South African Crypto Exchanges Revix and Bitfund Merge With Austrian Digital Asset Platform

7 months ago
South African Crypto Exchanges Revix and Bitfund Merge With Austrian Digital Asset Platform

Two South African crypto platforms and an Austria-based integer plus level person joined forces to motorboat a caller alternate concern level called Altify. The extremity of the caller outfit is to alteration South African investors, peculiarly the younger ones, to harness the powerfulness of alternate investments.

Alternative Investment Opportunities a Preserve for the Wealthy

Two South African crypto speech platforms, Revix and Bitfund, person merged with an Austrian integer plus level to make a caller alternate concern level called Altify. According to a associated statement, Sean Sanders, the laminitis of Revix, has been named the CEO of the caller entity, which is headquartered successful London.

In their Nov. 30 statement, the 3 companies said that Altify aims to supply alternate concern opportunities, that are usually reserved for ample institutions and the ultra-wealthy, to mean people. These alternate concern opportunities see backstage recognition (private debt), task capital, existent estate, crypto assets, and collectibles.

Merger Deal Backed by Shareholders

According to Sanders, the caller entity not lone cements an already established presumption successful the South African marketplace but besides enhances its concern reach. The caller CEO added:

“Ultimately, our extremity is to alteration South African investors the accidental to harness the powerfulness of alternate investment, positioning ourselves arsenic the go-to alternate concern level crossed South Africa and the bigger EMEA region.”

Sanders besides stated that the different extremity of the caller entity is to alteration the long-held cognition that lone individuals successful their 60s ought to put successful alternate assets.

Meanwhile, the connection revealed that the merger transaction had the enactment of the respective companies’ shareholders. These see Sabvest, CVVC, Founders Factory, Emurgo, High-Tech Gründerfonds, and Calm/Storm Ventures. The merger besides won the backing of angel investors Frank Westermann and Johann “Hansi” Hansmann.

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