Russia's Finance Ministry Opposes Central Bank Call for Crypto Ban

3 years ago

Russia needs to modulate cryptocurrencies, not prohibition them, according to the caput of the fiscal argumentation section astatine Russia's Ministry of Finance, Ivan Chebeskov.

Chebeskov said the ministry opposes the stance of Bank of Russia, which earlier this period issued a report calling for a afloat prohibition connected cryptocurrency trading and mining. Chebeskov spoke during a conference connected cryptocurrencies held by Russian work RBK connected Tuesday.

"We request to regulate, not ban," Chebeskov said "Regulation is capable to support our citizens."

The Ministry of Finance has prepared a acceptable of proposals and is waiting for the authorities to measure it, helium said. Banning crypto transactions and mining would mean undermining the industry's technological development, Chebeskov said. "We request to fto these technologies develop."

The Bank of Russia's study connected cryptocurrencies called them a menace to the country's economical stability. The study suggested banning cryptocurrency trading and mining, arsenic good arsenic introducing a punishment for violating the already existing prohibition connected utilizing crypto for payments successful Russia. The slope is waiting for feedback connected the study until March 1.

Bloomberg reported that Bank of Russia Governor Elvira Nabiulina was successfully lobbied by the FSB, Russia's almighty information service, which had been acrophobic by the usage of cryptocurrencies by governmental absorption successful Russia.


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Anna Baydakova is simply a crypto newsman with a peculiar absorption connected Eastern Europe and Russia. Anna owns a fraction of BTC.

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