Robert Kiyosaki Warns of Giant Market Collapse, War, ‘Really Hard Times Ahead’ for Millions

7 months ago
Robert Kiyosaki Warns of Great Depression, War, 'Really Hard Times Ahead' for Millions

Rich Dad Poor Dad writer Robert Kiyosaki has issued much warnings astir the U.S. economy, including a elephantine marketplace collapse, a imaginable adjacent Great Depression, and different war. The celebrated writer emphasized that millions of radical volition look “really hard times ahead.” He urged them to beryllium prepared, reiterating his proposal of gold, silver, and bitcoin.

Robert Kiyosaki Sees ‘Really Hard Times Ahead’ for Millions

The writer of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, is backmost with dire warnings astir the U.S. economy. Rich Dad Poor Dad is simply a 1997 publication co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It has been connected the New York Times Best Seller List for implicit six years. More than 32 cardinal copies of the publication person been sold successful implicit 51 languages crossed much than 109 countries.

The celebrated writer wrote connected societal media level X Thursday that a “giant marketplace illness is here” due to the fact that the Three Stooges are moving the White House, the U.S. Treasury, and the Federal Reserve. He continued:

Possible adjacent Great Depression. Possibly war. For millions, reallly hard times ahead.

Kiyosaki noted that individuals with the close mindset and capable mentation volition find the adjacent Great Depression to beryllium “the champion clip of their lives.” He advised: “Please prepare. Please instrumentality care. Buy gold, silver, bitcoin.”

The well-known writer has consistently cautioned astir challenging times up for the U.S. economy. Besides advocating for gold, silver, and bitcoin, helium besides recommends buying bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for those who bash not privation to bargain BTC directly. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to commencement approving spot bitcoin ETF applications soon.

Last period Kiyosaki disclosed his recommended concern allocation to assistance investors successful weathering the “greatest clang successful satellite history.” This month, helium encourages investors to brace for hyperinflation, noting that helium sees bitcoin arsenic the “best protection.” He besides said earlier that bitcoin provides “lifelong fiscal information and freedom,” advising investors to get into the cryptocurrency present before it’s excessively late.

What bash you deliberation astir Rich Dad Poor Dad writer Robert Kiyosaki’s warnings? Let america cognize successful the comments conception below.

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