How A Bug Temporarily Brought Down One Implementation Of The Lightning Network

1 year ago

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In this occurrence of “Bitcoin, Explained,” hosts Aaron van Wirdum and Sjors Provoost sermon a caller bug successful the btcd Bitcoin implementation that affected a ample portion of the Lightning Network, arsenic it disconnected LND Lightning nodes from the Bitcoin blockchain.

In the episode, van Wirdum and Provoost explicate that a developer going by the sanction Burak connected Twitter created a 998-of-999 multisig transaction by leveraging the caller Taproot upgrade. Although this was a valid transaction, btcd and LND nodes rejected it, and truthful rejected the artifact that included the transaction and each blocks that came aft it. Lightning Labs released a spot that aforesaid evening to hole the contented with LND nodes.

Specifically, Provoost explains, btcd rejected the transaction due to the fact that it has a maximum bounds connected however overmuch witnesser information a Segwit transaction tin include. Although different Bitcoin implementations bash enforce this bounds connected Segwit mentation 0 transactions, Segwit mentation 1 (that is, Taproot) transactions person nary specified limit. This discrepancy is what seems to person caused the contented successful the btcd implementation.

Still, it is simply a spot unclear wherefore this bug successful btcd seemingly besides affected galore LND Lightning nodes which usage Bitcoin Core alternatively than btcd to validate blocks. In the 2nd fractional of this week's episode, Provoost speculates however the 2 whitethorn beryllium connected.

To reason the episode, van Wirdum and Provoost explicate however the Lightning Network is affected erstwhile Lightning nodes cull the Bitcoin blockchain.

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