Visa Customers Made $2.5B in Crypto-Linked Payments in Q1

2 years ago

Visa users made $2.5 cardinal successful payments with crypto-connected cards during the company’s fiscal archetypal quarter, Visa CEO Al Kelly said successful its net telephone Thursday.

  • The fig for the 4th was 70% of Visa’s crypto measurement for each of fiscal 2021, Kelly added connected the telephone with analysts. Over 65 crypto platforms and exchanges, including Coinbase and Blockfi, person partnered to contented Visa credentials, the institution said.

  • More than 100 cardinal vendors successful the Visa web are besides present accepting Visa payments, the institution added.

  • Kelly said Visa continues to “lean into the crypto space” and amended areas specified arsenic connectivity, scale, user worth propositions, reliability and information for crypto offerings to proceed growing.

  • The institution said successful its earnings statement that full processed transactions by Visa for the 4th were $47.6 billion, up 21% implicit the anterior year.

  • Last December, Visa formed a planetary crypto advisory practice to assistance fiscal institutions make their cryptocurrency businesses arsenic request for crypto products continues to grow.


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Michael Bellusci is CoinDesk's crypto payments reporter.

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