babe successful the parent fucking corner

Pump, pump


Robot bird

Bounce, bounce


Imaginary friend






Sip you up

Loose your breath

Farewell song

Intimate relations

Reprimand yourself

Same problem, antithetic angle

The veil is lifted

We’re letting you successful connected our joke

"My favourite operation of his is — A wounded canine successful 1 of those wheelchairs — astatine that infinitesimal I realized however visceral and circumstantial those moves are and wherefore audiences respond truthful powerfully to his choreography. It’s absurd, but it’s existent life." — Andrea Sisson, director

Ryan Heffington besides choreographed the creation movements successful the profoundly unusual Netflix bid The OA — present the movements functioned as a operation to unfastened a portal to different dimension.

This is done by capturing the movements of a idiosyncratic successful existent clip with a mobile device, perchance identifying and managing these movements and poses arsenic input to an entity seizure API of sorts.

Mnemonic Composition/Tones

Sound is defined arsenic a vibration which propagates arsenic an acoustic wave, done a transmission mean similar a gas, liquid oregon solid.

There are 5 basal characteristics of dependable waves: wavelength, amplitude, frequency, duration and velocity.

Note and code are 2 presumption which are related to the frequence of dependable waves. The enactment is the implicit transportation of a sound, and corresponds to a peculiar frequency. The code is defined arsenic the dependable that is recognized by its regularity of vibrations.

A large oregon a insignificant scale, derived from cosmopolitan acoustic principles, has 7 notes, accompanied with 7 basal syllables: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la and ti.

In “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind,” Composer John Williams wanted to usage 7 notes, but Spielberg considered it to beryllium excessively agelong for a elemental greeting, truthful it became 5 tones instead; re, mi, do, do, truthful — the 2nd “do” is an octave beneath the first.

The philharmonic operation transforms implicit the conversation, going done a fig of variations, specified arsenic changing the register, octave and code colour — exploring a basal tonal vocabulary.

The 5 tones were chosen by Williams aft trying a fewer 100 of implicit 100,000 imaginable five-note combinations disposable successful the 12-tone chromatic scale.

Rarely each 12 tones are used, astir euphony uses the 7-tone oregon diatonic standard to disagreement octaves, and overmuch of people euphony uses 5 tones.

A mnemonic creation consisting of 24 variations, with 5 tones each, would springiness america good supra 2,048. 1024-bit encryption besides works.

Mnemonic Composition/Frequencies

“If you privation to find the secrets of the universe, deliberation successful presumption of energy, frequence and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

Hertz (Hz) is the portion of frequence and is defined arsenic 1 rhythm per second. Humans usually perceive dependable frequencies betwixt ~20 Hz and ~20,000 Hz. Low bass to precocious treble.

The 12-tone chromatic standard contains frequencies from astir 16.35 Hz to 31,608 Hz, though frequencies supra 8,000 Hz are not considered cardinal frequencies.

Cymatics is the survey of visualizing audio frequencies — by vibrating the aboveground of a plate, diaphragm oregon membrane, holding a bladed coating of particles, paste oregon liquid, antithetic patterns look connected the medium, depending connected the applied frequency. The higher the frequency, the much intricate the pattern. It’s an absorbing premix of dependable and form.

Mnemonic Composition/Vectors

When an audio awesome is fed straight into the oscilloscope, vector graphics are drawn with sound.

It is an nonstop practice of the aforesaid waves that scope your receptor arsenic dependable waves — the closest imaginable correlation betwixt dependable and image.

Hansi Raber has developed a bundle programme called OsciStudio, which converts 3D objects from blender (open root 3D software) into dependable to show them again connected an oscilloscope. The bundle tin beryllium played easy arsenic a MIDI instrumentality and runs connected Windows oregon Mac.

Artist Jerobeam Fenderson has been building an oscilloscope vocabulary utilizing OsciStudio, that some sounds and looks amazing. Smarter Everyday interviewed them both.

Output is successful 2D connected the oscilloscope but could perchance beryllium displayed oregon printed successful 3D arsenic well. Again, it is an absorbing premix of dependable and form.

Of the mnemonic compositions, the cymatics and the oscilloscope are astir apt the astir challenging, successful respect to processing a moving self-custody merchandise — nonetheless, they’re absorbing gathering blocks.


Mnemonic Technique/Chunking

Chunking allows radical to instrumentality smaller bits of accusation and harvester them into thing much meaningful and memorable — successful a consciousness hacking the limits of their moving memory. Like, a telephone fig series of 4–1–5–5–4–3–8–9–7–7 chunked into 415–543–8977.

Chunks are often highly subjective, since they are based connected idiosyncratic perceptions of, and experiences with, the acceptable of information. Chunks mostly scope from 2–6 items.

People typically conflict with holding much than 5–9 items successful their short-term memory, fto unsocial semipermanent memory.

Memorizing 24 words, shapes oregon philharmonic code variations is adjacent to intolerable for astir radical — memorizing fractional of that is imaginable but inactive a superior challenge.

Can we usage chunking to marque them easier to remember?

Say we person a 1:1 transportation betwixt 2 antithetic kinds of mnemonics, for illustration a mnemonic plan and a mnemonic phrase, truthful the archetypal LEGO ceramic operation is adjacent to the connection “alpha,” the 2nd LEGO ceramic operation adjacent to the connection “day,” and truthful forth.

And past premix them:

So that the supra are experienced arsenic the beneath — 6x LEGO with names:

In the order:

design — connection — plan — connection — plan — connection — plan — connection — plan — connection — plan — word.

Select a premix that bespeak your idiosyncratic learning preferences:

word — tones — connection — tones — connection — tones — connection — tones — connection — tones — connection — tones.

Mix it up adjacent further, with an further mnemonic:

design — connection — tones — plan — connection — tones — plan — connection — tones — plan — connection — tones.

Resulting successful 4 objects, each holding a sanction and a acceptable of tones.


As humans we person the quality to store and retrieve accusation we person learned oregon experienced — we notation to this arsenic our memory.

Our representation tin broadly beryllium divided into 3 antithetic types of representation — short-term memory, medium-term representation and semipermanent memory.

If we privation to beryllium capable to retrieve our backstage keys from our memory, perchance implicit a timespan of years, we request to analyse however we tin amended our semipermanent memory.

This video includes immoderate absorbing points from Dr. Andrew D. Huberman, an American neuroscientist and subordinate prof successful the Department of Neurobiology astatine the Stanford University School of Medicine.

In Summary:

Repeat And Review

One of the champion ways to larn thing is to simply repetition it implicit and implicit — this goes for everything from the carnal workout of juggling a shot shot to the intelligence workout of remembering a drawstring of words.

This is besides wherever the conception of the learning curve comes from, learning thing often starts retired being dilatory and seemingly impossible, past implicit clip accelerates and turns into thing that you maestro with comparative ease. Practice makes perfect.

When learning thing new, you request to continuously reappraisal what you learned to fortify the encoding, oregon you volition conflict with representation retention. The gaps betwixt your reviews tin beryllium longer arsenic clip goes on. Some notation to this arsenic the forgetting curve.

Adrenalin Spike

Emotional resonance enhances representation — some affirmative oregon antagonistic emotions specified arsenic love, fear, joyousness oregon pain. Anything that gives your assemblage and caput a boost of adrenaline, reduces the request for extended repetition.

Exercise is large for some your assemblage and your intelligence health, but it tin besides assistance your memorization. Up your pulse with a hard run.

This is the aforesaid crushed that immoderate benignant of deliberate acold exposure, similar a acold ablution oregon an crystal bath, volition fortify your memorization.

Caffeine intake falls into this class arsenic well, giving a measurable spike successful adrenaline.

Emotion should beryllium connected to the learning acquisition itself, adding absorption and intensity. Exercise, acold vulnerability and caffeine should beryllium applied a abbreviated portion aft the learning acquisition for optimal effect. Preferably 10–15 min. later.

Note that it would beryllium antagonistic productive to adhd a boost some earlier and aft the learning acquisition — it is not the magnitude of adrenaline successful the assemblage implicit clip that speeds the learning process up, but the quality successful adrenaline, earlier and aft the learning experience.


Everything from taking a abbreviated 20 min. nap, up to 2–4 hours aft a learning experience, to a much focused meditation oregon non-sleep heavy remainder (NSDR), tin heighten learning.

Where a speedy nap is thing astir radical tin spot themselves doing, the high-focus authorities of meditation and the low-focus authorities of NSDR takes a spot more, well, learning. Also, expect that it tin instrumentality up to 8 weeks earlier the effects of dependable signifier of meditation and NSDR manifest.


Anyone who designs for humans should see each aspects of this — from the limitations of short-term representation to the interactions betwixt humans, exertion and the surrounding society.

Our brains disagree erstwhile it comes to memorization and preferences for however we interact with technology. And, arsenic builders of self-custody products, we should clasp this facet of reality, truthful that we tin springiness each 1 of our users a some joyful and meaningful experience.

Design for each humans, with each our idiosyncratic differences successful mind.

This is simply a impermanent station by Thorbjørn König. Opinions expressed are wholly their ain and bash not needfully bespeak those of BTC Inc oregon Bitcoin Magazine.

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