The 3 tourist cities in Brazil using Bitcoin as money

6 months ago

Discover the cities of Jericoacoara, Rolante, and São Thomé das Letras, 3 tourer cities utilizing Bitcoin arsenic mundane money. Understand however the Lighting Network plays a important relation successful promoting the usage of Bitcoin arsenic a outgo method.

Store of Value oregon Medium of Exchange?

Bitcoin (BTC), the starring crypto connected the market, is establishing itself arsenic a reliable, liquid, and planetary store of value. With a marketplace worth of much than US$1 trillion, bitcoin is already larger than respective currencies issued by nationalist governments. Notably, Bitcoin is already larger than the Russian ruble and Swiss franc.

After years of method discussions, Bitcoin’s basal furniture is establishing itself arsenic a web for large-value settlement. At the aforesaid time, transactions requiring debased fees and precocious velocity are being carried retired connected second-layer, centralized, oregon decentralized solutions.

In particular, the Lightning Network (LN), a solution projected to amended Bitcoin’s scalability, is astir apt the astir utilized instrumentality for settling tiny bitcoin payments oregon making mundane purchases.

At slightest successful Brazil, LN is establishing itself arsenic a fashionable enactment for making mundane payments successful 3 tourer cities: Jericoacoara, São Thomé das Letras, and Rolante.

Notably, these cities are successful the North, Center, and South of Brazil. In each 3 cities, Bitcoin usage was driven by section non-profit projects.

Learn a small much astir these 3 occurrence stories from the Bitcoin world.

This nonfiction was primitively published connected the Brazilian blog Coinext, and focused connected bringing acquisition contented astir Bitcoin and the integer assets market.

São Thomé das Letras

São Thomé das Letras is undoubtedly 1 of the astir mystical places successful Brazil. The city, which has conscionable 8 1000 inhabitants, is 1 of the main tourer cities successful Minas Gerais, the authorities of which it is part.

São Thomé das Letras is located precocious connected a acceptable of mountains, which provides stunning views from anyplace successful the city. Furthermore, the metropolis is surrounded by waterfalls and rivers that are easy accessible. Another item is the countless legends and mysticism linked to the region, which impact gnomes, aliens, elves, and different mythological beings.

And it was amidst this script that the Mountain Bitcoin task emerged. The project, started by a section bitcoiner, aimed to dispersed cognition astir the starring crypto to the city’s residents, chiefly merchants and students.

The effect was impressive. Dozens of section businesses show stickers saying, “We judge Bitcoin.” Payments are made done LN done Satoshi and Blink Wallet.

Victor Souza, nonmigratory of São Thomé das Letras, stated that the task has aroused peculiar involvement among children successful Bitcoin:

“The children received immoderate satoshis successful their wallets, which they tin past walk connected effect astatine the largest section supermarket, which has agreed to enactment successful the project. The children were highly blessed and funny successful learning much astir Bitcoin. Bitcoin is successful information a generational technology, which tends to arouse the involvement of younger people. In the end, it is thing inevitable, a earthy improvement of money.”

Furthermore, Victor noted that payments successful Bitcoin are inactive uncommon compared to accepted methods, contempt galore businesses accepting the integer asset:

“Cash payments are inactive much common, and this is natural. People don’t privation to walk bitcoin. They similar to get escaped of anemic authorities money. But conscionable the anticipation of making purchases successful bitcoin is already a large improvement for the usage of integer money.”


The metropolis of Jericoacoara, located successful northeastern Brazil, became known arsenic Praia bash Bitcoin. Inspired by El Zonte, located successful El Salvador, Jeriquaquara pioneered utilizing Bitcoin arsenic currency.

The task was driven by bitcoiner Fernando Motolese, who promoted acquisition activities with section students and merchants.

“The schoolhouse librarian told maine that the computers successful the IT country had been turned disconnected for 2 years. I americium a machine technician. So I told the manager to fto him rise funds to hole the school’s computers.”

Motolese elaborated:

“We started getting closer. I posted online that I needed resources to hole the computers. This opened up the anticipation of america getting closer. So, the folks astatine Bitcoin Beach donated 0.1 bitcoin to us. With this donation of 0.1 bitcoin from Bitcoin Beach, we carried retired this activation, which consisted of producing 408 insubstantial wallets.”

Integration with LN was cardinal for adopting Bitcoin successful the region, which present has respective businesses that judge the starring integer asset.


Rolante, located successful confederate Brazil, has conscionable 21,000 inhabitants. However, much than 200 businesses judge the starring crypto successful the region, a precise important number.

The adoption of Bitcoin successful the portion was driven by the mates Ricardo and Camila, who founded the Bitcoin É Aqui project. In summation to boosting the usage of Bitcoin successful commerce, they besides held the lawsuit Bitcoin Spring Festival, which brought unneurotic Bitcoiners from each implicit the country.

Notably, the mates stated though the adoption of Bitcoin is helping to boost tourism successful the city:

“The Project “Bitcoin Is Here!” comes astatine a clip erstwhile section traders were bare for thing to boost tourism successful the region. And astatine the aforesaid time, erstwhile I was already restless and needed to walk connected the benefits of Bitcoin beyond myself.”

Victor Souza, caput of SEO astatine Criptonizando, highlighted that the immense bulk of merchants that judge Bitcoin successful the metropolis usage the Lighting Network to settee payments, which are past consolidated successful the basal layer:

“With the constitution of Bitcoin arsenic a colony furniture for ample amounts, LN gains prominence arsenic the main unfastened protocol for these payments. Due to the inactive somewhat analyzable UX, galore merchants opt for custodial wallets, which tin past beryllium sent to a proprietary address.”

Brazil and different countries successful Latin America are establishing themselves arsenic aboriginal adopters of Bitcoin. The portion has respective countries with anemic and inflationary currencies, which incentivizes the adoption of the starring integer assets. Initiatives specified arsenic Praia Bitcoin, Montanha Bitcoin, and Bitcoin É Aqui are precocious successful adopting Bitcoin arsenic existent money, which could instrumentality decades to hap globally.

The station The 3 tourer cities successful Brazil utilizing Bitcoin arsenic money appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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