Trader Joe's Native Coin Climbs as the DEX Unveils 'Modular Staking'

3 years ago

JOE, the autochthonal token of Avalanche-based decentralized speech (DEX) Trader Joe, is starring a rally successful DEX coins aft the protocol announced modular staking – a strategy gives token owners 3 autarkic ways of staking their holding.

Messari information amusement the JOE token has precocious 58% successful the past 7 days, outperforming DEX giants similar UNI, CAKE and CRV by a important margin. The cryptocurrency was changing hands adjacent $1.4 astatine property time, representing a 2% driblet connected a 24-hour basis.

"The token has been drafting request astir apt owed to its modular staking and the caller primitive they are launching," Lucas Outumoru, caput of probe astatine IntoTheBlock, told CoinDesk successful a Telegram chat. "The coin is comparatively undervalued successful presumption of the gross the DEX produces comparative to its marketplace cap."

Staking refers to the process of locking up coins successful a blockchain for a circumstantial play to lend to the information of the blockchain successful instrumentality for web rewards.

Most DEXes supposedly bring worth to their coin by giving token stakers a stock of gross oregon higher liquidity-provider (LP) rewards. However, according to Trader Joe capitalist GBV Capital, those methods bash not accrue worth and enactment lone arsenic incentives "to forestall radical from dumping the token."

The concern steadfast said successful a blog post published connected Jan. 31 that worth accrual happens done utility, that is by attaching arsenic galore usage cases to the token arsenic imaginable and, much so, by introducing modularity to the DEX token. That involves breaking down the strategy into aggregate pieces truthful that imaginable yields from the token's aggregate usage cases are not interlinked.

"People privation their DEX tokens to beryllium modular successful their function, and they privation to terms those functions independently," GBV Capital noted. "This is precisely what Trader Joe is doing."

Trader Joe's modular staking operation comprises 3 autarkic staking pools, which tin beryllium accessed with 3 antithetic tokens: rJOE, sJOE and veJOE. Users tin get each of these coins by staking the JOE token.

rJOE, a non-transferable token, is simply a gateway to Rocket Joe, a launchpad facilitating amended liquidity acquisition and terms find for caller projects connected the Avalanche blockchain. According to the official blog, the launchpad addresses issues similar token listings connected DEXes being front-run by bots and terms manipulation seen successful a debased liquidity environment.

Rocket Joe went live connected Feb. 1. Users tin present involvement JOE for rJOE and deposit the second into a motorboat excavation successful instrumentality for liquidity supplier tokens from the launch.

Trader Joe plans to rotation retired sJOE and veJOE aboriginal this month. Users tin involvement JOE for sJOE and get a stock successful Trader Joe's revenue. Similarly, users tin involvement JOE into veJOE and gain boosted yields. "veJOE holders tin summation their JOE yield farming rewards by up to +150% (2.5X)," the official explainer published past period said.

Essentially, modular staking allows users to take betwixt 3 staking pools oregon assorted combinations of the three. The caller tokenomics has retired Trader Joe's original staking mechanism xJOE.

"They are splitting up the staking successful protocol fee, boosted yields and launchpad entree – normally, everything is bundled unneurotic successful 1 staking token," Henrik Andersson, the co-founder and main concern serviceman of Australia-based crypto-asset concern steadfast Apollo Capital, told CoinDesk successful a LinkedIn chat. "While it's decidedly thing caller and interesting, it's inactive rather aboriginal to gauge its eventual success."

While the JOE token has outperformed the DEX heavyweights successful the past 7 days, the level is lagging the likes of Curve, PancakeSwap and SushiSwap successful presumption of full gross earned.

Trader Joe has raked successful a gross of $4.2million successful 7 days, conscionable down SushiSwap's tally of $6.1 million.


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