New Data Shows China Still Controls 21% Of The Global Bitcoin Mining Hashrate

2 years ago

China is backmost with a vengeance. The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, oregon CCAF, collected information “spanning the play from September 2021 to January 2022” for their latest study. The header is that, prohibition oregon nary ban, the Asian state controls 21% of the Global Bitcoin mining hashrate. Since June 2021, present successful NewsBTC, we’ve been wracking our brains trying to fig retired why did China prohibition bitcoin mining. Maybe we were barking astatine the incorrect histrion the full time. 

According to the CCAF’s numbers, unsurprisingly the “US has remained astatine the forefront of Bitcoin mining and extended its starring presumption (37.84%).” For their part, “China has re-emerged arsenic a large mining hub (21.11%). Kazakhstan (13.22%), Canada (6.48%), and Russia (4.66%) person been relegated to much distant places.” Let’s spot what other tin we larn from the CCAF’s numbers.

Is China All The Way Back? How Did This Happen? 

As it turns out, the CCAF investigation uncovered numbers that “strongly suggest that important underground mining enactment has formed successful the country”. Can we beryllium definite that the mentation is real? And if it is, however did the underground China bitcoin mining manufacture surge truthful fast?

“Following the authorities prohibition successful June 2021, reported hashrate for the full state efficaciously plummeted to zero during the months of July and August. Yet reported hashrate abruptly surged backmost to 30.47 EH/s successful September 2021, instantly catapulting China to 2nd spot globally successful presumption of installed mining capableness (22.29% of full market).”

The study wonders what happened, “a comeback of this magnitude wrong the play of 1 period would look improbable fixed carnal constraints, arsenic it takes clip to find existing oregon physique caller non-traceable hosting facilities astatine that scale”. And theorizes that possibly the underground miners were utilizing VPNs to fell their determination and then, suddenly, decided that they were harmless capable to halt hiding. Which seems unlikely.

BTCUSD terms  illustration  for 05/18/2022 - TradingView

BTC terms illustration for 05/18/2022 connected Bitfinex | Source: BTC/USD connected

Non-China Countries

Sadly but predictably, the survey besides recovered retired that “the hashrate betterment has not been distributed evenly”. How did the non-China countries successful the Top 5 bash successful the studied period?

  • The United States “surpassed the remainder of the satellite successful presumption of hashrate growth. This is evidenced by installed capableness surging from 42.74 EH/s (35.40%) successful August 2021 to 70.97 EH/s (37.84%) successful January 2022.”
  • In Kazakhstan, for their part, “Total hashrate continued to summation successful September and peaked astatine 27.31 EH/s successful October, until repeated powerfulness outages towards the extremity of past year, and a week-long net shutdown earlier this year, forced miners to temporarily suspend operations.”
  • Surprisingly, “Russia connected the different manus not lone experienced a important driblet successful comparative hashrate stock from 11.23% successful August 2021 to 4.66% successful January 2022, but besides a important diminution successful full installed mining capableness publication from 13.56 EH/s to 8.74 EH/s implicit the aforesaid period.”
  • Last but not least, “Canada experienced lone a mean summation successful its hashrate from 11.54 EH/s successful August 2021 to 12.15 EH/s successful January 2022, which resulted successful a nonaccomplishment successful marketplace stock from 9.55% to 6.48% arsenic full web hashrate was increasing importantly faster. ”

The CCAF Spreads FUD

Of course, the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance couldn’t walk the accidental to dispersed immoderate unfounded rumors astir bitcoin mining. This is what the CCAF said: 

“These geographic shifts successful mining activities bring to the fore however relocations interaction the wide sustainability of the network. For instance, caller probe has suggested that the Chinese determination to prohibition Bitcoin mining has so worsened – alternatively than improved – Bitcoin’s biology footprint.”

The CCAF is utilizing this study’s findings, which fundamentally says that they NOW judge what bitcoiners ever said. That China was mostly utilizing hydropower vigor for bitcoin mining, and not coal. The information is, arsenic acold arsenic utilizing greenish energy, bitcoin mining continues to beryllium the cleanest manufacture successful the world

Whenever we find intentional FUD spreading similar this 1 close here, we person to cheque retired who paid for the study. As it turns out, the numbers travel straight from the Cambridge Digital Assets Programme. The CCAF big the CDAP “in collaboration with 16 salient nationalist and backstage institutions”. Among them, we find the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mastercard, Visa, and the World Bank.

And close then, everything made sense.

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