US Armed Services ramp up exploration of blockchain for military use

2 months ago

The US House Armed Services Committee’s latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) draught for fiscal twelvemonth 2025 includes important provisions for exploring blockchain technology’s relation successful nationalist information and defence applications. A committee-approved draught was sent to the afloat House for consideration, and the Senate Armed Services Committee advanced it to the Senate level connected July 9.

It states,

“The committee acknowledges the imaginable uses of blockchain exertion for broader nationalist information purposes wrong the defence landscape.”

The archetypal notation of blockchain exertion successful the NDAA occurred successful the fiscal twelvemonth 2018, denoting the archetypal designation of this exertion wrong nationalist defence legislation. During that year, the US House of Representatives added two blockchain-related amendments to the yearly defence spending bill. These amendments directed the Department of Defense (DoD) to research blockchain technology’s imaginable violative and antiaircraft cyber capabilities and to study backmost wrong 180 days.

The DoD fulfilled this requirement, producing a study examining blockchain’s cybersecurity capabilities, assessing its usage by the US Government and captious infrastructure networks, and evaluating their cyber-attack vulnerabilities. This indicated a increasing governmental involvement successful applying blockchain exertion for purposes specified arsenic cybersecurity and proviso concatenation management.

Blockchain for defense

This month, the Senate Armed Services Committee has continued to research blockchain technology’s imaginable for nationalist information and defence applications. The committee’s FY 2025 NDAA report includes directives related to blockchain, recognizing its imaginable to heighten the cryptographic integrity of defence proviso chains, amended information integrity, and trim risks of information manipulation by adversaries.

The Secretary of Defense has been instructed to analyse blockchain usage cases for nationalist information goals, focusing connected secure, transparent, accountable, and auditable information related to proviso chains. A briefing connected these applications is required by April 1, 2025.

This briefing is specifically to screen respective cardinal areas:

  • An appraisal of the benefits and risks of implementing blockchain successful proviso concatenation management.
  • An investigation of the existent authorities of blockchain adoption wrong the DoD and the defence concern base.
  • A program for aviator programs oregon probe initiatives exploring blockchain’s usage successful nationalist information applications specified arsenic proviso concatenation absorption and cybersecurity.
  • An investigation of blockchain probe and improvement activities by overseas countries, peculiarly China and Russia.
  • Organizational recommendations to foster blockchain improvement wrong the DoD, including the feasibility of creating a coordinating bureau oregon halfway of excellence.
  • Recommendations for legislative oregon regulatory actions to heighten proviso concatenation transparency and audibility done blockchain technology.

The Department of Defense had already been exploring blockchain applications, culminating successful a 2024 declaration with blockchain startup Constellation. This inaugural marked a important measurement successful utilizing blockchain to heighten the cybersecurity of backend systems and unafraid information transportation crossed Defense Transportation System commercialized airlift partners.

Bitcoin for offense

In summation to its ongoing exploration of blockchain applications, the Department of Defense whitethorn soon see Bitcoin arsenic portion of its strategical initiatives. Jason Lowery, the writer of “SoftWar: A Novel Theory connected Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin,” revealed that members of Donald Trump’s run medication person sought his expertise connected Bitcoin.

Lowery has highlighted Bitcoin’s imaginable for nationalist information and projected the enactment of a “US Hash Force” involving agencies similar the Department of Energy (DoE) and the Department of Defense (DoD). Specifically, helium suggests that the US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) oregon the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) found a Combined Hash Force Component Command (CHFCC).

This inaugural would impact collaboration with FVEYE and NATO countries to counteract integer warfare efforts by adversaries specified arsenic Russia and China. This connection aligns with the Senate Armed Services Committee’s directive to analyse blockchain usage cases for nationalist security, reflecting a broader governmental involvement successful leveraging blockchain exertion for defence and cybersecurity.

Current medication relation successful blockchain adoption successful the military

The caller directive from the Senate Armed Services Committee highlights a increasing designation of blockchain’s imaginable successful subject and defence applications. The committee’s proactive stance includes plans for aviator programs, assessments of blockchain’s benefits and risks for proviso concatenation management, analyses of its existent adoption successful manufacture and by overseas countries, and feasibility and outgo estimates. This evolving exploration reflects a strategical propulsion toward leveraging blockchain exertion for improved nationalist information and defence capabilities.

While the SEC has been allowed to regulate done enforcement, the sitting authorities has played a notable relation successful advancing the adoption of blockchain exertion wrong the defence sector. Through legislative actions, strategical contracts, and cross-agency initiatives, the authorities has laid the groundwork for integrating blockchain exertion into nationalist information and nationalist work operations.

The Senate’s directive to research blockchain for subject applications, the adoption of subject contracts with blockchain companies, and the House’s passage of the FIT 21 measure bespeak legislative enactment for blockchain exertion successful this area. However, integer assets moving connected blockchain person a little evident aboriginal nether the Democrats than the Republicans pursuing the new RNC platform for 2024.

The station US Armed Services ramp up exploration of blockchain for subject use appeared archetypal connected CryptoSlate.

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