Pentagon-commissioned report claims just 4 entities can disrupt Bitcoin

2 years ago

Research conducted by information experts Trail of Bits concluded that the conception of blockchain decentralization is simply a fallacy. In particular, the study claimed controlling the 4 biggest mining pools could disrupt the Bitcoin chain, with Ethereum faring worse astatine 3 entities.

The fig of entities sufficient to disrupt a blockchain is comparatively low: four for Bitcoin, 2 for Ethereum, and little than a twelve for astir PoS networks.”

The study was commissioned by the Pentagon’s probe and improvement branch, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is tasked with investigating exertion for imaginable subject use.

According to the website Tech Republic, which targets IT professionals, the study added further doubts astir blockchain exertion astatine a clip erstwhile information hazard and crypto terms instability are astatine the forefront of everyone’s minds.

“The DARPA commissioned study lone adds much concerns astir the blockchain and affects investors’ cognition and confidence.”

Blockchains are not immutable

The study goes in-depth, covering immutability, the Nakamoto coefficient, which refers to the fig of entities required to onslaught a web successfully, mining excavation vulnerabilities, 51% attacks, web topology, and web and bundle centrality.

The astir captious findings stated immutability could beryllium broken, and distributed ledger exertion (DLT) tin beryllium centralized via authoritative, consensus, motivational, topological, network, and bundle means.

Expanding further, the study mentioned Virtual Machines (VM,) which are utilized to see caller features and execute information migrations, are a imaginable gateway to breaking immutability.

Bitcoin and its derivatives person a VM for interpreting transaction output scripts. Ethereum uses a VM for executing its smart contracts.”

Through VMs, bundle authors and maintainers tin perchance “modify the semantics of the blockchain,” which tin see reverting the blockchain to a erstwhile state. Trail of Bits gives the illustration of Ethereum devs doing this successful effect to the 2016 DAO attack.

“Every blockchain has a privileged acceptable of entities that tin modify the semantics of the blockchain to perchance alteration past transactions.”

As such, neither blockchain information nor codification tin beryllium considered “semantically immutable.”

Bitcoin is centralized

Although blockchains are sold connected the conception of operating securely without centralized control, researchers authorities DLT tin beryllium centralized crossed respective means.

Bitcoin has a Nakamoto coefficient of four, meaning taking power of 4 mining pools would beryllium capable to onslaught the network. The person the coefficient is to one, the much centralized it is.

“Bitcoin’s Nakamoto coefficient is four, because taking power of the 4 largest mining pools would supply a hashrate sufficient to execute a 51% attack. In January of 2021, the Nakamoto coefficient for Ethereum was only two.12 As of April 2022, it is three.”

While the outgo of controlling 4 Bitcoin mining pools is uneconomically expensive, Trail of Bits researchers reason that “perverse incentives” inactive exist, specified arsenic from competing chains oregon unfriendly nation-states that person the resources to propulsion disconnected specified an attack.

Other cardinal findings see that implicit a 5th of Bitcoin nodes are moving an aged lawsuit version, which has known vulnerabilities. And 60% of each BTC postulation passes done 3 Internet Service Providers.

The station Pentagon-commissioned study claims conscionable 4 entities tin disrupt Bitcoin appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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