Satoshi’s Seed: From Mental Slavery To Bitcoin Emancipated Identities

2 years ago

“Biomimicry is innovation inspired by nature. In a nine accustomed to dominating oregon 'improving' nature, this respectful imitation is simply a radically caller approach, a gyration really. Unlike the Industrial Revolution, the Biomimicry Revolution introduces an epoch based not connected what we tin extract from nature, but connected what we tin larn from her.” Janine Benyus

Where we are headed appears much analyzable than possibly knowing however we got here. Because past is our teacher and tin pass however we take to cocreate our future, we indispensable wage homage to our past. The aboriginal web was astir connecting machines to machines, and the aboriginal integer engineers successful societal media and gaming realized they needed a machine-to-human plan prototype, 1 which interfaced their integer constraints with quality engagement. Given their industrial-era bequest reasoning and proclivity toward skeuomorphism (overlaying an aged plan connected apical of a caller technology), this caller interface inevitably needed to someway impact the measurement of idiosyncratic behavioral outcomes to “validate” what they constructed. But how?

The mid-1900s, scientist B. F. Skinner’s behaviorist mentation of “operant conditioning” came to their rescue. This methodology of intelligence behavioral conditioning provided an astir seamless acceptable with their integer limitations. The engineers’ binary computations could present integrate behaviorist operant conditioning arsenic the ground of a machine-human interface, and quality behavioral outcomes could beryllium designed to beryllium objectively measurable. A immense vantage further accrued erstwhile the engineers and institution absorption soon learned that the reasoning and behavioral outcomes among immense swaths of populations could beryllium manipulated and “managed” arsenic well. However, this was not without repercussions. We present spot Facebook and different societal media companies hauled into legislature hearings answering for their engagement plan and its wide societal and behavioral manipulation. Meanwhile, billion-dollar, class-action lawsuits person been filed against gaming companies claiming “addictive design.” I taxable that we request to profoundly question whether this centralized integer plan for intelligence and behavioral manipulation, oregon thing similar, is what we privation overlaid connected the caller decentralized Bitcoin protocol.

“You can’t negociate what you can’t measure.” — Peter Drucker (business absorption guru)

Simply stated, B. F. Skinner’s “operant conditioning” is simply a method of rewards and punishments utilized to modify behaviors (aka, behaviour modification) by “programming” for desired behaviors utilizing exogenous reward incentives and reinforcements. It’s fundamentally a well-crafted mode to psychologically “bribe” the idiosyncratic with extrinsic incentives for desired behavioral outcomes. While behaviour modification whitethorn enactment good for the grooming of our pets, it tin trim highly analyzable and nuanced quality reasoning and behaviors (analog) into constrictive and constricted binary outcomes, when, successful fact, the affluent quality information and capableness for learning, creating and expanding comprise truthful overmuch more. Yet contempt each this, B. F. Skinner’s operant conditioning theories champion acceptable the plan needs of the aboriginal quality engagement engineers.

Operant conditioning, sometimes besides known arsenic “game mechanics,” is regarded arsenic the large instauration of modern engagement design. Hence, humans successful each our diverseness and unsocial richness indispensable presently constrictive and contort ourselves to accommodate to digitized, standardized, industrial-age centralization. Instead, we request to flip this exemplary and empower individualized idiosyncratic experiences truthful exertion adapts to, personalizes, enriches and expands each unsocial person. Each of america has the cardinal close to make our ain “self-determination.”

Unlike today’s Skinnerian “game mechanics” that permeates today’s machine-human interface platforms, free, self-generated, self-motivated and self-sustained play is Mother Nature’s innate meta-design for disintermediated authentic engagement. Unlike gaming, authentic play is simply a endurance drive, and dissimilar gaming design, it is non-addictive. Game plan and astir modern engagement plan is meant to “hook” the user; their designers adjacent notation to it arsenic the “attention economy” and see (your) attraction a “scarce commodity.” Conversely, the existent authentic subordinate tin play and past permission arsenic helium chooses, past re-engage again erstwhile helium chooses. This is because, dissimilar centralized crippled and societal media design, authentic engagement is not lone disintermediated, but self-generated/initiated, self-motivated and self-sustained. Designing for authentic play engagement “fixes” addictive plan and foments self-sovereignty. This points america toward the new, personalized, user-empowered, cross-sector plan solution for the 21st Century.

As we permission the predictable and comparative certainty of Newtonian industrialism and research the quantum realms of possibility, we are rapidly recognizing the quantum satellite arsenic inherently paradoxical (is it question oregon particle?). We besides present cognize that play and the exploration of the imaginable are biologically hardwired into humans. This is besides existent to varying degrees successful each animals. The astir often-viewed YouTube videos are those of spontaneous frolicking encounters of cross-species carnal play: bears play-chasing dogs, cats playfully swatting astatine crows, a babe cervid trusting the exploratory interaction of a quality toddler. Why is that? What instinctually and emotionally drives america to question and profoundly bask the novelty of self-generated and self-sustained play? In short, play is however we “explore the possible” and prosecute the novel. Play is self-motivated and intrinsically driven. We cognize we are connected the close way erstwhile quality rewards those who play with resiliency, originative adaptability, joyful vitality and steadfast outcomes. As such, we indispensable admit that play provides the “first principles” of quality engagement and plan accordingly. This is Bitcoin’s large accidental to recreate bequest engagement plan utilizing a amended model!

“A civilizing operation acknowledges a quality thrust and corrals it into positive-sum behavior, wherever astir oregon each parties are amended off. A decivilizing operation amplifies a quality thrust successful negative-sum ways, leaving astir radical worse off. These are often created unintentionally.”— Balaji S. Srinivasan (angel investor, entrepreneur)

In the 1970s, Richard Ryan and Edward Deci retired of the University of Rochester collaborated to make the “self-determination theory” connected motivation. This mentation confronted B. F. Skinner’s operant conditioning and fundamentally toppled the ascendant content that the champion mode to get humans to execute tasks is to reward their behaviors. These maverick researchers thought it was important to separate the types of information and separate betwixt controlled and autonomous motivation.

So, what are the basal characteristics and differences betwixt intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? This illustration provides a concise, easy-to-understand overview:


As you tin see, intrinsic information comes from wrong and is self-motivated. It is long-lasting and self-sustaining implicit agelong periods of time. Intrinsic motivators make grit and cultivate self-determination. This fits with the Bitcoin ethos.

On the different hand, extrinsic information does not foment long-lasting engagement. It is fueled by exogenous rewards and incentives (seductive bribes), it’s often based connected measurement and sometimes threats of punishment. Centralized fiat ethos.

Of peculiar note, determination exists a immense shortage that has agelong existed successful modern motivational science, and we spot its lack successful the illustration supra and its omission successful the research. Motivational subject simply neglects to integrate what we present cognize astir play. The cognitive bias wrong the probe and world cognition basal precludes linking the recognition and improvement of quality intrinsic motivators to the affective neuroscience of play. I judge this oversight successful the probe is related to world bias and the historical taste “taboo” against play recovered successful industrial-era design, e.g., “play gets successful the mode of work,” “it’s unproductive,” “it’s frivolous,” “play is not easy measured and has nary value.”

Let’s usage a small communal consciousness and captious thinking. If play is trivial and has nary value, wherefore is it hardwired into each animals? I person a two-word effect to this: “Occam’s razor.” The self-organizing rule and “solution” to quality chaos and polarization and struggle sits close nether our noses. And if that isn’t enough, isn’t it simply ironically paradoxical that the instrumentality of parsimony comes into play through play?

“With each things being equal, the simplest mentation tends to beryllium the close one.” — William of Ockham

If play is intermediated oregon controlled, it is nary longer authentic play, and the steadfast beneficent outcomes of authentic engagement are lost. And if play is suppressed oregon hijacked implicit time, antagonistic behavioral compensations associated with play deprivation emerge, including the pervasive intelligence illnesses we spot today.

Technology is simply a tool, not a solution.

Intrinsic information is the bedrock of escaped prime of the self-sovereign idiosyncratic with a steadfast interior locus of control. Intrinsic motivators are identified and developed done authentic play. Play is however humans self-organize erstwhile we are awake, akin to different endurance drive, slumber and dreams, wherever we self-organize erstwhile we are unconscious. Our quality to self-organize done authentic play engagement is the instauration to self-sovereignty. It’s however we travel to internally cognize (without immoderate intermediation oregon controlling forces) who we are, what we similar and what we are bully at. Our quality to self-organize helps america place and prosecute meaning and intent successful our lives.

Intrinsic motivators are indispensable to self-sustaining, non-addictive engagement behaviors. If our authentic play engagement has been hijacked oregon suppressed by centralized intermediation, we don’t make the interior locus of power indispensable to the psychologically healthy, emancipated, self-sovereign identity. Centralized programming tin past swoop successful and “own” us. We go narcissistic and needy, anxiously obsessed with whether we are bully enough, if we acceptable in, and if we person capable “likes,” “followers” oregon different forms of outer validation. We isolate and go obsessed with addictive societal media and gaming. Or possibly we gravitate toward the perceived information and consciousness of belonging of polarized “group-think.” Anxiety, slump and different forms of intelligence unwellness are astatine all-time precocious situation levels today. If our “sense of self” has been narrowed, controlled and validated by intermediated centralized plan and exogenous criteria, and not authored by the expansive improvement of our ain authentic selves, is it immoderate wonderment truthful galore of america question to comply and acceptable in? It doesn’t person to beryllium this way!

“The cleanable dictatorship would person the quality of a democracy, but would fundamentally beryllium a idiosyncratic without walls successful which the prisoners would not adjacent imagination of escaping. It would fundamentally beryllium a strategy of slavery where, done depletion and entertainment, the slaves would emotion their servitude.” — Aldous Huxley, 1931

While today’s behaviour modification plan depends upon the extrinsic validation of measurement, rewards and enticements, and idiosyncratic engagement whitethorn initially look effective, it is usually, and unfortunately, short-lived. Research by Ryan and Deci and others amusement extrinsic reward systems cannot supply the sustained semipermanent engagement needed to alteration quality behaviors. Yet behaviorist operant conditioning, unfortunately, persists arsenic our plan model. Perhaps this explains the mediocre engagement efficacy of modern gamification reward systems, the drop-off successful participation, and hence the further compensatory addictive plan strategies. On the different hand, self-generated, self-motivated and self-sustained engagement is cardinal to identifying what 1 loves to bash and processing grit. This intrinsically directed engagement is besides cardinal to healing ourselves from intelligence unwellness disorders and antagonistic behavioral compensations. Identifying and processing intrinsic motivational drives unsocial to the idiosyncratic and integrating them into today’s engagement plan volition assistance make the intelligence emancipation and self-sovereign identities that alteration authentic engagement into meaningful, recreational work. In specified a manner, and starting with each unsocial individual, this promises to physique the decentralized P2P creator-economy and Renaissance 2.0 connected apical of Bitcoin.

It cannot hap soon enough!


Intrinsic Motivation

This is simply a impermanent station by Kristen Cozad. Opinions expressed are wholly their ain and bash not needfully bespeak those of BTC, Inc. oregon Bitcoin Magazine.

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