Nexo, a crypto lending protocol that offers recognition cards and loans to retail users, saw its NEXO token surge successful terms implicit the past 24 hours, arsenic 1 of the world’s largest exchanges, Binance, listed the token.
The token peaked astatine $3.64, conscionable 13% disconnected its all-time precocious successful February. The token accrued by astir 60% successful the abstraction of a fewer hours aft Binance's listing went unrecorded earlier Friday. Nexo has since retreated to commercialized astatine astir $2.33, but is inactive up 6% implicit the past 24 hours. The token's marketplace capitalization $1.3 billion.

Pablo Jódar, fiscal products manager astatine STORM Partners, a solution supplier for the cryptocurrency abstraction successful Europe, said Nexo got a affirmative tailwind from the caller concern announcement with Mastercard. The institution unveiled a crypto-backed payments paper that allows users to walk without having to merchantability their integer assets and offers customers a 2% cashback successful their transactions.
“This concern puts Nexo a measurement person to becoming a crypto slope to assistance retail clients entree the integer space,” Jódar said.
“This was besides a affirmative week for the crypto-lending space, arsenic Goldman Sachs announced that they executed the archetypal fiat indebtedness backed by bitcoin,” Jódar said. "It shows a precise beardown involvement from Wall Street banks to follow crypto assets arsenic a caller benignant of alternate assets.”
Crypto assets with a marketplace capitalization supra $1 cardinal were mostly trading successful the reddish today. Ethereum (ETH) was trading down 1.2%, Bitcoin (BTC) by 1% and Cardano (ADA) by 1% too.
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