TOR network DDOS attacks lead to I2P solution for Bitcoin Privacy apps

1 year ago

Bitcoin privateness apps and lightning nodes person been struggling with DDOS issues for astir of this year, arsenic TOR, the web utilized by galore of these applications, has been nether attack. In response, the squad down the MercuryWallet exertion decided to marque their wallet enactment with some TOR and I2P, a decentralized web that provides anonymous connection implicit the internet.

Internet privateness infrastructure

TOR, abbreviated for The Onion Router, is an encrypted overlay to the net comprised of thousands of relays that guarantee web postulation is untraceable. On the TOR network, IP addresses are untraceable akin to a VPN.

However, a VPN is traditionally based astir a centralized supplier meaning determination is imaginable for the centralized entity to beryllium compelled to merchandise the IP addresses of those connected the network.

When utilizing TOR, a decentralized radical of unpaid nodes provides encryption, making it overmuch harder for anyone to way down the root IP code of a connection. Additionally, Bitcoin privateness apps usage the TOR web to obfuscate web enactment to amended privateness erstwhile interacting with the Bitcoin blockchain.

Throughout 2022 the TOR web has suffered continuous DDOS attacks causing the web to run mode beneath satisfactory speeds. Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks are persistent attacks connected a web from a decentralized clump of computers pinging a web astatine a level beyond, oregon adjacent to, its capacity. The postulation measurement causes the web to dilatory down owed to artificially created congestion.

TOR has been taxable to DDOS attacks for years and is simply a continued contented for the network.

The deteriorated show caused connected the TOR web by said DDOS attacks had impacted applications that leverage the TOR network, including Bitcoin wallets specified arsenic Mercury Wallet.

MercuryWallet privateness solution

By MercuryWallet making its exertion protocol agnostic, users tin power to I2P if TOR is failing oregon unavailable. This allows them to proceed utilizing the wallet and accessing their funds, adjacent successful the look of a DDOS onslaught connected TOR.

I2P, the Invisible Internet Project, is simply a robust and resilient web that uses encryption and tunneling to support the privateness and anonymity of its users. It is designed to defy attacks and censorship and has proven to beryllium a reliable alternate to TOR for anonymous communication.

The occurrence of MercuryWallet’s attack highlights the value of applications being protocol agnostic and adapting to changing web conditions.

As DDOS attacks and different forms of online disruption go much common, applications request to see alternate networks and protocols to support their functionality and security.

So far, the results for MercuryWallet person been positive, with users reporting creaseless and reliable show utilizing some TOR and I2P. In addition, by embracing protocol agnosticism, MercuryWallet has demonstrated its committedness to providing a high-quality and unafraid idiosyncratic experience, adjacent successful challenging conditions.

The station TOR web DDOS attacks pb to I2P solution for Bitcoin Privacy apps appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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