Passive Income Cyborgs: Battle Borgz Publicly Launches on KICK․IO

2 years ago

press release

PRESS RELEASE. NFTs are not a impermanent trend. NFTs are present to stay.

Although analysts are inactive successful the process of realizing the afloat imaginable that the exertion down ‘Non-fungible tokens’ offers, overmuch is already clear. Beyond being utilized to certify the authenticity of artwork, the applicability of NFT exertion extends to galore different fields and harbors immoderate earthy synergies with the adjacent procreation of gaming.

Battle Borgz is connected apical of this trend. Battle Borgz are processing a unsocial NFT-based PvP and PvE conflict crippled built connected the Cardano ecosystem, promising gamers an acquisition that not lone rewards enthusiasts with countless hours of engaging gameplay but besides an accidental to gain immoderate passive income connected the side.

Traditionally, the narration betwixt the gamers and the developers has been one-sided – customers bask the acquisition portion developers monetize their playtime. Battle Borgz is different. By drafting connected the blockchain and NFT exertion which has enabled the improvement of play-to-earn projects, Battle Borgz has created a unsocial and rewarding gaming experience.

After randomly minting their unsocial cyborg NFTs, gamers tin conflict against different players successful a assortment of ranked crippled modes against different players oregon NPCs – each portion earning $BORGZ simply done gameplay. Because it puts its players first, Battle Borgz is capable to marque definite that everyone progressive benefits from their playtime done enjoyable acquisition and opportunities to gain immoderate passive income from their recently minted NFT assets.

Battle Borgz
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Public merchantability connected KICK.IO

Battle Borgz precedence IDO circular volition footwear disconnected connected May 2nd, 17:00 GMT. Many aboriginal task backers person already sent inquiries our way, truthful beryllium definite to enactment early!

IDO Details

  • Ticker: BORGZ
  • KYC: No
  • Payment options: ADA

Priority Public Sale (24 hours before)

  • Price: 0.0000007 ADA
  • Start: May 2nd (17:00 GMT)
  • End: May 3rd (17:00 GMT)
  • Available supply: 20,000,000,000
  • Requirement to participate: 10,000 KICK staked successful a locked pool
  • Requirement to endorse: 10,000 KICK staked successful a locked pool

Public Sale

  • Price: 0.0000008 ADA
  • Start: May 3rd (17:00 GMT)
  • End: May 9th (17:00 GMT)
  • Available supply: 50,000,000,000
  • Requirement to endorse: 10,000 KICK staked successful a locked pool


KICK.IO is simply a Cardano-based fundraising level and task accelerator, designed to supply transparent, efficient, and afloat decentralized crowdfunding services. KICK.IO is acceptable to mature into a cornerstone of the caller Cardano-dominated DeFi landscape, becoming the spot wherever Cardano’s extended assemblage tin travel unneurotic to money projects characterized by the immense imaginable for aboriginal success.

Our next-generation decentralized launchpad volition beryllium built according to the champion DeFi manufacture practices, ensuring real-time settlement, top-notch security, interoperability, existent decentralization, zero counterparty risk, portion besides being afloat scalable to conscionable the needs of organization investors. Unlike our competitors, we connection afloat enactment of Cardano autochthonal tokens and a suite of precocious DeFi tools that upcoming projects request to thrive and prosper.

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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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