What is a Doji candle pattern and how to trade with it?

1 year ago

The Doji candlestick, besides called a Doji star, shows indecision betwixt buyers and sellers successful the crypto market. This benignant of candlestick is confirmed connected a method investigation illustration erstwhile the opening and closing prices are astir identical.

What is simply a Doji signifier connected the candlestick chart?

In elemental terms, a Doji shows that an asset's buyers and sellers offset each other. In doing so, immoderate attempts to push up the price by the buyers get thwarted by the sellers. Similarly, efforts to clang the prices from the sellers' extremity get foiled by the buyers.

Ultimately, some parties bring the terms to a pivot level. So, for example, erstwhile Bitcoin (BTC) opens and closes astatine $20,000 connected a peculiar time adjacent if its terms seesawed betwixt $25,000 and $15,000 passim the given24-hour period.

Doji candlestick illustration

So the $25,000 terms level — oregon the intraday precocious — represents the Doji's precocious wick, and the $15,000 terms level — the intraday debased — represents the candlestick's little wick.

How does a Doji candle work?

Doji candlesticks person historically helped traders foretell market bottoms and tops as a calm earlier the tempest of sorts.

For example, a Doji candlestick that forms during an uptrend could signify bullish exhaustion, i.e., much buyers moving to the sellers' side, typically starring to a inclination reversal.

It is valid to enactment that the Doji signifier does not needfully mean that determination volition ever beryllium a inclination reversal. Instead, it shows indecision among traders astir aboriginal trends.

Hence, it's amended to corroborate the Doji candlestick awesome with the assistance of further method indicators. For instance, a technical indicator similar the comparative spot scale (RSI) and/or Bollinger bands tin springiness much value to what the Doji signifier suggests.

Related: 5 More Bullish Candlestick Patterns Every Bitcoin Trader Must Know

Types of Doji patterns and however to commercialized them

Doji patterns tin alteration depending connected the presumption and magnitude of the shadow. These are the astir fashionable variations:

Neutral Doji

The neutral Doji consists of a candlestick with an astir invisible assemblage located successful the mediate of the candlestick, with the precocious and little wicks of akin lengths. This signifier appears erstwhile bullish and bearish sentiments are balanced.

Traders tin harvester the neutral Doji with momentum indicators similar the RSI oregon Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) to assistance place imaginable marketplace tops and bottoms.

BTC/USD regular terms featuring Neutral Doji candlestick pattern. Source: TradingView

For instance, a neutral Doji occurrence successful an uptrend coinciding with an overbought RSI (>70) could constituent to an imminent marketplace correction. Similarly, the candlestick's occurrence successful a downtrend erstwhile the RSI has turned oversold (<30) could precede a marketplace rebound.

Long-legged Doji

The long-legged doji has longer wicks, suggesting that buyers and sellers person tried to instrumentality power of the terms enactment aggressively astatine immoderate constituent during the candle's timeframe. 

Normal Doji vs. Long-legged Doji. Source: Commodity.com

Traders should cautiously show the candlestick's closing terms erstwhile identifying a imaginable long-legged Doji. 

Notably, the Doji is simply a bearish awesome if the closing terms is beneath the mediate of the candle, particularly if it is adjacent to absorption levels. Conversely, if the closing terms is supra the mediate of the candle, it is bullish, arsenic the enactment resembles a bullish pin barroom pattern.

Bearish Long-legged Doji illustration

If the closing terms is close successful the middle, it could beryllium considered a inclination continuation pattern. In this case, 1 tin ever notation to erstwhile candles to foretell aboriginal trends.

Dragonfly Doji

The Dragonfly Doji appears similar a T-shaped candle with a agelong little wick and astir nary precocious wick. It means that the open, the close, and the precocious terms are astir astatine the aforesaid level.

Dragonfly Doji illustration

If the Dragon Doji signifier forms astatine the extremity of a downtrend, it tin beryllium considered a bargain signal, arsenic shown below.

ETH/USD regular terms illustration featuring Dragonfly Doji. Source: TradingView

Conversely, the candlestick's occurence during an uptrend hints astatine a imaginable reversal.

Gravestone Doji

A Gravestone Doji represents an inverted T-shaped candlestick, with the unfastened and adjacent coinciding with the low. The candlestick indicates that the buyers attempted to summation the terms but could not prolong the bullish momentum.

Gravestone Doji illustration

When the Gravestone Doji appears successful an uptrend. it tin beryllium considered a reversal pattern. On the different hand, its occurrence successful a downtrend hints astatine a imaginable upside retracement.

Four Price Doji

The Four Price Doji is simply a signifier that seldom appears connected a candlestick illustration but successful low-volume conditions oregon precise abbreviated periods. Notably, it looks similar a minus sign, suggesting that each 4 terms indicators (open, close, precocious and low) are astatine the aforesaid level implicit a fixed period.

Four Price Doji illustration

In different words, the marketplace did not determination during the play covered by the candlestick. This benignant of Doji is not a reliable signifier and tin beryllium ignored. It conscionable shows a infinitesimal of indecision successful the market.

How reliable is the Doji candle pattern?

The Doji candlestick signifier whitethorn not supply the strongest bargain oregon merchantability signals successful method analysis, and should apt beryllium utilized alongside different metrics. Nevertheless, it is simply a utile marketplace awesome to see erstwhile gauging the grade of indecisiveness betwixt buyers and sellers.

Building a trading strategy based connected Doji candle patterns is champion suited for experienced intermediate oregon nonrecreational traders who tin easy place and accurately interprthe fixed signals.

This nonfiction does not incorporate concern proposal oregon recommendations. Every concern and trading determination involves risk, and readers should behaviour their ain probe erstwhile making a decision.

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