Robinhood Brings Prediction Market Hub to Market After Success of Crypto-Based Polymarket

6 hours ago

After the occurrence of crypto-based level Polymarket trading venue Robinhood (HOOD) is present opening a prediction marketplace connected its platform, disposable done CFTC-regulated speech Kalshi, the institution said, with contracts rolling retired today.

The company's prediction markets hub volition let customers to stake connected lawsuit outcomes, the HOOD announced successful a press release.

It's different rival to Polymarket, the world’s largest predictions market, which exploded successful popularity past twelvemonth amid the U.S. statesmanlike predetermination and immoderate fig of different high- and lower-profile quality events. The emergence successful popularity triggered aggravated scrutiny implicit the platform, which according to an investigation by NBC News, attracted implicit $3.6 cardinal successful bets conscionable for the statesmanlike election.

Some questioned the identities down the bets and whether results connected the level whitethorn person adjacent swayed the predetermination effect successful a definite direction. Polymarket CEO Shayne Coplan’s New York City flat was adjacent raided by the FBI, who seized his telephone and different physics devices.

Robinhood said that it has been speaking with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) successful caller weeks.

“We judge successful the powerfulness of prediction markets and deliberation they play an important relation astatine the intersection of news, economics, politics, sports, and culture,” said JB Mackenzie, VP & GM of Futures and International astatine Robinhood.

To footwear disconnected the merchandise launch, traders volition beryllium capable to stake connected the imaginable precocious bound of the people fed funds complaint successful May, arsenic good arsenic the upcoming men’s and women’s College Basketball Tournaments, Robinhood said.

Shares of the trading app were up 2.3% connected Monday, astatine $40.17.

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