PureStake CEO Derek Yoo Explains the Technology Behind Moonbeam Network

2 years ago

Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible astute declaration level connected the Polkadot web that makes it casual to physique natively interoperable applications. This Ethereum compatibility allows developers to deploy existing Solidity astute contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam with minimal changes.

Derek Yoo is the CEO of PureStake, the exertion institution down the Moonbeam Network. He precocious joined the Bitcoin.com News Podcast to speech astir the technology:

PureStake CEO Derek Yoo Explains the Technology Behind Moonbeam Network

Derek Yoo is simply a serial Web2 exertion entrepreneur who has spent the past 20 years gathering palmy bundle and unreality companies. Prior to creating Moonbeam, Derek was the co-founder and CTO of Fuze, wherever helium led the merchandise and engineering teams successful the instauration of a planetary Unified Communications-as-a-Service unreality level with points of beingness each astir the world, a debased latency planetary network, and a suite of extremity idiosyncratic web, desktop, and mobile communications applications. During his clip astatine Fuze, the institution grew to 700 employees and a $150M tally rate.

Like Moonriver, its sister parachain connected Kusama, Moonbeam is expected to accumulate developer and idiosyncratic enactment from the 80+ projects gathering DApps and protocols connected the network. As a parachain connected the Polkadot network, Moonbeam benefits from the shared information of the Polkadot Relay Chain and integrations with different chains that are connected to Polkadot. Learn much at: https://moonbeam.network/.

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