Robert Kiyosaki Says US Dollar Is Toast Citing Saudi Arabia’s Request to Join BRICS

1 year ago

Robert Kiyosaki Says U.S. Dollar Is Toast Citing Saudi Arabia's Request to Join BRICS

The celebrated writer of the best-selling publication Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says the U.S. dollar is toast, citing Saudi Arabia’s petition to articulation the BRICS nations that comprise Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa.

Robert Kiyosaki’s Latest US Dollar Warning

The writer of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, is backmost with different dire informing astir the U.S. dollar. Rich Dad Poor Dad is simply a 1997 publication co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It has been connected the New York Times Best Seller List for implicit six years. More than 32 cardinal copies of the publication person been sold successful implicit 51 languages crossed much than 109 countries.

The celebrated writer tweeted Wednesday:

Bye bye US $. Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS. 1974 US $ became PETRO $. Day aft Biden pulled retired of Afghanistan, Saudis began negotiations with Russia and China … US $ toast. Buy, gold, silver, bitcoin.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa reportedly said during an interrogation astatine the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Tuesday that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud has expressed the kingdom’s tendency to beryllium portion of the BRICS. Ramaphosa precocious returned from an authoritative sojourn to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s superior city. The BRICS nations are Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa.

The president of South Africa was quoted arsenic saying:

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman expressed the kingdom’s tendency to articulation the BRICS. In 2023, the BRICS acme volition beryllium held nether the South African presidency and this petition volition beryllium studied.

“Several countries are successful interaction with the BRICS and we person assured them that the accession contented volition beryllium discussed and a determination volition beryllium made,” Ramaphosa explained.

“If Saudi Arabia joins BRICS, it would beryllium a promotion to the Middle East countries to fortify their ties with BRICS countries and weaken the involution and power of the U.S. successful the area,” a Beijing-based planetary relations adept reportedly told Global Times Wednesday. Many others stock the sentiment. “If Saudi Arabia joins BRICS, it volition beryllium different strategical stroke to the American Empire. BRICS+ tin motorboat a antiauthoritarian and commodity-backed planetary currency to situation the U.S. dollar,” a Twitter idiosyncratic wrote.

During the BRICS Summit successful July, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the BRICS economies program to contented a “new planetary reserve currency.” Analysts judge the BRICS determination to make a reserve currency is an effort to undermine the U.S. dollar and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).

Kiyosaki has been predicting the extremity of the U.S. dollar for rather immoderate time. Earlier this month, helium said that the U.S. dollar volition crash by January adjacent year. Last month, helium said the end of the fake money is here. The renowned writer antecedently explained that erstwhile President Richard Nixon removed the U.S. dollar from the golden modular successful 1971, “the U.S. dollar became fake money.”

Last week, helium warned astir World War III. Kiyosaki believes that the Federal Reserve raising involvement rates volition destroy the U.S. economy. The Rich Dad Poor Dad writer has urged investors to get into crypto now — earlier the biggest economical clang successful satellite past happens.

Do you hold with Rich Dad Poor Dad writer Robert Kiyosaki astir the U.S. dollar being toast? Let america cognize successful the comments conception below.

Kevin Helms

A pupil of Austrian Economics, Kevin recovered Bitcoin successful 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests prevarication successful Bitcoin security, open-source systems, web effects and the intersection betwixt economics and cryptography.

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