Into the Gaming Metaverse: Cardania Launches on KICK․IO Starting February 15

2 years ago

press release

PRESS RELEASE. Gaming is rapidly becoming little astir games and much astir people.

As radical question retired engaging experiences online, the societal constituent wrong games is progressively the main attraction and a cardinal selling point. The popularity of MMOs similar WoW, Everquest, oregon Second Life tin partially beryllium attributed to the societal factor. Market observers expect adjacent higher idiosyncratic maturation wrong the adjacent iteration of gaming – metaverses.

On apical of this inclination is Cardania ($RAD), a large-scale metaverse that is built connected the Cardano blockchain and volition soon beryllium conducting its nationalist merchantability connected KICK.IO. Cardania is connected a ngo to make a functional metaverse economy, wherever play-to-earn mechanics spell hand-in-hand with an engaging, interactive and rewarding gaming experience. The RAD token is the halfway of the gaming ecosystem’s economy, and present you tin ain a portion of it portion it grows!

Cardania relies connected NFT and token technology, exploring ways to get the astir retired of innovative gaming concepts. The enactment takes spot wrong the fictional Sol System megastructure – an past and glorious satellite that is simply a surviving testament to humanity’s perseverance wrong a chaotic spot they telephone home. The Summoning Pool [SUMN], a mystical interdimensional portal and a limitless root of vigor (also a Cardano stakepool!), randomly summons monsters and teleports Cardania’s inhabitants to caller exotic locations, taking them connected adventures they person ne'er anticipated.

Public merchantability connected KICK.IO

Cardania’s priority IDO circular volition footwear disconnected connected February 15, 15:00 UTC for 24 hours, and volition beryllium past opened to the wide nationalist connected February 16, 15:00 UTC. Projections bespeak important capitalist interest, truthful beryllium definite to people the dates! In short, existent games are a 1 mode bummer.

Tokens are offered lone for jurisdictions wherever specified enactment is ineligible and appropriately regulated.

IDO Details

  • Ticker: RAD
  • KYC: Yes
  • Payment options: ADA

Priority Public Sale (24 hours before)

  • Price: 0.0011 ADA
  • Start: February 15 15:00 UTC
  • End: February 16 15:00 UTC
  • Requirement to purchase: 10,000 KICK staked successful a locked pool
  • Requirement to endorse: 25,000 KICK staked successful a locked pool

Public Sale

  • Price: 0.0012 ADA
  • Start: February 16 15:00 UTC
  • End: February 19 15:00 UTC
  • Requirement to endorse: 25,000 KICK staked successful a locked pool.

Tokens are offered lone for jurisdictions wherever specified enactment is ineligible and appropriately regulated.


KICK.IO is simply a Cardano-based fundraising level and task accelerator, designed to supply transparent, efficient, and afloat decentralized crowdfunding services. KICK.IO is acceptable to mature into a cornerstone of the caller Cardano-dominated DeFi landscape, becoming the spot wherever Cardano’s extended assemblage tin travel unneurotic to money projects characterized by the immense imaginable for aboriginal success.

Our next-generation decentralized launchpad volition beryllium built according to the champion DeFi manufacture practices, ensuring real-time settlement, top-notch security, interoperability, existent decentralization, zero counterparty risk, portion besides being afloat scalable to conscionable the needs of organization investors. Unlike our competitors, we connection afloat enactment of Cardano autochthonal tokens and a suite of precocious DeFi tools that upcoming projects request to thrive and prosper.

For much accusation connected KICK.IO:

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The astir RAD Metaverse wrong Cardano – Cardania:

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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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